Avoid These Common Mistakes When Transitioning to Cloud Hosting

Cloud computing has become a buzzword in the online world, especially in businesses. It is being said by many that it is going to replace one specified location-based hosting. Now, the question comes, what is cloud hosting? It is a digital network that helps businesses in surfing files from different resources and computes such files in different forms like – applications. This means you can access data from any possible internet-enabled device. However, there are many other advantages too.

One of the most common benefits is the ability of a business team to work on a project from various parts of the world. With the advancement in cloud technology, all the team members can collaborate at a time and work on the same file as well as on the same computer application from different geographical locations at the same time. Another most important benefit is the perspective of cost. It has been seen that buying high-end hard drives cost a lot. The same cost can be decreased significantly if cloud storage is chosen.

Supposedly the most important advantage of cloud hosting is the availability of the data stored even the computer or hard drive you are using gets stolen. This is because of fact that the data is stored on a remote server is not physically server-specific. Yet another benefit the users will know is when they want to migrate their hosting service. In such cases of cloud migration, the process is very simple, especially when compared with location-based physical server hosting. We now know the various reasons for you to adopt the cloud.

However, this article is being written not for highlighting the benefits but to pinpoint the mistakes that are needed to be avoided while migrating to a cloud hosting solution.

3 Common Mistakes before choosing Web Hosting: –

  • Wrong Choice of the Cloud Service Provider

When choosing a cloud hosting service, many businesses go for the cheap service providers and they end up losing their own projects. This is the reason why a business must choose only reliable hosting services. One of the best resources for knowing how good a cloud service provider is, you must read the reviews of the same and search whether there is any mention of any problem during the transfer of data. If you find any such information about a good service provider, please keep in mind not to prioritize the same service provider. Always lookout for a reputed one who has zero reviews about problems during data migration. Ask the cloud hosting company whether they have any facility for saving data. In any case, if they can provide a cloud migration facility. Also, ask the number of backups they are going to take.

In addition to this information, it is always desirable to ask your cloud service provider whether the encryption facility is there for uploading or downloading files. Encryption comes in different factors. Many cloud hosting companies provide encryption on the URL and others provide it directly on the cloud. As we have stated that encryption comes with different factors. There is another important aspect and that is the encryption of data. You can know about this by reading the Terms of Service (ToS) of the hosting provider.

  • Inefficiency to Take Full Benefit of Cloud Hosting

Clouds are basically versatile in nature. The major mistake done by almost all businesses is their inability to take full advantage of various aspects of the cloud. When it comes to the cloud, they not only optimize business processes but also reduce expenses.

Here are some of the ways through which you can utilize clouds more efficiently. When you choose a reputed cloud hosting solution, what you essentially do is get rid of the need of backing up content that is saved in the cloud. Therefore, it is very important while transitioning data to a cloud that all the digital resources are saved on the cloud. This will ensure that the storage backup responsibilities are minimized.

There are many professionals who have to work from home as well as office. In such cases, there is no need of transferring data from one computer to another. The content or application you are working upon is available from both home and office computers. What you basically need is a cloud that has an internet-enabled device.

  • Requirement of Bandwidth

There are many businesses that shy away from buying enough bandwidth because of decreasing costs. These crops up as a major problem because of the simple fact that the applications run slow when bandwidth is low. If you need to cut costs, don’t go for cutting bandwidth. Always go for compressing files and also try using data deduplication, thereby eliminating redundant data.

Conclusion: –

Choosing of cloud hosting solution might make you a bit confuse because nowadays there are many cloud hosting companies that provide different hosting services. At the start, you might make mistake but if you do prior research before opting for any cloud hosting solution. There will be no chance of any kind of mistake while purchasing cloud hosting. For further understanding and learning, you can visit Go4hosting. We also offer great cloud hosting solutions at a very budget price.

Cloud CDN Technologies – Not as far as it Looks

So, you have launched a website, hosted your server with the best provider but your customers are still complaining about poor site performance. They say the website loads too slow; a fraction of your visitors even abandoned your website before it could display a character. Research showed that a delay of just 1 second can cause a 7% loss of visitors which could lead to loss of web traffic on your website.

Hopefully, you now realize the seriousness of the issue we are addressing here. A second might seem insignificant, but it is not. Also, if you continue to be even a bit complacent about your website’s performance, you are getting nowhere.

Disclaimer: The blog throws light on an ever-evolving concept called CDN, which can scale your site’s speed, embellish SEO metrics, and increase time on site. Exit at your own risk.

Here is very short story about our blog. When we first started blogging, we opted for the cheapest host we could then find. We had not the slightest idea that performance is the frontline of customer acquisition. To knock more sense into the last statement – “Customers Buy Products that Convey Value”. So, a visitor can hang on for longer on your website if: –

  • There is no other place one could find content available on your site
  • Performance adds to your site’s value

So we started writing stories, poems and eventually started to have visitors on our WordPress blog. The impressions we received were actually increasing day after day for months until the day it went down, and it sudden fell drastically. It happen because we uploaded too much content than WordPress blog could handle. The loading speed was tremendously low. In some cases, we heard people complaining that they had waited almost a minute for articles to load.

Content Delivery Network

It is all normal at this moment for you to contemplate where the problem started in the first place.

Just think we were running a website (and the server) from Texas. A quarter of website traffic comes from London, another from Sydney (Australia), and the remaining from Delhi (India) and New York.

Source: Google Maps

Geographically, We were closest to New York, with the distance being around 1800 miles and farthest from Sydney, with the two cities separated by a distance of almost 4900 miles.

Every time somebody opens up our WordPress blog, a series of requests is made to the server. At the same time the requests are granted files is transferred to the end-user. This transmission takes place through undersea cables back and forth.

Because we have been an amateur blogger, and poor as well,  have servers at only one place, but visitors from all around the world. So, the same server that is catering to requests from New York is also sending articles to New Delhi.

This transmission (requesting permission and receiving files) takes place in a matter of milliseconds and is directly proportional to the distance between the two points.

Below, we have arbitrarily assumed some data for our understanding –

Thus, a user based in New York might not face as many problems but user in Sydney or New Delhi face many issues. During rush hours, our WordPress blog saw a huge surge in web traffic and unfortunately crashed almost every alternate day.

Relocating server was not a solution either. Even if we had relocated it, where would we have it moved? Doing so would have solved the problem in one city and creating issue in the other city.

For most of the time, the site was either out of service or running so slow a turtle would outrun it, frankly speaking. Our WordPress blog’s performance took a dig in terms of the number of visitors. Within a couple of months our WordPress blog visitors shrunk to 10 per day of which not less than 8 visits were my own. We need a solution to this problem. So after further research, we get to know about CDN (Content Delivery Network).

CDN (Content Delivery Network) solves this problem. It brings the content closer to the end-user, thereby reducing the distance between the content and the user.

What may have caused such stress on the network?

It takes content 40 milliseconds to reach New York and 187 seconds (almost 4.5 times) to reach Sydney. The duration of a blink itself is around 400 milliseconds. So, 40 or 180 msec, what difference does it make when contents in both cities are rendered within the blink of an eye? Again, the problem is not the distance but the server. My server was so minimalist in terms of performance it could not cater to more than 200 visitors at one time. 

This combined with the long distances where files were supposed to be delivered, culminated us in shutting down my blog forever. Not only CDN solutions very unpopular during those days, but also, we would not have spent a penny extra on our blog; especially when the hosting provider had already emptied my piggy bank.

When some users went off my site and the load came within the deliverable limits of the server, the website loaded so smoothly as if it never crashed.

What Content Delivery Network could do?

We are now sure that you have now understand what Content Delivery Network could do. It is a grid of servers, apart from your root server, that distributes and then caches files to cater to requests thenceforth.

Say, we had cached our content with a delivery network with CDN points in New Delhi, Melbourne, and Manchester. Now, where do you think the requests are likely to be catered from? From the CDN point nearest to the user, obviously.

CDN points may be distributed all throughout the world. A single country may have multiple hot points or none at all. For our blog, if our CDN service provider allowed us to choose hot points, We would have placed them all in India and a few near London – most of our WordPress blog traffic came from these two regions.

Now, if a request is made for an article in Toronto, where do you think this request can be best catered to?

The best CDN practices to cache content

Even though the files are now fetched through CDN points, the base server is still the root of everything and anything on your website. Even the best CDN won’t work until files are cached to the distribution network. Content caching to CDN servers is unlike copying files from one storage drive to the other. Two CDN techniques are currently in use: –

  • The Push CDN – had we rejuvenated our WordPress with push CDN, We would be forcing files from my root server (at Texas) to the delivery network, which would then send it to all its notes. Thus, Push CDN achieves caching by the uploading of static data on the root server.
  • The Pull CDN – the pull CDN will not have those files that are not requested by the users even once. When a request is made, it first goes to the nearest CDN point, where the system checks whether the files are yet available in its servers. If no, CDN point redirects the request to the root server, delivers the content to the user, and finally distributes them throughout its network.

There is nothing particularly good or bad in CDNs types. The PULL network is ideal for cases where there is a tremendous amount of data in the server and not all of it is used with the same frequency. This technique is the most useful for websites with a number of pages, many of which sit idle and barely have visitors.

PUSH is rather more open in terms of compatibility and supports a range of requirements. Though, it can be somewhat more expensive than its cousin PULL.

Can CDN technologies lead to conversion?

Business conversions are dependent upon two factors –

  • Number of leads
  • Relevancy of lead

Obviously, the more leads you have in your bucket more the customers you can approach for business. This is also evident from the fact that Stores have a large amount of crowd in them generate the maximum sales.

As long as you are targeting correct keywords, the relevancy of leads is not something you should worry about. Websites that have complained of irrelevant leads in the past had either wrong backlinks or targeted incorrect keywords on some pages.

Page load speed and performance are two important characteristics search engines have increasingly drawn their focus to. Because CDN enhances the page load characteristics, your site will experience a significant SEO boost.

Further, when we had the idea of using CDN for myself, we were skeptical because our content would go to a foreign server. With over time it was made aware that CDN uses caching algorithms and canonical headers to enhance SEO. This mean that Google would not have punished our blog for duplicating content – the canonical makes sure both CDN and original server can serve one source, through different locations.

Takeaway – Where could you Deploy CDN solutions?

CDN is useful for websites that get traffic from several locations around the world. Additionally, the traffic should be healthy enough to invest in CDN. It might not pay off investing in CDN to cater to traffic during spike hours only. If your server can handle visitors pretty well, then there is a sudden surge, you should consider scaling the server instead. When the situation is such that a large number of visitors maneuver on your site simultaneously, there is no escaping CDN.

Understanding the Cost Involved in AWS Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps you to have a faster method of operation.

  • It helps in IT costs reduction, and attain global solutions.
  • With global storage and database analytics operating with the application, and deployment services working in place.
  • The major benefit of cloud functioning services is that it has the ability of cost optimization to match with your needs and adapt themselves simultaneously as per business requirements.
  • It helps you in building an innovative and cost-effective solution with the help of the latest technology in place.

Key Principles:

The Fundamentals of Pricing: The three major drivers of cost are AWS compute, outbound data transfer, and storage system. There is no major charge of Inbound data transfer charge. The higher the data transfer, the lesser you pay per GB.

Start Early with Cost Optimization: Cloud adoption is not only about technical evolution but is also about how organizations operate. Cost optimization tells about the visibility of cost for having an enhanced business growth.

Make full use of flexibility: You can emphasize innovation and reduce complexity. AWS enables your business to be completely elastic. While not using the instances, the cost gets lower by 70 percent by using them 24/7.

With the right pricing model for the job, AWS has various pricing models that can fit with any product:

  • On-Demand: You pay only for compute or database capacity with no future commitments.
  • Dedicated Instances: Amazon EC2 runs VPCs on hardware that has dedicated to a single customer.
  • Spot Instances: Spot Instances is an Amazon EC2 pricing mechanism that helps you to purchase computing capacity.
  • Reservations: provides you the ability to receive larger discounts, along with Cost optimization.

Get started with the AWS Free Tier:

It helps you to gain free, hands-on experience with AWS products and services. It provides the price plans which expire after 12 months of signing in and also provides many other features that never expire.

The following free-tier offers are only available:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service
  • Amazon Relational Database Service
  • Amazon Cloud Front

Pricing details for individual services:
Different services types provide different pricing models. For example, the Amazon EC2 pricing varies by instance type.
But with the Amazon Aurora database service has pricing charges of data input/output (I/0) and storage.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud:
The EC2 is a highly secured and managed compute capacity that works well with the cloud-managed system. It actually makes web-scale cloud computing easy for developers. Amazon EC2 helps in the reduction of the required boot service that operates on the new server instances by easily allowing you to increase the functioning capacity, and by managing the system both ways scaling up and down.

Pricing models for Amazon EC2:
There are four ways to pay for Amazon EC2 instances

  • On-Demand Instances
  • Spot Instances
  • Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances
  • Dedicated Hosts

On-Demand Instances:
You only pay for what computing capacity you have used.

  • It gives lower cost and flexibility with EC2 without any commitments.
  • Applications with changeable workloads can be adopted.
  • For the first time, Amazon EC2 always develops and tests applications.

Spot Instances:
Allows sparing Amazon EC2 computing capacity up to 90 percent off the On-Demand price.

  • There are many flexible start and end times for all applications.
  • Feasible at very low computer prices.
  • Urgent computing needs for managing capacity.

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances:
It helps in providing a reservation, with the additional ability to launch instances whenever required.

  • Applications that have a steady usage
  • Applications require capacity.

Dedicated Hosts:
It is an EC2 server for dedicated use. It offers cost optimization. It uses software like Windows Server, SQL Server. It also has a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Factors before you begin to estimate the Amazon EC2 costs:

  • Clock hours of server time
  • Instance type
  • Pricing model
  • Number of instances
  • Load balancing
  • Detailed monitoring
  • Auto Scaling
  • Elastic IP addresses
  • Operating systems and software packages.

AWS Lambda:
AWS Lambda lets you put code into practice without minute management of servers. You pay only for the resources you actually consume; no charge is taken for operating the code. You just upload the code and the rest of everything is taken care of by Lambda.

AWS Lambda pricing: With Lambda pricing, your payment is only for he usage. The requests of Lambda are calculated every time it executes an event notification. Duration is seen from the starting time of your code till execution. It is rounded up to 100 milliseconds. The price setting is as per the memory allocation to your running function.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS):
AWS provides a block-level storing volume for usage with the Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon EBS provides two types of volumes:
SSD-backed volumes are optimized for transactional workloads with read /write operations of the I/O size.
HDD-backed volumes are balanced for handling large workload streaming for enhanced and better performance than IOPs.
Amazon EBS pricing factors include:
Data transfer

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3):
Amazon S3 is an object storage system built up for storing and retrieving the data from various sources as websites, applications of mobile, and the data operating from devices to IoT sensors. It has a design delivery of over 99.999999999 percent. It offers cost-effectiveness for the pricing model.
For the Estimation of Amazon S3 storage costs:
Storage class
Data Transfer

Amazon S3 Glacier:
It is a secure, durable, and very low-cost cloud storage service device for achieving data and backup. Amazon Glacier provides query functionality for managing analytics easily. The Amazon Glacier also has a lower cost associated with it for the long-term storage of data. It has complete Data access options and its retrieval.

AWS Snowball:
AWS Snowball is a complete data transport solution that uses a secured appliance functioning for transferring huge chunks of data in and out of the AWS cloud. AWS Snowball is a simple, fast, and highly secure system for managing high-speed internet. In this you pay the fees as per the data transfer is done.

Amazon RDS:
Amazon RDS is a completely web-based service that helps in setting up, operating, and scaling a relational database in the cloud. It is a cost-efficient capacity that manages the time usage of the database along with tedious tasks so as to have enhanced business experience and applications.
Factors that drive the costs of Amazon RDS which Estimates the Amazon RDS costs:

  • Clock hours of server time
  • Database characteristics
  • Database purchase type
  • Number of database instances
  • Provisioned storage
  • Additional storage
  • Requests
  • Data transfer

You can optimize your costs for Amazon RDS database instances as per your application needs.

Amazon Dynamo DB:

  • It is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for running all the applications.
  • It needs a consistent, single-digit working at any scale.
  • It is having a managed cloud system. It supports both document and storage models.
  • It has a highly flexible data model.
  • It offers reliable performance, and automatic scaling of capacity so that software can easily work on it.
  • Dynamo DB provisions the resources for achieving the targets by using the read and write capacity.
  • It then auto-scales the capacity of the system based on the usage of resources.

Amazon Cloud Front:

Amazon Cloud Front is a content delivery network (CDN) service that is operating globally. It offers a secured data delivery of the videos and the applications. It helps the APIs to view the lower latency and higher security transfer rates. Amazon Cloud Front pricing: Amazon Cloud Front has charges that are based on the data transfers, it also has requests which manage the content usage of users.

When you begin to estimate the cost of Amazon Cloud Front:

  • Traffic distribution
  • Requests
  • Data transfer out

Optimizing costs with reservations: 

For having completely stable applications, various organizations can have cost savings by the usage of the Reserved Instances (RIs) and other models to manage the computer and data services. Many cloud-based workloads show a major pattern.

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances:

You can easily use the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances for reserving capacity and getting a discount on your instance usage as per the on-demand using. The prices are charged for the EC2 instance every time of hour as per the Reserved Instance.

Amazon Dynamo DB Reserved Capacity:

The Reserved Capacity provides a lot of savings and cost optimization.  Above the normal price of Dynamo DB with the capacity functioning.

Amazon RDS RIs:

The Amazon RDS RIs can be bought by the use of No Upfront, the Partial Upfront payments, or All payments at the Upfront terms.


The services and features offered by AWS have drastically increased. Here you pay for what you use. The philosophy is simpler for the AWS services you pay lesser than what you are using.  Here you pay even lesser than you actually use.

The costs associated with web application hosting can be sometimes a challenging task, as a solution uses multiple features across multiple domains. The purchase options and plans to be seen before opting for it. The best method of AWS cost optimization is the examination of features and characteristics for each AWS product by estimating your usage and then mapping it with prices present on the website.

For a better understanding of how AWS pricing works in the context of a real-world solution, you can understand the complete cost calculation method in depth.

Go4hosting develops a completely managed and customized solution for every client to achieve the highest targets. Go4hosting with Amazon web service abilities has innovative network protection methods for clients to have the best outputs and features.

Know more about – Amazon Web Services VPS Pricing, Underlying Cost

AWS X-Ray Integrates with API Gateway

With the help of Go4hosting, you can easily achieve maximum value from Amazon Web Services for your business. The complete migration of various applications onto the managed AWS cloud services becomes an effortless process with our proficient AWS-certified teams. Along with higher customizability of business functions, you get easy migration of strategies for the AWS cloud. Go4hosting operates with Amazon IT infrastructure designers to achieve an advanced and secured experience for clients. With AWS server management system, you too can have greater efficiency in your business.

We have been encountering Amazon Web Service API gateway ‘X-Ray’ since a couple of years ago. Of course, customers are not expected to be so vigilant, hence a summary is in order: Amazon Web Service ‘X-Ray’ supports developers in determining and testing everything from simplified web-based applications to massive and complicated shared microservices that may be under production or still in development. Though the concept of ‘X-Ray’ became quite accessible in the year 2017, based on client feedback there have been improvements made to the concerned service, such as encryption with ‘Amazon Web Service Key Management Service (KMS)’. It supports the latest SDKs with language support (such as Python!), open sourcing the daemon, and various latency visualization tools.

The things of note are these two latest features:

  • Help for ‘Amazon API Gateway’, thus making it simpler for tracing and determining various requests as they move via customers’ APIs to the required services.
  • Support for controlling various ‘sampling rules’ under the Amazon Web Service ‘X-Ray console’ and ‘API’.

Allowing X-Ray Tracing

The first feature is a relatively easy-to-use API which is deployed to the API Gateway. Here we will sum up two endpoints. One is used to push various datasets inside ‘Amazon Kinesis Data Streams’, the other one to solicit a simplified Amazon Web Service ‘Lambda function’.

After deployment of the API, we can proceed to the ‘Stages sub console’, and choose a particular stage, such as “dev” or “production”. We can allow ‘X-Ray’ tracing by the process of navigating to the ‘Logs/Tracing’ tab, choosing ‘Enable X-Ray Tracing’, and clicking on ‘Save Changes’. Once the tracing is enabled, we can jump over to the ‘X-Ray’ console to view our sampling rules in the latest Sampling interface. We can simplify various sampling procedures within the console as well as with the ‘CLI’, ‘SDK’, or ‘API’. To move to the next feature, let’s glance at sampling rules.

Sampling Rules

AWS X-ray sampling rules enable us to customize, at a very fundamental level, the requests and various traces we desire to record. This enables us to control the volume of data which we store on the fly, over code executing anywhere (Amazon Web Service ‘Lambda’, ‘Amazon ECS’, ‘Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)’, or even on-premises) – all without the need to rewrite any code or redeploying an application.

The background rule acknowledges that it is going to record the initial request per second, and ‘five percent of some extra requests. We set the rule regarding one request per second as the ‘reservoir’, which assures at least a single trace is stored every second. The 5 percent of extra requests are basically what we call the ‘fixed rate’. Two of the reservoirs along with the fixed-rate are accurately configurable. If we plot the reservoir size to ‘50’ with the fixed rate to ‘10%’, then if ‘100’ requests every second matches the concerned rule, the complete amount of requests which is sampled is ‘55’ requests each second.

Configuration of our ‘API Gateway X-Ray’ recorders for reading various sampling rules from the provided ‘X-Ray’ service enables the ‘X-Ray’ service to maintain the respective sampling rate with a reservoir over each of our distributed compute instances. If we wish to allow this particular functionality, we just have to install the most recent version of the ‘X-Ray SDK’ and virtual drive on those particular instances.

With services such as ‘API Gateway’ and ‘Lambda’, we can configure everything straight in the ‘X-Ray’ console or ‘API’. In addition, we are able to utilize the various sampling rules for controlling costs even of a dynamic nature, and the granularity of various rules is exceptionally strong for the purpose of debugging production systems. If we are aware that only a single specific URL or service will require additional observing, we will set a rule for the concerned sampling rule. We will filter single stages of APIs, several service types, various service names, hosts, ‘ARNs’, ‘HTTP’ methods, some segment attributes, and more.

This will allow us to rapidly determine shared microservices, identify several issues, adjust various rules, and then diving in-depth into the production-based requests. We can also utilize this for developing insights regarding many problems that are happening within the ‘99th’ percentile of traffic, and even providing an enhanced and complete user experience.

After we have allowed tracing, we can refresh our service map and explore the results about 30 seconds later. We might click any particular node in the console for viewing various traces or dropping the traces from the console. From this point, we can also view the single URLs getting triggered, the ‘source IPs’, and various other beneficial metrics.

If we desire to go in further, we might even write various filtering rules under the search bar and search for a specific trace. An ‘API Gateway segment’ possesses annotations that users can utilize for filtering and grouping such as the ‘API ID’ and stage.

Summing up, ‘API Gateway’ support to the ‘X-Ray’ provides us an ‘end-to-end’ production ability of traces in various serverless based environments and configurable sampling rules provide us the ability for adjusting our traces in ‘real time’ without any need of redeploying the code. This updated feature makes it simpler for developers to debug and explore production-based applications.

Use X-Ray and Sampling Rules to the Max with Go4hosting

Considering cost optimization as the vital facet for any business growth, we at Go4hosting have designed client-dedicated plans with the help of an AWS server management system, so that you can save big on cost for your business. Also, with the exceedingly versatile Amazon IT infrastructure design, you can avail cloud services backed by a dedicated and managed support system which works in synchronization with AWS servers. You get a completely supported AWS plan system that fits snugly into your organization’s hierarchy. 


With the AWS server management system, not only do you cut down costs, but also make into reality your innovative business plans that boost business growth and expansion.

Basic Security Tips For The Shared Hosting Server

Web hosting comes in different shapes, sizes, and flavors. The three most common are shared, dedicated, and VPS hosting. Depending on the requirement, the user chooses to host their services. Many startups or individuals prefer to go with shared hosting. As it is low in cost and offers different benefits. Shared hosting is one of the cheapest cloud hosting solutions and popular hosting solutions for hosting websites. It is also referred to as virtual shared hosting.

What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting solution where single server hosts multiple websites. The number of websites on a shared server depends upon the resources that are granted on each website. Here are some basic security tips for shared hosting servers: –

Public Key Authentication – Remove encrypted access, avoid the use of telnet, FTP, or HTTP to manage hosting servers anymore. For better security use SSH keys. Each user has a public key and a private key. The private key is preserved by the user. The public key is kept on the server. When the user tries to log in, SSH makes sure that the public key matches the private key. Using of private key ensures better security and also avoids the risk of any kind of cyberattack.

Strong Passwords – A security-hardened server is a big challenge for cybercriminals, and it is no more surprising that many server administrators leave the door open for cybercriminals. Last year, brute force attacks against servers resulted in data breaches. Always use long passwords and random characters, long passphrases, special characters, and numbers.

Update – It is important to ensure that your local machine is safe. Always prefer to use updated and reliable antivirus solutions. Keep your applications and drivers up-to-date. Use appropriate software for your computer. Update all your applications on regular basis. This includes add-ons, modules, and components that you have integrated.

Set Permission – Never set directory permission above 755. In case, you want to use a directory above 755, put that directory outside of webroot (public_html) or you can place a .htaccess file in them that contains “deny from all” to creating an restriction to public access.

Default Configurations – Change the local PHP settings for better security. For doing this, disable unnecessary functions and options. Below are some sample recommendations.
Type allow_url_fopen=off

Disable_functions = set_time_limit, proc_open , popen, exec, disk_free_space, leak, system, shell_exec, passthru, tmpfile

Note – Above mentioned directives can hamper your code’s functionality. You have to add these directives in the php.ini file of every directory.

Deny bots and pearl from accessing your website. This can be implemented by applying the following rules in the .htaccess file: –

SetEnvlfNoCase User-Agent libwww-perl bad_bots
Order deny, allow
Deny from env=bad_bots

You can also add a bogus handler for these files. Create a.htaccess file in the home directory with the below content: –

##Deny access to all Python, Perl, CGL, and other text files
<Files Match “.(cgi|pI|py|txt)”>
Deny from all

##if you are using robots txt file, remove # sign from the following 3 lines to allow access only to the robots.txt file
<File Match robots.txt?
Allow From all

Tips mentioned above will prevent Pearl scripts from being implemented. There are many exploits and backdoors that are designed in Pearl but the above implementation of code, it will prevent malicious code to run.

Hosting Server

Backups – Backups are the last option against threats. If your website goes down due to any reason, you can quickly restore it using the latest backup. But this is effective only if you are taking backups regularly. Also, remember to store the backup in a separate location.

Robust Security Features – One of the most and important things to do for your web hosting account is to put the security measures in place for your website. While your hosting provider will have a server firewall with extra security features to keep your website safe. In addition, you can use anti-malware solutions for your website.

Monitor Logs – Logs are a vitally important tool. A server collects enormous amounts of information that what has happened and who connects to it. Patterns in that data often reveal behaviors or security compromises. There are many tools that can be used in analyzing, summarizing, and generating reports. Logwatch and logsentry tools are popularly used for keeping logs.

Turn Off Unnecessary Services – Any internet-facing software that is not required should be strictly disabled. The fewer points of contact between the server’s internal environment and the outside world create a better workflow. Unnecessary services can exploit your website data. Turning off unnecessary service of the webserver engine. Remove language modules that you don’t want to use. Disable web server status and debug webpages. The less information you provide about your website infrastructure, the smaller footprints becomes to attack you with.

Install and Configure CSF Firewall – The config server firewall is another feature-rich, free firewall that protects the server against a wide variety of cyberattacks. Its features stateful packet inspection, rate-limiting, authentication failure, directory watching, flood protection, and use of external blocklists. CSF is the best tool and is used in managing IP tables.

Install and Configure Fail2Ban – Every server on the web is scanned by bots looking for weaknesses. Fail2Ban trawls through server’s logs in search of patterns that indicate the malicious connections. Such as – failed authentication attempts or too many connections from the same IP address. Fail2Ban can block suspicious IP addresses and notify an administrator.

Conclusion: –

Remember, once your web hosting account is compromised, there might be a possibility that the intruder will leave a backdoor for gaining easy access at a later point in time. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the above security tips to secure your shared hosting server. Detecting of backdoor can be time-consuming and expensive as well. In many cases, you may have to contact a professional developer. To avoid any such kind of malicious incidents, follow the above security tips or you can contact the Go4hositng team for many other hosting plans like – dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, and colocation hosting.

The Value of AWS (Amazon Web Service) Business Applications

AWS can help you in creating business value by saving on the costs incurred on infrastructural design. AWS economics center offers business reliability, by offering a global outlook and minimum holdback of innovation.

  • Technology has brought up innovation in the business world to manage computing resources for the best cost-effectiveness.
  • IT has progressed a lot as a business booster because of innovative techniques.
  • Businesses connect with customers through social networks by analyzing data trends.
  • AWS business applications help businesses to remove blockages of innovation by addressing factors such as high costs and complexity.

New Business Infrastructure:

Over the last few years, IT technology has changed the way of doing business. Cloud computing has not only brought the IT costs down, it has also increased cross-industry reliability, flexibility, and productivity. In this new age of technology, information access is in real-time and is much more personalized.

Standard for Service in a Digital World

Three main areas where we have seen solutions being met through the business applications of IT solutions are cloud hosting india computing, mobility, and social engagement.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is like a shared computing engine that drives the IT business at lower costs, as no large upfront investment in hardware is required. The complete provisioning of type and size of computing resources can be managed by your own IT department. As the cloud has become the major feature of IT and its adoption has gained traction, you can easily access this technology with prevalent methods.


Increased mobility has brought about a revolution in the way businesses operate. Data center is available on multiple devices running in real-time so as to have enhanced accuracy, more than any time before. Mobility and the cloud together deliver the best productivity. The mobile tools being used are created for meeting & exceeding industry standards.

Social Engagement

Social media greatly impacts the lives of people. Employees can actually share data in real-time with enhanced transparency. The connected digital world and evolved IT infrastructure have changed the meaning of cloud computing, mobility, and social engagement.

How AWS Drives Business Value

  • AWS helps to create solutions for businesses that directly impact ground-level functioning.
  • AWS allows better data access.
  • AWS helps to deliver increased mobility
  • AWS offers enhanced security and global accessibility.
  • AWS can free up costly resources generally used for managing expensive data centers.

In 2014, a study of Cloud Infrastructure by Gartner evaluated that cloud providers use four cases for evaluation: Application Development, Batch Computing, Cloud-Native Applications, and General Business Applications.

There are many leaders in cloud services. Cloud computing has transformed businesses by helping their customers in achieving business results by offering them innovative services and competitive prices. Riding on this trend, AWS has grown in cloud services with more than 1 million customers around the world.

AWS has Cleared Obstacles to Innovation

  • AWS offers its customers reliable and innovative services & functions.
  • AWS helps you in gaining new business insights.
  • AWS creates new offerings to meet changing business demands.
  • Innovation is fast and cheap with the help of a team of AWS developers, who work round the clock for offering an enhanced business experience.
  • Increased Flexibility
  • AWS drives the best solutions for business growth.
  • AWS validates with global industry standards.
  • AWS develops reliable solutions with higher performance.
  • AWS offers scalable and durable storage for data that can be accessed by Amazon Simple Storage Service, among other services.
  • Organizations can have greater flexibility and capacity for running their business better.
  • Customers can manage applications quicker by accessing data management tools and achieving cost-effectiveness.

Global Solutions

AWS offers its customers the ability to collect and analyze data from thousands of devices at one time. By using IoT, there is central management of global services that work with various connected device applications. AWS offers the below-stated services which have innovated businesses with their conception and deployment:

  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)
  • Amazon Elastic Cache
  • AWS Cloud Trail.

Big Data

  • With AWS, data can be managed in streamlined flows for getting the best insights.
  • The tools for storage, computation, and database services are managed by AWS quite effectively.
  • With AWS, data mining can be programmed easily.
  • High-Performance Computing
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) provides the bandwidth to engineers for solving complex problems very easily.
  • AWS allows enhancing the research speed with the help of high-performance computing (HPC) running on the cloud, to save big on costs.

Enterprise Applications

  • AWS provides enterprise applications that help users in obtaining enhanced productivity.
  • AWS facilitates the access of employees to secure files and applications.
  • AWS Enterprise Applications can fully manage a completely secure system for enterprise data storage.

Using AWS as a Business-Enabling Engine

The AWS Cloud enables firms to develop technology solutions which is the initial step to a high-performing and low-cost infrastructure. Here, the customer can use AWS capabilities to offer business solutions and manage the key performance indicators (KPIs) easily.

  • Create Value: AWS can plan for solutions and services to meet business needs easily. It offers to compute resources, storage databases, and data analytics. It offers the customers the ability to quickly switch to cloud technology and save themselves from incurring huge investments. AWS offers flexible technology by offering the customers newer technology to operate their services.
  • Evolve Strategically: With AWS, customers can easily grow and adapt to the consumption of services by effectively meeting their business requirements. AWS can manage the capacity as per the workload automatically. To evaluate the integration of the new services along with the existing AWS feature stack, there are in-depth AWS tools for analysis.
  • Transform Business Operations: With the use of AWS, the customers can divert their complete attention to the smooth working of their core applications. With AWS, you can reach customers, vendors, and suppliers easily. Organizations can easily deploy applications to operate in a secure environment.
  • Business Applications: Resource planning is the most important factor. Organizations have invested in technologies like SAP and Oracle PeopleSoft. AWS offers a completely flexible and reliable cloud space for running many types of applications. It is one of the best ways for maximizing profits from business applications.
  • Data, Reporting, and Analytics: AWS offers a wide range of database service management tools. It provides the required services for setting up cloud storage, computer, and database tools. It offers easy system configuration, a computing system, and a pay-as-you-go pricing system for fast start-up and low costs.
  • Mobility: The services are particularly designed to manage mobile app development for easy mobile website building. It offers complete collaboration and Information Exchange across the system. AWS scales up the content providers as demand comes in from users across the world.
  • Collaboration, Information Exchange, and Social: AWS offers complete collaboration and communication among employees. AWS helps develop solutions that are cloud-based and can have multiple applications across running resources. Amazon WorkSpaces at AWS is a completely managed desktop service that allows the users to access shared documents & data.

Maximize Your Investment

  • AWS gives customers a commercial platform that works for developing applications effectively.
  • AWS builds up a completely affordable and fault-managed system.
  • AWS offers access to the best working tools and features for system management.
  • AWS Support feature is a one-on-one response support channel that operates round the clock.
  • AWS Support tiers also offer unlimited service durations to meet always-on business needs.


It is not only about cost optimization; with AWS, you get the opportunity to get maximum output from your business. With AWS, it is quite easy to connect with customers by developing new insights and innovations to deliver the best quality products and services. With the AWS Cloud, you easily manage the functions related to costs and the advantage of more than 50 unique services. These services can be taken, along with the support of continued innovation for driving business solutions for achieving higher growth.

Go4hosting offers AWS cloud services, manages each client individually to aid your business in reach the highest targets. Go4hosting deploys AWS in a way that helps in enhancing business scalability, reliability, and profits by achieving targets on time.

Steps for a Successful Migration of Applications to the AWS Cloud

While cloud hosting india computing may have brought on huge productivity enhancements across a variety of industries, you cannot just plunge into the best cloud solutions available. The shifting of data and applications to the cloud is desirable and appears to be a bold move. This is because there are many key things that businesses must consider to make sure that their transition is seamless and successful. If you can consider these important points before you actually diving into new technology to avoid the pitfalls later.

The successful strategies for migrating applications to the cloud are founded on the 5 R’s of cloud migration which Gartner had earlier outlined. Businesses will start deciding on ways to migrate an application only in the second stage of the migration process. This is the stage of Portfolio discovery, planning, and in this stage; they seek to determine what their environment contains, what their interdependencies are, where applications are simpler to migrate, which are more challenging, and ways in which they will shift each application.

On the basis of this knowledge, the businesses are then able to chalk out a definite plan. This plan may be changed and tweaked as the process of migration. According to the plan, they can decide how to migrate each application and the order in which such migration will take place. Depending on the current licensing systems and architecture, migration complexity may change. Usually starting with an application that is on the spectrum of the low-complex end is always advisable. Such a migration is simpler to complete. Then you can move to the more complex ones.

What are the steps for cloud migration?

AWS Cloud Migration Steps: –

Rehosting: The first strategy for migrating applications is rehosting which is also popularly known as “lift-and-shift”. Many cloud storage projects are seen to move towards net new development using the cloud-native approach, but when businesses try to perform the migration faster, most applications get re-hosted. Such rehosting can be accomplished using tools while some clients prefer doing this manually. Incidentally, it has been noticed that it is easier to re-architect applications if they are already running in clouds. this may be because the business already has skills to optimize it or the toughness of migrating the application and data that has already been accomplished.

Replatforming: Replatforming also popularly known as “lift-tinker-and-shift” is another strategy used to successfully migrate an application to the cloud. You may have to make some optimizations to get benefits but you will not need to alter the core architecture of applications. You can try to cut down the time needed for handling database instances by shifting to Amazon RDS or a Database-as-a-Service Platform, and by shifting applications to a platform like Amazon Elastic Beanstalk that is fully managed.

Repurchasing: Repurchasing refers to shifting of a different product; for instance, shifting a CRM to Salesforce or a Content Management System to Drupal, etc.

Refactoring/ Rearchitecting: The fourth key step is that of re-architecting or refactoring where the application was structured and created is re-imagined by using a cloud-native strategy. This is usually driven when there is a need to powerfully urge one part of businesses to scale features and add new features. This might be hard to deploy in the existing environment because the migration from monolithic setup to server-less architecture is very costly. But for improving business agility and other benefits you can refactor your application.

Retire: When any given workload fails to offer any kind of business value and is not even needed for another workload, it is best to get rid of it or “retire” it. It has been seen that nearly 10% of any business IT portfolio does not remain useful and these can easily be turned off. This is beneficial because the savings help the business and direct team attention to resources which other people will use.

Retaining: Retaining is revisiting or not doing anything at least for now. When you are not yet prepared to prioritize any application which may have been recently upgraded you can retain it. You may also not be interested in migrating certain applications. In other words, you must only migrate those applications which will help your business.

Conclusion: –

The whole process of cloud migration can be rather overwhelming. Businesses should have an in-depth understanding of their on-site infrastructure and also the best options in which the cloud can offer. When you attempt a migration manually it is usually impracticable and if you depend on outdated information, you can miss out on the key information during evaluations. By dealing with the right questions and thorough analysis of the right data, companies should be able to complete AWS cloud migration smoothly. Selecting the best application migration option involves a decision that cannot be taken in isolation. Any such decision is basically an infrastructure modernization decision. So, it must be approached in a much wider context of application portfolio management. The decision is not really on migration; it is more of a decision on optimization. In short, businesses have to see which migration techniques and managed cloud platforms can optimize an application’s contributions towards IT goals.

AWS Lambda-Dynamodb Facet of Serverless Computing

AWS Lambda is an efficient computing service that helps in running code without the complications of managing more servers than required for efficient processing. It primarily works as a FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) and offers complete administration, management, monitoring, and logging of the system. It offers excellent management in higher-availability design infrastructure. The primary outlook of AWS Lambda is to offer enhanced flexibility, scalability, and complete integration with the other AWS services. It is a boon for running your code without incurring complicated management of additional servers.

Benefits of the Serverless Model:

  • Continuous Scaling: AWS Lambda automatically measures the requirements of code as soon as the trigger is initiated. Thus, the code runs accurately with auto-scaling, for meeting the compute service requirements effectively.
  • On-Demand Solutions: The platform issues are observed & corrected at the minutest level so that no issue arises during code compilation. When compared to other technologies, AWS Lambda is unique since it charges as per usage. This makes it highly cost-effective.
  • Managed Compute Services: AWS Lambda can manage high loads of data easily. It can simultaneously manage various software as well as hardware.
  • Secure Gateway: Secure management is the biggest advantage of AWS Lambda, as it reduces the risks that are caused because of viruses and attacks on the code.
  • No pending OS: In the traditional method of Compute Resources allocation, the complete management of hardware as well as software is a tough challenge, but in AWS Lambda, any allocation errors are managed with higher accuracy and precision.

How Lambda Works:

Serverless Model-Things to consider in AWS Lambda:

While you are seeking an understanding of AWS Lambda, a few watchpoints must be kept in mind for effective output. Amazon, being a futuristic organization, has various AWS enhancements in the pipeline at all times, which get updated on regular basis. So, the system is dynamic and technology additions occur regularly, which might outdate or replace previous iterations.

  • Statelessness: In Lambda, a particular function makes use of Redis, SQL/NoSQL databases, and message queues for data services which must be processed in a readable form. The Concurrency feature of Lambda can reduce certain complexities while working with the other platforms, for taking complete care of the transactional logic and other related platforms.
  • Limited Execution time: Lambda functions take up to 300 seconds or five minutes for execution and implementation. This implies that old-styled server architectures might not be compatible with the Lambda without re-structuring, so it is advisable to check compatibility before deployment.
  • Time Duration Support: AWS Lambda supports Node.js – v4.3.2, Java 8, Python 2.7, .NET Core, .NET Core 1.0.1 (C#).
  • Design Size Considerations: In AWS Lambda, the maximum execution size can be 50MB, which can be uncompressed up to 250MB. Depending on the application runtime available, downloading can be done automatically.
  • Compliance: Lambda is not presently PCI or HIPAA compliant, for the organizations that have restricted rules in force. However, this condition does not affect its use for other environments that are having PCI or HIPAA compliance. It is regularly used by AWS for the management of various platforms, without any serious complications.

Being a relatively recent platform for analytics framework usage, it has relatively fewer features when compared to dedicated cyphering platforms. Meeting the competitive benchmark of TFLOPS, and a robust analytics capability are the major benefits of AWS Lambda.

Applicability with other technologies:

  • Web Services along with the API Gateway: AWS API Gateways have complete management with Lambda for running Web services. As web services are less demanding than core compute services, a lot of functions of AWS Lambda are used together to provide the best web application output.
  • Data Processing through batch: AWS Lambda is clubbed with he batch data processing for batches to operate effectively along with delivering speedy data processing.
  • Analytics: Due to huge data processing, the analytics feature of AWS Lambda is growing its popularity. Lambda, being one of the latest technologies for analytics frameworks, is not so mature when compared to traditional dedicated system platforms. The Lambda application is being adopted widely because of its advantages for managing costs. Dubbed “Serverless Map/Reduce”, open-frames are other architectures that work for Lambda.
  • Event-Driven Processing: It is a completely event-driven process, as the complete functioning of the AWS system has S3 notifications for the management of the Lambda functions.
  • AWS Environment Automation: Traditionally, the automation instances were used only for AWS account task management, for example, EBS volume snapshots or maintenance of other housekeeping records. But now with the AWS Lambda availability, an automated environment is provided. With complete ease of management, Lambda functions are easy to handle and easy to manage the system tasks within seconds.
  • Artifact Build and Test: Even while tests are being performed during the code compilation, Lambda manages another software side by side effectively. So a completely secured test time is provided even during code build and test time.
  • AWS Step Functions: This is a new technology that was introduced in 2016. In this, the AWS Step Functions platform builds itself on he Lambda. It offers the user a privilege to coordinate functions within supported Lambda services. This feature manages the complete functioning of the serverless system along with the AWS Step functions.

In spite of being a new technology, Lambda uses open source code on which systems are built, deployed, and managed for achieving the design of the best serverless application.

Lambda Platforms & Frameworks

  • Serverless Framework: The Serverless Framework is one of the primary releases out of all the mature frameworks launched till date. This technology is completely written in node.js and uses the AWS Cloud formation for provisioning the AWS resources, so that system process execution is easier.
  • Chalice: Chalice is a framework for the deployment of Python applications along with the assistance of AWS Lambda requests with the API Gateway. Chalice uses Python for managing the route to request, and for attempting complete management of AWS along with the API Gateway.
  • Sparta: It is similar to the serverless Framework as it is using the Cloud formation for provisioning and management of complete AWS resources.
  • Apex: The node.js Apex is the framework that helps in building and management of Lambda services. The Apex technology along with tools such as Hashicorp, Terraform, etc. offers the management of AWS resources except for Lambda.
  • SAM: AWS has its own Serverless Application Model (SAM) which extends in the form of Cloud Formation. It is designed to enable serverless applications along with the use of technologies such as API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo DB.

Features of the AWS Lambda

  • It continuously operating a system with seamless delivery.
  • It easily merges with other servers.
  • It functions for complete integration testing and working.
  • It provides a quick code repairing solution.
  • It helps in having a better design of solutions.
  • It helps in releasing data without any delayed responses.
  • It has the least number of production defects.


AWS Lambda is an effective serverless computing model. When it is seen in terms of both efficiency and scale, Lambda has the best features. The serverless computing service offers the best value for cloud consumers. The points of difference among the traditional EC2 instances and Lambda execution are the features offered by Lambda such as execution time, statelessness, and many others.

Obviously, all types of workloads are not suitable to Lambda, so initially, the steps are tested for each new application. It is important to preview AWS Lambda as per the features and criteria of the application. The development and growth of such an interesting technology are sure to elicit keen interest.

AWS Economics-Steps to Save Cost Successfully

Due to the related complexities of a traditional data center, companies these days are shifting towards cloud computing business techniques to increase business profits with reduced cost. Cloud hosting india computing gives the ability to manage performance, technology issues, and related tools for achieving maximum profits.

Features of Cloud computing:

  • Reduced cost and complexity of the business.
  • Adjusted demand capacity for business.
  • More time for innovation.

However, when we compare it to the AWS Offerings:

  • AWS provides much more at affordable prices.
  • It offers flexibility for meeting business needs easily.
  • Regardless of the size of the organization, you can utilize many AWS benefits of cloud computing to enhance business productivity.

When we consider the data center business financially, in comparison to cloud computing design, it not only impacts the hardware, storage, and compute costs, but also has other factors involved with it.

Most of the costs & expenses related to your business can be put as questions:

Capacity Planning: Maximum number of servers which can be added this year, the forecasts for the next year and beyond? When not in use, the server will be turned off or on; pricing model usage?

Utilization: The average server utilization time duration required for management of peak load?

Operations: Are facilities appropriate as per required expansion, effective management of hosting services, and budget requirements?

Optimization: Can we have an automatic scaling of our current infrastructure design; Requirements of infrastructure design?

Advantages of Cloud Technology:

With the advent of cloud technologies, now organizations are shifting to the cloud for cost optimization.

  • It offers reduced complexity with increased flexibility.
  • The cloud offers solutions having low-cost and database technologies that meet workload demands easily.
  • They offer quick deployment and cost-effective solutions.
  • You have to pay as per your consumption of resources.
  • Resources can be added and reduced as per business needs.
  • It offers a high scope of innovation.
  • It offers enhanced security by saving big on cost and handles complaints effectively.

AWS Economics Center

AWS infrastructure serves more than a thousand active customers in dozens of countries by offering a prominent business edge to its users.

AWS manages operations with global accessibility across all the geographic areas of the world. You can easily place your resources in multiple locations for reducing the latency and gaining an enhanced performance experience. Resources run smoothly across all the regions. It has higher availability and high volume management features.

Economies of Scale

AWS has itself designed an integrated hardware and software system that helps in optimizing large-scale clouds. AWS manages your business with the help of complete system management. AWS can smoothly drive economies of scale that are difficult for other organizations to replicate.

Your business has complete financial flexibility with AWS, which helps customers in gaining large capital investments with relatively lower cost involvement. AWS works on your system without long-term lock-in. AWS helps your finance team to do forecasting of the currently running model.

Pricing Model of AWS

Economies of scale can be achieved easily by users with the AWS model. The AWS pricing philosophy is completely driven through a cyclic system. The lower prices have actually reduced the entry barrier for the customers. It also helps in offering better benefits to the AWS user for cost optimization.

The complete cyclic system of functioning for AWS Pricing Model:

AWS offers a simple, consistent, pay-as-you-go pricing model so that you pay only as per your usage. It offers the best computing power, memory, and cloud storage along with the system. Moreover, AWS has no upfront fees, no commitments, and great support for a better customer experience.

There are a few AWS products that are actually available with multiple pricing models to have enhanced flexibility that completely satisfies your business needs. These are:

On-Demand Instance: With on-demand instances, you pay only for the compute capacity, with no minimum commitments.

Reserved Instance: if are looking for a long-term perspective of business, you can purchase this service well in advance. Here, along with discounts up to 60 percent, the On-Demand Instance pricing is also managed.

Spot Instance: You can choose an unreserved Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity. Here, Instances get billed as per the Spot Price that is fixed by the prevailing Amazon EC2 scenario.

AWS pricing model features:

AWS provides low-cost data storage with high durability.
AWS offers storage options for storing huge chunks of data and then managing it.
Off-instance storage which works independently for the instance sometimes referred to as block-level storage volumes.
A file storage service feature is offered along with a simple interface that allows users to create and configure file systems much easier.


Amazon Web Services provides a highly relevant set of global computing, database storage, applications in the system, along with related services that help carry out system management at much lower costs. AWS helps significantly in managing customers’ demands and for functioning well across wide geographical areas, which manages the costs involved.

For detailed information as to how AWS can power your business, you can easily get in touch with Go4hosting, create an account as per your requirements, and contact our support center for better clarity.

Amazon Lightsail A Powerful Virtual Server

What makes Amazon Lightsail popular is the fact that it can offer you flat rate low-cost plans for cloud hosting solutions. The public cloud may have grown into the best solution for running diverse workloads but there are many businesses that are still not yet ready for the cloud. These organizations prefer to keep their data on-site. Sometimes, because of the security concerns that drive them to stick to on-premise data centers; or several other reasons. There are still others who choose to run workloads on-site because of the cost involved.

Inevitably, numerous businesses might resist outsourcing workloads, favoring in-house setups for hosting, avoiding additional costs. However, on-premise infrastructures become outdated over time. This prompts a choice: migrate to a cloud setup or reinvest in updated infrastructure. Considering factors like AWS Lightsail pricing becomes pivotal in this decision-making process.

Amazon lightsail

There is often the lack of predictability of costs which may become a roadblock when it comes to running workloads on the cloud. For instance, there have been many instances of cloud fees shooting up and down because of resource usage spikes. The biggest selling point for cloud hosting india vendors is the low-cost advantage that every cloud expects to offer. But this will not appeal to an organization that does not even know what the services are going to cost them every month. Amazon Web Services or AWS has made an effort to resolve this issue. They have come up with a service called the Amazon Lightsail which is designed for making costs of conducting business on a cloud more predictable.

How does the Amazon Lightsail fare in comparison to the EC2?

Amazon Lightsail web hosting operates similarly to Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), allowing VM hosting in the cloud. Lightsail stands out due to its cost-effectiveness with flat-rate prices, contrasting EC2’s variable pricing. While Lightsail’s affordability might imply replacing EC2, certain EC2 workloads may not transition due to limitations, such as OS support. Unlike EC2’s OS variety, Lightsail only supports Ubuntu and Amazon Linux, limiting Windows OS use. This comparison sheds light on Amazon Lightsail pricing advantages over EC2

The biggest reason to choose the Lightsail is its affordability; AWS Lightsail pricing starts around $5 every month and the first month is free of cost. The other plans which are more featurely-rich are priced slightly higher and such plans can offer you enough resources to support demanding apps and high-traffic sites. While the most basic plans are perfect for those starting out, the most feature-rich ones are best suited for medium to high businesses.

The comparison between Lightsail and EC2 extends to hardware support, a crucial aspect to consider. Lightsail offers multiple hardware options, akin to EC2, providing VPS options like single cores, 20GB SSD, 512MB RAM, and 1TB transfer for just $3.50 a month. AWS also furnishes Lightsail images, accommodating various Bitnami applications such as Magento, Drupal, and WordPress, elevating the overall Lightsail experience and making it competitive in terms of AWS Lightsail pricing.

The Lightsail instances may be promoted as flat-rate VPS offerings under Amazon Lightsail pricing. However, additional charges can arise, such as obtaining static IP addresses without attaching them to the instance. While Lightsail doesn’t charge for static IP addresses in use, a half-cent fee per hour applies when these IPs are unattached.

In some scenarios, additional costs may arise, such as when surpassing instance data transfer caps. However, understanding this aspect of data transfer is crucial. Notably, Amazon Lightsail exempts charges for inbound data transfer even if limits are exceeded. Also, outbound data transfers meeting specific criteria, using the instance’s private IP and directed to another Lightsail instance, don’t count toward these limits. If these conditions don’t meet, Amazon Lightsail pricing calculates data transfers against the data transfer caps.

The base subscription rate for Lightsail does not cover an important feature: the snapshot. So, AWS will charge you $0.05 for every gigabyte every time you create one snapshot of any Lightsail instance.

To sum up, Amazon Lightsail will work best for businesses that are keen to deploy servers without having to go through the trouble of working out the prices, configurations, and management details of deployments. AWS calculator offers customers many options where you can calculate a predictable monthly cost. Lightsail however will not be suitable for applications that need a configurable environment and consistently high CPU, like analytics and video encoding. The menu interface enables the deployment of servers within minutes. Lightsail will also offer many pre-built virtual images. The developers can select packages preconfigured with domain name management, SSD storage, and static IP addresses. They can also install and configure Lightsail for popular applications like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress.

Conclusion: –

In theory, Lightsail will help businesses deploy an instance and even save money even when Lightsail is not running. But, in practice, you will be charged by AWS for an instance even when it does not run. In order to stop this from happening, the developer will have to back up this instance and delete it from the Lightsail. However, the organization will still have to pay fees to retain the static IP address.

Amazon Aurora – The New Dawn of Database Management

AWS Aurora is a relational database engine that seeks to address the shift in constraints on the throughput of data processing from storage of data and computation to the infrastructure of the network which enables the data center flows for a system.

It incorporates the speed and consistency of high-end commercial databases while being a cost-effective form of open-source databases. Aurora also has a MySQL-compatible version for easing the transition of legacy systems to Amazon Web Services. We can gain a rudimentary understanding of the features of Amazon Aurora by viewing the graphic.

Database Management:

In simple terms, Amazon Aurora is an electronic information service that is offered as a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • Architectural design: Seeks to be simpler than traditional systems, along with better network utilization.
  • Durability: Works a variety of scales, with high flexibility to adapt to the network that is servicing the system.
  • Log and Database: Employs storage which has been improved to function as a service for handling and managing the redo process on a multi-tenant platform.
  • Robust Fail-safes: Reduces network traffic and has quicker crash recovery, high fault tolerance, and self-healing storage.
  • Economical: Runs on an asynchronous model of data transfer for lesser costs and faster recovery protocols.

A Little About Aurora:

These days, there’s been a huge shift in how distributed cloud hosting services are used for database management & processing. The major reason for the industry-level shift is to make system delivery capacity more flexible. In modern cloud services, there is high flexibility in the system for managing the decoupling of computing & storing functions from data transfer & networking functions. You can deploy different gaming servers, for example – the amazon Minecraft server is very popular among gaming streamers.

With Amazon Aurora, you can have a new database auoura system that manages the above decoupling easily by using its ‘redo’ log, along with a ‘distributed network’ environment.

Aurora hosting architecture has three significant advantages:

  • First, it increases the throughput of MySQL and PostgreSQL significantly (up to 3X and 5X, respectively) without affecting other running applications.
  • Second, failure of the database or parts of it used for storage does not reduce the network availability, due to multiple read replicas for backup.
  • Third, it automatically scales clients for variable data storage, and also it is capable of scaling up to 64 terabytes.

Other major contributions are durable on cloud platforms, ergonomic design of quorum systems to make them resilient to failures, smart storage leverage by offloading traditional databases, elimination of multi-phase synchronization, and crash recovery with distributed storage.

System-wide Advantages of Aurora:

Data Availability at All Times:  A dependable database system should satisfy the data demands of the system at all times. The Aurora quorum model shows why the storage segmentation is done, and how this system combination provides data availability and functional advantages.

Replication and Correlated Failures: Customers might purposely or mistakenly shut down the Amazon instances, or resize them up & down, which affects the workload on the system. So, to deal with such cases, decoupling of the storage tiers from the computational tiers is required. Failure can occur at any time on a large-scale cloud. As an example, a user can face issues of network availability to node, temporary downtime, or even complete disk failure. Hence, one must use the quorum-based voting protocol to be safe. For better failure tolerance, Availability Zones (AZ) in AWS are segmented as regions that are connected to other regions of the cloud storage with low latency. Each region or AZ is a separate area. In Aurora, we have isolation of regions for catastrophic damage and for critical threats, They can be segregated and dealt with proficiently.

Segmented Storage: The faults probably indicate by Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) is sufficiently low in comparison with the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) in Aurora. The segmentation of database volumes into fixed sizes allows their management into AZs, and these segments act as separate units and blocks labeled Protection Groups.

Advantages for Long, and Short-term Operations: The system is designed to deal with massive or drastic failures, it automatically becomes highly resilient to shorter ones. Basic tasks such as heat damage control and OS or security upgrades can be carried out without affecting database availability and operations.

Improving Database Systems Performance & Reliability: Amazon Elastic Block Store is used to full effect with legacy systems since the high I/O volume for database operations can get even more amplified by heavy packet per second (PPS) rates.

This figure shows the whole process of traditional EBS Instance management.

The Amazon Simple Storage Service restores data to point-in-time and allows temporary writes for pages to ensure complete data records. This is possible due to the redo and binary logs.

In contrast, for the Aurora system, the only cross-network writes redo records. None of the pages are re-written again, hence the network load system improves the correct replication of data and enhances ease of database operation.

The data flow diagram below illustrates the typical Aurora cluster.

Aurora design is done for minimizing latency, and it also does not throttle foreground write tasks to ‘catch up on background log updates. The complete writing process is asynchronously managed by storage nodes. This approach helps in organizing records, managing the memory queues, perform redundancy checks on stored data, and, in effect, for better databases.

The component diagram below shows how Aurora storage nodes handle data traffic.

Consistent Log System: The Aurora system manages the replica as well as Log states in a consistent manner. By using Aurora, the expensive redo processes can be avoided, resulting in completely new operating systems with efficient database engines.

Unique Operation System Management in Aurora:

Solution sketch for processing: In Aurora, the Redo Log system stores all the log records for database management.

Security: In Aurora, the database interacts on a regular basis with the storage service. It maintains the quorum model which helps in enhancing the security and reliability of the system.

Transaction Commit Logging: In Aurora, the transactions commit are not in synchronization. So the VDL helps in processing transaction commits that are aligned with threads for sending forward acknowledgments.

Easy processing: In Aurora, most of the pages serve only as storage, which makes it simpler to operate. Also, the last commands get tracked by the database itself.

Replicas: The replicas do not add any extra cost as they do not occupy any extra storage space.

Comparison: In old-style databases, the same redo log application is used for both processing path and recovery operation, but not in Aurora. Here the database performs huge volume recovery easily. Hence it can recover data swiftly within a fraction of seconds.

Aurora – An All-in-One DBMS Solution

In Aurora InnoDB, the Redo log represents the changes that are implemented in MTR along with complete storage within the system. The verifiability of the final records is the most crucial aspect.

In comparison to other technologies such as MySQL, Aurora supports higher levels of segregation. It has an automated segregation process that detects potential problems even before they erupt, making it a highly trusted technology.

Above-Par Performance of Aurora

  • Aurora offers strong performance with standard benchmarks by offering the best features:
  • Aurora scales linearly with an auto-scaling feature which in turn improves system response times.
  • Aurora provides a reliable output with huge data sample sizes effortlessly.
  • Aurora manages the Replica Lag completely for monitoring transaction outcomes.
  • Aurora offers a complete solution and performs well.
  • Aurora USPs:

Aurora USPs:

  • With Aurora, the Web application response time gets reduced.
  • It has commit latency with improved operations for the business.
  • Aurora provides results in an enhanced way when compared to multiple-lag systems.
  • Aurora controls the SaaS (software as a service) aspect splendidly.
  • Aurora processing protocols have high sustenance of throughput.
  • The Aurora model provisions and manages a complete system for data storage.
  • In Aurora, ‘jitter’ is made minimal, thus there is the minimum impact of server problems in one tenant’s service on other tenants.
  • In Aurora, auto-scaling deals with sudden failures by managing concurrent connections simultaneously.
  • These are a few of many reasons why Aurora is one of the most widely used services in comparison to other DBMSs in the market.


Aurora is an OLTP (On-line Transaction Processing) DBMS that fits in well of cloud-based environment prevalent today. It helps in managing a multi-phase synchronization protocol, recovering crashed systems, and impeccable data storage. It offers the bandwidth to shift from traditional database architecture into systems with decoupled storage and computer processes. In Aurora, the database is moved to an independent and distributed storage which helps in having an ultra-quick-response system.

6 Migration Strategies To AWS Cloud

AWS Migration to the Cloud System:

AWS has a large base of active customers, that operates from all segments of the business. It offers different ways to manage the technical debt and features for system innovation. With the help of cloud computing, you can easily sign up for many servers at one time. AWS has various functions which typically manage the spinning up of the servers by managing them on the premises. The AWS Cloud hosting india offers more than 90 services by itself. It has almost all the business functions working from the managed computer to storage of database system to continuously integrate with analytics of data, with artificial intelligence.

AWS has developed its own framework with the best practices to effectively plan and execute migration to the Cloud system. It has various frameworks operating in the system such as:

•  AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF)

•  AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)

•  AWS Migration Hub

•  AWS Application Discovery Service

 AWS Cloud VPS


Even if your migration is presently online to the managed Amazon Web Services, we will completely manage a process that will effectively ensure that all your existing systems continue to work in the best ways while being shifted to the Amazon web service. We will carefully map the relevant components of your old system.

The Amazon Web Services has complete catching processes with features your actually running into your system. It also helps in improving on a regular basis. An expert teacher manages each task of getting the tasks to be completed on a specified timeline. As here a lot of the achievements are being achieved in the journey of AWS migration, so working along with the Amazon Web Services is very easy.

The working tools of the cloud in which the Amazon Web hosting Services works are very effective for continuing a smoothly managed working system. And the Amazon Web Services along with Go4hosting work in line to make the best use of the features that are offered to the cloud. From the initial time till the end, the complete migration process is done automatically to the whole process, without any trial or error issue. 

While discussing all the steps, that are managed along with the business options for setting up the effective business. It also has customized solutions that are offered by our team that make your Amazon Web Services perform perfectly. The data managed and shared by our team members act, as the best way to handle the complex tasks of businesses.

6 Strategies for Migrating Applications to the Cloud:

Follow below cloud adoption framework to migrate to AWS cloud.

  • Rehosting: The complete Rehosting can be managed and automated with the tools of running AWS VM Import/Export which helps the customers to complete the manual system of application to the new cloud platform.
  • Replatforming: The larger organizations work along with the migrated web servers for managing the on-premises of the AWS system.
  • Repurchasing: Repurchasing can be seen as a SaaS platform.
  • Refactoring / Re-architecting: With this system, the application is architected and developed.
  • Retire: Once you have completely understood everything about the business, now can stop the functioning business.
  • Retain: The complete business gets retained here completely and effectively.

Benefits of doing the AWS Migration to the Cloud:

  • Operation: AWS cloud has a better design of operation.
  • Security: AWS cloud has better security across the system. Safe & Secure with Go4hosting Amazon Web Services migration to the Cloud.
  • Benefits: With the use of Go4hosting and AWS, you can have access to the reliable Amazon Web Services experts which are designed successfully for data management.
  • Architecture: With the use of Go4hosting, you have an access to the reliability of Amazon Web Services experts with enhanced and better architecture.
  • Backup & Restore: In the AWS, there is highly secured and saved data along with a definite frequency.
  • Reporting: Cloud migration offers both the monetary, competency management reports which are offered to the ardent Cloud Services for running the AWS Cloud storage.
  • Provisioning: Here on the migration of the AWS services to the Cloud adoption you can include the already fixed group of stacks for having the prolonged business view for making it the best practices for the system.

The functions that effectively using the AWS Cloud on a regular basis. It makes utilization in the best uses of the working system and the innovation that it offers. With AWS migration on the Cloud, you can actually optimize and save the extra amount that is being spent on the set-up and performance which is managed effectively by Go4hosting. As there is a specific AWS migration relating to the cloud, there is a specific process for backups creation in running the existing system. It helps in following the best cloud practices of a particular business. It helps to obtain the benefits of complete cloud functions. Cloud migration system has the features of complete automation and designing. It also encourages the use of related system processes that can easily enhance the efficiency of running the business.

The complete AWS Migration Cloud services provide an enhanced service experience with Go4hosting services. It helps in enhancing the business opportunities for securing working data confidentiality on regular basis. Go4hosting manages and develops a completely customized solution for every organization to have the best business achievement of targets. Go4hosting along with Amazon web service abilities helps to achieve the target and offers security methods for clients.

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