Affordable Cloud Platforms

Which Type of Web Hosting Gives Better Site Control?

When you choose hosting solutions for your website, you need to sign up with a plan which will grant you sufficient access to your site. For instance, when you sign up for shared servers, the control you will be given over your website will be far less as compared to dedicated or VPS hosting plans. Shared hosting solutions are ideal for businesses which are just getting launched and have a limited budget to work with. In this type of hosting, resources of a server are shared by multiple users. So, the control which one user can get over the site will automatically be limited as the clients in shared hosting environments get limited resources.

How can VPS hosting give you better site control?

In comparison, when you choose VPS hosting for your website, you will be granted root access to the server. So, you can configure the server settings to suit your business needs. You may also install custom software or applications to boost your business. This means that VPS hosting will offer you better site control and higher flexibility and customizability.

Most businesses which are starting out tend to sign up for shared hosting plans as these are cost-friendly and effective. However, as they start to grow, the demand for resources shoots up. With shared hosting, getting additional resources when you need these may be difficult. So, when companies decide to take the plunge into VPS hosting, they expect to enjoy better resource scalability and availability, advanced technical support facilities and higher security.

When is a shift to VPS hosting recommended for a website?

Without proper hosting solutions, you cannot expect to showcase your products before a targeted audience. But when the hosting solutions are not enough to cater to traffic demands or not up-to-the-mark, site performance can suffer. So, there comes a time when the web developers start to realize that the existing hosting plans are not enough to boost the business. This is when they start to explore other hosting alternatives like VPS hosting.

How is VPS hosting better than shared hosting?

When you choose shared servers, all the sites housed on the same physical server will be competing against one another for the server resources. In short, performance of one site is likely to be affected by performance of neighboring sites. So, in case any of the neighboring sites engage in malicious activities, the effects will be felt in your site as well. You can even get blacklisted and lose your rankings in search engines. Likewise when there is a hacking attempt in your neighbor’s site because of security loopholes in it, chances are high that your website will also get affected. The fact that all these co-users share the same IP address is what is at the root of the problems. Any website which uses spam emailing for building their business will hamper the entire server so much so that all the other sites automatically get blacklisted. Similarly, in case a site which shares the same server with you does not have proper coding or suffers from memory issues, it will end up using much of the server resourc
es causing your site to crash or slow down.

When you choose VPS hosting, these risks are mitigated because every virtual private server will own a distinct IP and will have access to a fair share of CPU and RAM. Since every site on this server has a distinct IP address, it can be protected from spam and other malware. So, its business credibility is not damaged. With dedicated hosting too, you can enjoy this protection against server crashes or the slowing down of websites for lack of resources. But, in dedicated hosting, the control lies in the hands of the provider and not the client when you have opted for managed dedicated hosting solutions.

This shows that VPS hosting plans are perhaps the best suited for your website when you wish to upgrade from shared hosting in order to get better site control. However, it also means that you should carefully review the features a provider offers before signing up for any package. While there are many factors to consider in this respect, one of the most important considerations is obviously the price. You need to find out how much you need to pay for bandwidth and how much you may have to pay extra for getting more bandwidth. There are businesses which often end up paying a lot more for resources that they have no real need for. So, to keep your costs low, you must determine the RAM and CPU needs for your website and choose a plan accordingly.

Your task is to get a provider which can give you scalable hosting solutions. This is because you will need more resources as your site steadily grows. So, you should have the option to scale up your resources with an increase in traffic. Finally, you must check for site control before you sign on the dotted line. This means you should be granted complete root access to this virtual server you should have the freedom to choose an operating system and reboot the server if needed from a web panel. The plan should even allow you to control the virtual server through programs and codes written by your developers.

Six Key Demerits of Free Web hosting You Should Never Miss

In this commercial world, anything that is being offered as ‘free’ comes with strings attached to it. How can a ‘free webhosting’ be an exception to this cliché? You may actually end up paying more than standard paid hosting fees by choosing free web hosting, not to mention your web presence might suffer irreparable damages as well. Let us take a look at some of the demerits of free web hosting.

Poor quality hosting

Free web hosting refers to the space on web server that is provided to a website free of cost. Most of the free hosting providers do not invest in new technologies and exist only to make some quick buck by earning revenues through push ads and so forth. In addition to obsolete technology, your web initiative will suffer from excruciatingly slow page loading, frequent down times, limitations of file transfer, and absolute lack of any support from the host. Users of free hosting are only offered space on web server and the user is expected to self host software applications, files, or blogs on the web server instead of your local machine. There is no guarantee that the host would provide facility of on click installation easy site builders. The responsibility of maintaining web pages and files lies with the user only.

Compromising your online presence

You need to know that your web address, coupled with your website is going to be the foundation of your online identity. You will be inflicting the most significant damage to your online identity by acquiring a weird web address such as instead of  You will have to settle with a Subdomain by opting for free webhosting. This is the most unpalatable aspect of free web hosting. Moreover, you will soon find out that nobody is willing to get associated with a company that has a Subdomain for its web address. 

Where are the visitors?

Your web presence is nothing but your shop in the World Wide Web. Free web hosting sites are not taken seriously by search engines resulting into a perpetual draught of visitors to your site. With no visitors, your online venture will not be serving any purpose other than a vague satisfaction about being up there in some corner of the Web and just gathering cobwebs. Free web hosting will cause your site to be pushed to oblivion by search engines. All the hard work that you have put in for designing a great website will hardly be noticed by your audience.

No scope to grow

Most of the free web hosting providers would provide web space that is hardly enough for creating a website with four to five web pages. That means, you will have to shelve all your growth and expansion plans. It is like cramming your web presence in a straight jacket with no room to spread out. This cannot be acceptable by any website owner who has dreams about growing his or her online enterprise. This is also the reason why free web hosting is sought after by casual minded individuals who are absolutely not serious about their business or web presence at all. If you happen to be one among them, then you can enjoy free web hosting.

Lack of reliability

You will not be offered any guarantee about uptime by free hosting provider. In case of paid hosting, it is understood that you are spending for a certain level of web hosting service and the host is obliged to offer the same by respecting Service Level Agreement. In the event of any issue you are not likely to be offered any technical assistance by the service provider of free web hosting only because you are not paying for any of their services. Since majority of free hosting providers have no resources for supporting your growth plans. Hence if you find that you need to upgrade to a dedicated hosting, then the provider might not be able to help just because there would be no infrastructure for such higher type of hosting.

Free- at what cost?

Free web hosting companies are only as serious as their users. They will introduce irritating ads into your website that have no relevance and the worst case scenario would be ads of your competitors being shown on your site. Such pop up ads will be a major irritant to your visitors who will love to leave your site as soon as possible. You will always be living under a lurking danger of the host pulling down the shutters anytime. These companies are surviving on the push ads that are being thrust into their so called hosted sites. In addition to the ads they also earn by fleecing their customers whenever they need to upgrade their free sites. Hence there is a probability that the game might come to an end anytime in absence of any ethical business plan.

In conclusion

Although the term ‘Free Webhosting’ may sound like music to your ears, one must keep his or her eyes wide open before taking a plunge. You must analyze the objective of your website. If your website is going to be a source of earning to you, then you should never look at the option of free hosting.

Professional Hosting Services are Good for Business Consistency

Web hosting solution has always attracted the entrepreneurs to come and make their own world by offering cheap and frugal hosting plans. These services are accessible for anyone, which means from a school going kid to a mature business corporate can envisage of its online presence, and can earn money with the same. But, a mystifying situation occurs when you decide to choose between free and paid web hosting services. Both, the free hosting and paid web hosting solutions can be differentiated in terms of performance, security, offerings, bandwidth, storage space, and support. 

A professional web hosting solution is included with top security, premium bandwidth, consistent internet connectivity, varied designing and template options. Some of the top examples of these web hosting solutions are cloud hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server hosting, etc. You can add-up storage space, bandwidth and other required resources in an effortless way. Efforts to manage your web traffic are less intricate as the third-party web hosting provider will be taking care of all the factors. For an e-commerce website 24X7X365 online presence is mandatory, any flaws in network connectivity, or delayed site response can cripple up the business existence. For that reason, it is evidently crucial to get partnered with a web host that offers seamless connectivity for your online sites, security from fraudulent activities (such as: credit card fraud, data leakage, data loss, virus attacks, and so on), and have risk mitigating tools in place.

There are a number of ways a professional web host leverages business of all the kinds. Umpteen plan variations are offered by expedient service provider, which facilitates a business with a number of options to choose from. Moreover, you can rely on them for network connectivity factor as most of them provide service level agreement for the same.

Potentials Of BI Powered By Cloud Analytics: Part 2

Analytics holds the powerful potential of identifying emerging business patterns. With its help, companies can now predict shifting market trends way ahead of their rivalry. For instance, cloud analytics helps a company to forecast lowest budget, so competition against deep-pocket teams becomes easy. Sometimes, business models are built alongside formulas which make use of information in brand new ways to analyze the potential of a competitor.

Enterprises across the globe are concerned about the skill sets and resource capabilities of employees. This is due to the fact that installation and management of business analytics in software and infrastructure becomes a prime consideration. Some companies have even begun to host popular business analytics applications in cloud-based environments (in the form of software-as-a-service/SaaS editions.)

Business analytics deployments can be made ‘live’ within minutes. Moreover, these projects also help to reduce costs and potential risks attached with development and deployment. How is this possible? Hosting options offered by providers allow you to deploy plans that are affordable.

With the help of powerful business analytics software in the cloud, a business can accomplish the following objectives.

  • Cloud analytics powered business intelligence renders access to more user communities. As a result, performance management and predictive analytics becomes easy.
  • It helps to capitalize on software benefits swiftly due to elasticity.
  • It aids in driving an implementation strategy immediately because professionals get to focus on core competencies.
  • One can take advantage of automated provisioning and integration with the help of required components. This is also called on-demand availability.

The underlying fact remains that, using BI in cloud is a game-changer. It makes the entire BI project affordable and accessible for all. No wonder that this delivery model is slowly catching up and it is expected that within the next few years, global enterprises will shift to cloud based BI. Besides, there do exist a handful few, and highly legitimate use cases that depict that Cloud BI hosting model is worth deep consideration.

Fascinating Open Source CMS Platforms- Knowing Which One is Right for Your Website

There are different types of Content Management Systems (CMS) having diverse attributes. However all are designed to empower even non-technical individuals to build websites with speed and proficiency. Users can effortlessly store contents and other relevant information in databases and can easily operate user friendly interfaces.

Following are some of the common benefits of Content Management Systems (CMS):

•    Facilitate manual uploading of files to servers
•    Users are able to use a blogging platform
•    Include dynamic web content
•    Availability of customized design options
•    Offer many useful ecommerce and customer account features

WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are the most sought after Content Management Systems (CMS) and all of them are open-source software. These are developed by communities and have been consistently upgraded and supported by large array of plugins, extensions, and add-ons. Every CMS is unique in terms of features and facilities. Selection of a particular CMS should be easy if we gain deeper insights into their fascinating attributes.

Most popular WordPress CMS

After its humble beginning as a blogging platform, WordPress has transformed into the most sought after CMS platform for its simplicity and user friendly interface. In terms of the size of developer community and number of users, WordPress Content Management System (CMS) leads the way. 

It boasts the largest community support and has the maximum number of plugins as well as themes.  Users can also use, its own blogging platform, which is simple and provides freedom from searching for a webhost to build and operate websites. overcomes all limitations of and is a full-fledged option for setting up of websites in the most intuitive and straightforward manner. 

Users can have seamless access to backend cores of their website for incorporating customized looks. WordPress Content Management System (CMS) presents, some of its premium add-ons as free downloads. However it can present certain limitations in terms of sustaining some of the vital resources if the website happens to swiftly grow in terms of complexity and traffic. 

Making changes to the core framework may pose technical issues and may expose the website to attacks. In spite of these shortcomings, WordPress continues to command its popularity and is the CMS of choice for large websites of global conglomerates. 

Following are some noteworthy features of WordPress:

•    Highest popularity
•    Largest community support
•    Suitable for websites of all sizes
•    Open source
•    Limitations for development

Drupal- flexible and powerful CMS

If you are looking for a highly technical Content Management System (CMS), then Drupal can be a perfect choice. It has ability to build highly complex websites. You can develop websites that are used by large community forums, large number of users, corporate clients, and so forth. It demands very high level of technical proficiency in terms of in-depth programming knowledge to use this CMS. It offers thousands of add-ons and is very powerful CMS software. Its features can be summed up as follows:

•    Flexible and robust CMS
•    Availability of multiple add-ons
•    Best suited for complex community sites, multiple content websites
•    Needs basic proficiency of programming
•    Open source

Joomla – Ease of developing complex sites

Joomla is a user friendly Content Management System (CMS) platform that has extensive capabilities, almost similar to Drupal and facilitates development of complex sites. Complexity level of Joomla is in between WordPress and Drupal. The installation process of Joomla is highly user friendly. 

One can develop complex sites with a relatively lesser technical knowledge and use of software jargon. Joomla is an ideal Content Management System (CMS) for development of ecommerce sites, social forums, and so forth. Following are some of the compelling features of Joomla CMS:

•    More complex than WordPress
•    Ease of setup and installation
•    Relatively less technical than Drupal
•    Suitable for ecommerce sites 
•    Ideal for social community sites

Summarizing overall benefits of open source CMS platforms

We can capture the essence of the discussion by understanding how each of these CMS platforms can be used to achieve specific goals. If you are planning to develop a simplistic site for blogs or brochures, and lack the technical expertise, then you can select WordPress Content Management System (CMS). 

However, if your objective is to develop a complex site that expected grow swiftly in terms of site traffic and complexity, then Drupal Content Management System (CMS) has to be considered as an ideal option. 

If the website you are going to develop needs a scalable platform and is going to require customization and intricate content organization, then choose Drupal Content Management System (CMS) with confidence. 

Beauty of all these open source content management software platforms is availability of passionate and loyal base of developer and user communities. Users can seamlessly bank on unwavering support of these communities and also through vast number of publications and other online forums. It can be safely assumed, by looking at the past history of these open source CMS platforms, that their future is extremely promising.

Does Shared Hosting Negatively Impacts a Website’s ranking?

People who are making use of shared hosting or are on shared hosting plans often wonder whether it hampers their search engine optimization (SEO) effort and subsequently their search engine ranking. A VPS hosting or dedicated server hosting offers unique IP whereas in case of shared hosting all websites have the same IP address. This also tends to be a problematic area as most people hold the opinion that a dedicated IP address is important for your shared hosting to boost your online visibility.  In the following paragraphs we shall try to find an answer to it, but before that we must get some idea about what is an IP and what type of hosting is classified as shared hosting.

Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting is the most apt as well as ideal hosting option for blogging websites or for websites that are in their nascent stage and do not expect to generate high volume of traffic in their initial days. Shared hosting is the least expensive of all hosting options as a single physical server is responsible for holding multiple sites. Presence of large number of websites brings cost efficiency as the cost is evenly distributed among all the websites present. Shared hosting is a good option for low traffic website, but it is a known fact that shared hosting is grossly inadequate to handle websites that attract huge amount of online traffic. 

Shared hosting setup is inflexible, issues of security and reliability are always present, and most importantly it fails to respond appropriately to expanding network traffic. 

What is an IP address?

An IP address is the fascinating product of modern computer technology, a method of protocol through which machines connect with each other on the internet. IP stands for ‘Internet Protocol’ and each computer connected via Internet has its own unique IP address through which it is identified. 

Data sent or received on Internet are initially divided into small chunks called packets. Each of these packets have both the address of the sender as well as that of the receiver.  Any packet gets transferred to a gateway computer who after deciphering the address forwards it to another getaway computer.  

This process of deciphering the destination address continues till the message reaches a stage where one gateway recognizes the package is intended for a computer nearest to its location (domain) and then delivers it to the specified address. Messages, travelling as packets, can be sent from a different route across the internet and arrive at the destination in no particular order. It is the job of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) to put them back in right order. The IP’s job is only to deliver the message to its intended address.

IP address as such plays an important identifying role uniquely identifying the location of the machine connected to the net. A dedicated Internet Protocol as the name suggests is reserved exclusively for a single hosting account. 

As mentioned above, all the websites hosted on the same physical server has the same IP address. However, there are service providers who offer a complete new package where your website has an IP address different from those of other websites present on the same server. This way, you look being hosted on a complete different system to the outside world despite the fact that you are on shared hosting. You must remember though, that this type of hosting is expensive and you need to properly assess your requirements before opting for it.

This brings us now to the all-important question whether we need dedicated IP in case of shared hosting. Some experts it matters a lot while others beg to disagree. What if you are hosted on the same physical server with dozens of other porn sites or spam sites? Since most of the firewall uses domain + I.P security to block harmful sites, does it not make sense to have a unique IP address for your site. 

Majority of the experts as well as webmasters and website owners hold the opinion that it is good to have dedicated IP with shared hosting both in the short and the long run. In SEO perspective, your site’s IP will become unique exclusively for you. Now will it reap the intended benefits? That is another question which again needs some detailed explanation. For example, if there are spam or adult sites hosted on the same shared server, what do you think will happen to your website ranking? Will Google penalize you for sharing space with porn sites? 

Opinions differ here too as people believe that your ranking will not take a direct hit if there are only a few porn or adult sites on the server. Things, however, will cease to be all milk and honey if there are significant number of porn sites on the same shared server. You can opt for common IP if number of harmful or porn sites does not cross 10 per cent of the total sites. A unique and dedicated IP address is necessary if harmful sites exceed this percentage. 

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: What Is The Difference?

Comparing two of the most popular cloud hosting servers. Find out which one works best for you.

If any customer is trying to revamp their organization’s email strategy as well as for deciding whether or not to remain with Microsoft Exchange Server, or else migrating to Office 365 (or some other cloud email-based solution), they need to take a lot of factors into consideration. Multiple market research surveys reveal that cloud-based email adoption remains within its initial stages (at about 13% for publicly listed firms), however, it is beginning to take up an important place, especially in technology-based industries.

With various statistics revealing that a vast majority of intensive IT-based businesses have moved to the cloud for a large number of their various business applications, it seems that for a few businesses the best choice is to not worry about the hosted email systems by moving to the cloud.

In this article, we will share some of the prominent differences between Exchange server cloud hosting and Office 365. Let’s find out which of these services suits your needs best.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: The best choice for you?

With Microsoft ruling the market for business email, we have taken a glance at the variations between Microsoft Exchange Server and Office 365, putting the hosted or on-premises solution, in comparison to the cloud-based version.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Data security

This becomes the point wherein the discussion of hosting as compared to cloud-based security solutions raises its head. With cloud-based solutions, protection typically stays a responsibility of the cloud service provider (CSP), and a few businesses opt for it due to the dearth of security management, as it is too high a threat for customers to deal with themselves. Keeping up with security management needs utilizing the resources as well as configuring and changing encryption solutions as well as business security plans.

For several newly established businesses, security management is often a positive factor as their cloud service provider offers world-class security measures while possessing the flexibility to accommodate various laws or rules required by the industry.

With the usage of an Office 365 based email solution, as an instance, customers attain automatized modifications against freshly found safety risks, integral security against information loss, and cohesive protection-based standards like ISO 27001, provided as standard via Microsoft to each Office 365 client. If customers are working with a Microsoft partner, they’ll even be ready to offer further layers of protection like cryptography as well as access controls for email attachments.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Control

With the assistance of Microsoft Exchange Server, customers (or their Information Technology support teams), can have complete management of the concerned hardware as well as the overall framework, while with Office 365, customers do not have direct access to such sections of the system. The distinction between the two will influence the extent of control they have got to system specifications, process modifications as well as device variations. Thus, startups and small-sized businesses usually understand the importance of the management of resources for accomplishing better performance.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Incorporation with various existing systems

Usually, it is simpler to combine Microsoft Exchange Server with various alternative applications if they exist on an identical network, although many Microsoft clients can have the power to provide a good level of incorporation with Office 365 as well.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Scalability

If the customers’ business is emerging rapidly or dynamically varying, they will want to keep up with the measurability and adaptability which emerges with  Office 365 that permits customers to extend or diminish the email storage they need for every month. For an advanced and large business with significant email needs, it’s feasible to achieve the capability limits of an on-premises email-based server quite simply with Microsoft Exchange Server aided ably by Go4hosting.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Cost

Various hardware and software licenses usually require modifications as well as resets every couple of years, while with the usage of Office 365, this can be accommodated as a component of the subscription itself. While Exchange Server will be efficient for a bigger corporation with various resources and frameworks under their control, for SMEs it’s typically within their budget as a cost-friendly option to decide to go for the SaaS framework of Office 365.

Furthermore, several Office 365 based subscriptions embody access to ‘SharePoint online’ along with OneDrive for the Business, remarkable tools for on-line based document storage as well as collaboration with the Office suite of various applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

On the other hand, Microsoft Exchange Server will give some extra management to businesses over their information and various systems. For several businesses, such advantages aren’t needed, or they will be weakened by a load of encryption and information security. The truth is that for several startups and regulated businesses, Office 365 currently represents a lot of versatile, efficient, and safe choices for fulfilling various business requirements.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Development

The Hosted Exchange Server was engineered over the 2010 Microsoft Exchange interface, whereas Microsoft’s recent Exchange assisted capacity with email-based solutions which provided advancements to Office 365. Zero modifications were enclosed within the former, whereas the latter, which is cloud-driven, receives regular modifications on its own. Every Microsoft Exchange Server Edition is followed up with the pioneering Outlook PC version of an identical structure. Outlook PC operates in the form of a frontend for end customers. Thanks to the stark variations within the customer experience style of the Exchange versions, variation management is a challenge for corporations. Although, when customers progress to Hosted Exchange, they retain a lot of management control over feature and application development even after they settle for modifications and changes. At present, Microsoft supports Exchange Server interface versions ‘2010’, ‘2013’, and ‘2016’.

Office 365, which is cloud-driven, is updated regularly on its own, and that makes it a bit more persistent for dynamic businesses.

Exchange server cloud hosting vs Office 365: Productivity tools

Hosted Exchange offers businesses access to various Contacts, Calendars, and Email functions. On the contrary, a business choosing Office 365 can relish the advanced procedures which provide access to Email, Calendar, Contacts as well as OneDrive for Business and Skype for Business. Office 365 conjointly provides its customers access to various online versions of Microsoft Office-based software.


Exchange server cloud hosting and Office 365 both are great options for hosting needs. Though it depends on the application which of these services better suits your need, both offer incredible value and technical upper hand over other options. Explore the best plans by both of these providers and decide which one is for you.

If you want to know about Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server, and Virtual machines, keep exploring

Dedicated Linux Hosting – Advantages of Linux Hosting Dedicated Servers

Linux Based Hosting services are trusted by some of the top players in the world and here is why.

The difference between Linux and Windows server hosting has significantly narrowed down in recent years, thanks to the compatibility features of contemporary systems platforms. These platforms are remarkably comparable concerning FTP access and the ability to exercise advanced server controls.

The Linux operating system is built with focusing on the needs of technicians, developers, and programmers. Therefore it enables outstanding functionalities to users in terms of development workloads. Linux hosting supports Perl, CGI, and PHP programming languages while it continues to be a preferred operating system for MySQL. 

In this article, we will share some of the top advantages dedicated Linux hosting servers offer that are hard to beat.

Linux Dedicated Server, different from other OS?

Linux-based servers have a myriad of advantages over other operating system-based units. Being an open-sourced platform, security flaws are quickly attended to by a vast pool of Linux community members. Linux servers are perfect for catering to specific requirements of users. By availing of a customizable hosting plan, the trusted open-source operating system can influence the performance of the server.

Linux is appreciated as a highly robust open-source operating system across the globe. It is preferred by the majority of dedicated server hosting users for multiple reasons. One of the important reasons being its cost-effectiveness. Since Linux is an open-source offering, there are no ongoing costs in terms of periodic license fees.

It is no wonder that the Linux operating systems are powering a large number of eCommerce businesses and websites. In addition to its low cost of hosting Linux provides greater management capabilities for eCommerce sites. The Linux operating system is extremely reliable and when used for running a dedicated server, it supports scalability as well as security. Here, we have discussed some of its prominent advantages, offering tremendous value to its users.

Advantages of Dedicated Linux Hosting

Dedicated Linux Hosting is Cost-effective

Linux has always enjoyed a preferred status among web developers and administrators over other operating systems. This in itself is a highly creditable achievement, considering the open-source user-friendly attributes of the Windows operating system. The most compelling reasons for the greater acceptance of Linux operating systems can be attributed to their economical features.

Since Linux is an open-source operating system, it provides low-cost hosting to users. It is considered an ideal long-term hosting solution for hosting dedicated servers. In addition to being a free operating system, Linux is also associated with a low cost of setup. It is very easy to upgrade Linux dedicated servers, which are highly adaptable as well. Being an open-source operating system, Linux can be easily upgraded.

Web developers appreciate Debian FreeBSD, and Red Hat is free distributions because this helps them avoid the cost of operating systems. Free distributions of Linux not only provide greater profit margins for developers but also improve the economic aspects of web hosting from consumers’ point of view. Secondly, Linux dedicated server hosting is highly compatible with a wide range of software applications.

The Linux community is extremely efficient in providing the latest versions of operating systems thereby supporting businesses that are running on tighter budgets and need to access the latest technologies.

Dedicated Linux Hosting over secured hosting experience

Linux-powered needs dedicated servers hosting seldom crash since these are built with security features including firewall solutions, anti-spyware, and anti-malware applications for greater protection. Even the control and navigation of the server are easier with Linux as its operating system. Thanks to the incessant support of the Linux community, the reported bugs are instantly tested and fixed.

Dedicated Linux Hosting offers flawless Language support

Linux operating system extends excellent support to a broad array of scripting languages depending on the requirements of the website. The Linux operating system is highly sought after for managing dedicated server hosting due to its compatibility with Perl, MySQL, and PHP.

Dedicated Linux Hostings are ready to be expanded

Businesses need not be concerned about expanding their server resources to accommodate business growth because Linux operating systems can be modified and extended with ease. Users can install scripting languages of their choice for upgrading the performance of their websites.

Dedicated Linux Hosting is highly stable

Linux-supported systems are extensively appreciated for running seamlessly for years together without any hassles. This explains the popularity of the Linux operating system among small and medium businesses. These businesses are not in a position to absorb losses due to downtime and it is a fact that several Linux-operated servers have never been exposed to crashes.

Linux Operating System can simultaneously support multiple processes that are running concurrently. This ability of Linux explains its superior stability to the Windows operating system. Unlike Windows operating system that necessitates rebooting every time there is a configuration change, you can execute the change in the Linux environment without requiring a reboot so that the system can continue to run seamlessly. In addition to this, users of Linux need not carry out frequent defragmentation, unlike Windows operating system, thus saving them a lot of hassles.

Dedicated Linux Hosting offers Better adaptability

Linux is a lean and flexible operating system that supports scalability, unlike the Windows operating system that must be provided with the constant support of hardware upgrades due to its insatiable hunger for resources. Linux operating systems can perform with great flexibility and adaptability on any machine irrespective of computer architecture or the nature of the processor.

Dedicated Linux Hosting, a marvel for open-source geeks

There is hardly any wonder why the majority of enterprises, governments, and giant organizations such as Google and Amazon trust Linux operating systems. The value and functionality it offers are second to none. Apart from the advantages of Dedicated Linux Hosting we have mentioned here, there are many more which can elevate your business and help you achieve your business goals.

To know more, get in touch with our experts and know all about dedicated servers, VPS, and another cutting-edge tech, that has accelerated your digitization journey. Stay tuned for more updates and best plans from Go4hosting. Happy Hosting!!

6 Must have plugins for WordPress Website

Buoyed by a series of scripting languages (PHP and MySQL), WordPress is the most popular open-source blogging tool and content management system (CMS) that has significantly revolutionized the way high-traffic websites, personal blogs and applications are created and managed. This mesmerizing content management system provides countless tools and capabilities to build professional, fully-functional websites, whether it is for e-commerce stores or professional business websites.

According to WordPress, there are around 60 million users, who have chosen WordPress platform for their mission-critical website. Being flexible in orientation, it supports smorgasbord of plugins and themes that expand its capabilities and customize its appearance. The vast library of plugins gives flexibility to clients to do what they exactly want to do. For example: creating image sliders, enhancing site security, building forms, or analyzing onsite SEO, and the good news is WordPress holds the capabilities to meet these specific requirements. Moreover, most of these plugins are available for free.

Plugins: To pump-up the functionality of the WordPress sites, plugins plays a fundamental role. Plugins are small open source software that can be uploaded (no hard-core technical knowledge is required) on WP site to achieve the aimed objective.

Let us take a glance at some of the most critical plugins that can add value to your online marketing campaign:

Content Aware Sidebars (CAS): Those, who have used other CMS platforms like Drupal, Magento and Joomla, know how important is to allocate widgets to requisite webpages or posts. The best thing is, this can be done with WordPress in an outclass way. In this regard, Content Aware Sidebars plugin comes into picture. It ensures optimal website performance and boosts SEO efforts by allowing users (no coding knowledge required) to have complete control of the content and context of the sidebars. It enables users to create as many custom sidebars as they wish. These sidebars can be further allocated to posts, categories, author, date, search results, languages, pages, and the list goes on. To put it simply, CAS provides functionality to create a virtual widget area that prudently replaces the real widget area for the specified pages.

Enhanced Text Widget (ETW):

Although the text Widget that comes with WP proves beneficial in several ways, but still it lacks some features that are needed to magnify the experience of your users with your website. In this context, the Enhanced Text Widget provides a feature-rich text widget and efficiently supports Text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and PHP with linkable widget title. With this free WP plugin, you can hide, show, or turn a widget title into a link. Additionally, you can assign CSS classes to the widget.

BackupBuddy: It is a holistic, must-have backup plugin that every business will need. If you have a website, you need to perform backup of the same at a regular interval of time, or else, be ready to face the repercussions of data loss. Before taking a backup of databases, files, or folders – it is necessary to ensure the accuracy, speed and authenticity of the backup program. Herein, BackupBuddy overshadows the other backup solutions with its hundreds of useful features. It enables users to take complete or partial backup of your WP site including plugins and core WordPress. Digging more into its capabilities, it also gives you flexibility to schedule automated backups, store backup’s offsite, and restore promptly and easily. This is not where the benefit of BackupBuddy foils up, it goes even beyond allowing you to store files at various locations, such as local hosting, FTP, and BackupBuddy Stash.

WordPress SEO by Yoast: Pronounced as the best plugin for onsite SEO optimization, it allows optimizing your mission-critical website. It provides a web host with complete control of the Meta descriptions, page titles, tagged pages and other resources, so that you can reap out the best from your online business. It encompasses a plethora of useful features like 301 redirection and rules setup for search engine robots like index, and do-follow and no-follow links. Adding more to it, with this plugin you can do real time content analysis, and even customize descriptions for Facebook and Google+, if in case you do not wish to use default Meta description field.

And, here is the jackpot – with WordPress SEO by Yoast, you don’t have to worry about rel = canonical tag. Wondering why? This amazing plugin does this task for you by automatically adding it to each of the pages and posts, which means it sheds of your worries with respect to duplicate content that is due to variations in dynamic URL strings.

Visual Composer for WordPress

Visual composer plays an indispensable role in enhancing your website’s layout and appearance. Most users are not too tech-savvy, thus, are unaware of the coding languages such as HTML and CSS. It allows you to work with any WP theme of your choice. This is where visual composer, a page building plugin, helps users by modifying the default page of WordPress into exuberant feature-rich editor, which consecutively adds convenience of adding columns, image galleries, accordions, call-to-action buttons, tour sections, and videos, and the list goes on.

404 Redirected:

It is observed that sometime webmasters fail to monitor the broken links present on their mission-critical website, which ultimately takes the page ranking down.  When a user visits a webpage and sees a 404 error, it irritates them and they would never want to return your website again. Even Google do not give rank to a 404 page. Here, 404 Redirected plugin will enable webmasters to see all URLs which return 404 errors so that they can ‘301 redirect’ to functional pages on your website.

WordPress offers hundreds of plugins to its users, and it is really difficult to sum up all in just one post. I will try covering other plugins in my next post.

If you are looking out for Joomla, Drupal, or WordPress hosting, connect with our web hosting experts at 1800-212-2022.

Let us know what plugins you use and do share your experiences? 

Advantages of Windows Cloud Hosting for your Business

Windows cloud hosting brings several perks to the business and its significance cannot be overlooked by companies. Windows cloud server leverages a private virtual server, which helps to streamline business operations in a better-sophisticated manner. More and more companies today want to launch their Windows onto a cloud server, as they know the perks a cloud-based model is capable of bringing to the business. Having a cloud server, companies save their business expense and even bring rewards to the business function. This is why the CEO and Co-Founder of Animoto says: 

Advantages of Windows Cloud Hosting for your Business

“Cloud computing is a no-brainer for any start-up because it allows you to test your business plan very quickly for little money. Every start-up, or even a division within a company that has an idea for something new, should be figuring out how to use cloud computing in its plan.”

Brad Jefferson

Knowing so many rewards that businesses enjoy with a cloud-based service, we team up the perks it brings to the business:

Enhanced scalability

Cloud servers ensure scalable operations for the business. When an organization used traditional windows service, there was an essential requirement of investing in large servers and then re-investing in better ones for effective performance.

However, with a cloud-based service, business solutions turned scalable and there were more opportunities for expanding the business needs without huge capital investment.

Windows cloud hosting helps the business to keep its service fast and secure with access to best resources.

Heightened performance

The best part about having a Windows cloud solution is that it ensures faster performance than when the same task is performed on an on-site server. Business performance is supreme for all businesses whether it is small, medium or large and every company looks forward to boosting it more!

High performance helps business manage the essential data and even deploys the required resources for business support. Moreover, performance enhances with windows cloud server as it guarantees uptime unlike earlier traditional services, which did not have any such feasibility.

Having a cloud server, the business is free of concerns regarding network ups and downs, which ultimately helps to work with peace of mind and secured plans.


One of the most notified perks of windows cloud hosting is that the business gets a computing platform as it launches a cloud server. Moreover, this cloud server assures security and performance for the windows platform assuring enriching experience to the business.

With the help of a cloud server, the employees don’t need to be present in the office physically. Since the cloud allows the business to access all information with the help of data connection and login passwords, there is no need for physical presence to access the business information. Cloud brings the perk of accessing business data centre anytime, anywhere making the services more mobile.

Not only is this, but cloud also provides network benefit where the network automatically adjusts its bandwidth to help the business operations run continuously without the need for human intervention.

A secure platform

Security is always supreme for every business and to be on the top, it is essential to work on a secure policy. Windows cloud server is the most secure platform, as it is protected with encryption.

The only thing to keep in mind is to cross-check before finalizing the cloud host partner. Before trusting based on experiences, check whether the security promises that the partner makes is relevant to your business or not.

Once the business starts working with Windows cloud hosting, there are several perks that it avails like 24X7 support, access of data without physical availability, etc. so the partner has to be reliable for productive results in future.

Pay as per requirement

Having a cloud-based server on-premise, the business pays only as per requirement. This helps to save expenses by paying only for the resources utilized. Earlier hiring in-house demanded regular monthly payments where the business had to bear the expenses irrelevantly.

In addition to other perks, windows cloud hosting also brings pricing perks, as the business now does not have to pay for upgrading the servers, installing firewalls, etc.

Lastly, when we talk about Windows cloud hosting, the significance of an online file hosting service can’t be neglected.

A file hosting service is an internet hosting service that aims to host static content on sites, which are in the form of as large files. Customers access these services over HTTP or by using client software. These sites are used for:

•    Online file hosting service that blocks large files that try to share through emails.

•    Some file-hosting sites have an auto-resume option that helps videos resume their download after they are cut-off for any reason.

•    Online hosting helps to make personal pictures, videos, etc. available over the internet.

•    File hosting also helps to have a backup service in the cloud, especially for the most sensitive data.

Why Outsourcing Your Web Hosting Infrastructure is more Viable?

The business industry is quite susceptible, yet dependent on outsourcing, owing to the loads of benefits that float around.

However, if you run a web hosting business or provide web hosting services or if your business circles around dedicated servers, cloud, and VPN plans, you may be not so sure about handing over your tasks to a call center services provider or an external vendor.

Now you may be looking to weigh out your options by checking the advancements in technology that is happening in the market. However, if you really want to examine what’s best for your company, your business’s principles and expenses associated with hardware, staffing, etc, also matter.

Is Outsourcing Feasible for Web Hosting Infrastructure?

While fears that tag along outsourcing apparently surrounds you, take a good look at how quickly and effectively the utilization of cloud hosting services have gone up among the businesses.

This analysis narrates you one simple fact – when you outsource your web hosting infrastructure to a reliable and prominent call center India, USA, UK, Australia, etc, you are straightaway trimming a considerable amount of your expense.

But is call center outsourcing also offers you other than a cost-effective benefit? Take a look at some of the aspects that need a strict consideration from your end:

Owning an in-house Data Center is Not Quintessential

While a lot of business owners refrain from outsourcing because of the notion that handling a data center environment is essential if you want your operations to be uninterrupted and secure.

The reality is, in most of the case, the infrastructure hardly plays any role as it is the application that runs on the top and is responsible for generating value for the business.

A hat manufacturer should keep their focus on making hats and not recruiting a colossal IT workforce of 100 people.

Curtail expenses

Now you may be planning to host the infrastructure internally, which is quite comprehensible. But have you considered the cost that comes along with it?

Internal hosting requires you to purchase expensive equipment and invest in maintenance, collocation, utility, and uncertain processes.

Call center outsourcing from an advanced and established vendor provides you a clear picture of how much you need to spend each month. This gives you an edge when you are planning your business’s quarterly or annual budget.

Weeding out the trouble of employee turnover

Let’s say, you are equipped with the monetary resource and is ready to hire expensive staff. Now, employee turnover is one of the common issues that bother the IT sector today.

And with such a huge team and such a sophisticated operation, even a single manager, supervisor or executive leaving the team may directly impact the continuity of your operations.

With workload, it won’t be possible for you to offer documentation and cross-training of staff from time-to-time. Hence, the chances of a high churn rate among employees increases.

Outsourcing binds you with your call center services provider tightly in contract assuring the continuity and high standard of your operations.

Killing the crisis

Managing a web hosting infrastructure inside your premises presents you with a challenge of facing unprecedented outage that you aren’t prepared for.

In this situation, your business has to face sudden interruption that may hamper your brand ridiculously.

When you tie up with a competent vendor, you sign up an SLA agreement that will assure 100% network uptime, prompt hardware replacement, quick emergency response, and guaranteed resource time.

Other benefits of outsourcing web hosting infrastructure include customized solutions, viable virtual servers, high security, and network latency.

Why is it better to Choose VPS Hosting to Empower Your WordPress Website?

WordPress virtual private server hosting plans are selling like hot cakes because they are affordable and effective at the same time. They can guarantee users greater control over their servers; they are flexible and offer high speeds. In VPS hosting, an entire server is compartmentalized to produce many virtual private servers. Each of these servers is capable of running independently. Each has its own version of an operating system, whether Linux or Windows. So, users can get root access to the servers. They can install custom applications and software to cater to their business needs.

Why it is better to sign up for VPS hosting plans when you have a WordPress site?

When you prefer to add or insert new text and images or screen shots on your site, you will need higher bandwidth speeds. If you have taken up shared hosting plans, you may not be able to do these tasks seamlessly because bandwidth is limited. With VPS hosting however you can get a more powerful WordPress site which will offer your visitors the ultimate viewing experience. This is because WordPress VPS is more flexible; the hosting plans can be suitably customized to cater to your specific hosting requirements. Moreover, you can scale these plans up and down according to the demands of the traffic to your site. So, VPS allows you to enjoy features of dedicated server hosting at a fraction of the costs.

When you have started a forum that is steadily growing, or launched an ecommerce store online, or created a blog, choosing VPS hosting plans turns out to be more cost-effective. When combined with WordPress caching plug-ins and CDNs, the site can guarantee the fastest loading speeds.Since clients are provided with root access to the servers, they are free to set up any software of their choice and also customize any application just like dedicated servers. When you choose VPS hosting for your WordPress site, you can actually speed up the website.

VPS hosting will also offer them a user-friendly control panel which streamlines administration. When this control panel is installed, you can achieve most of the administrative tasks independently with some support from the provider.

You can even sign up for VPS hosting in the cloud. In regular VPS environments, in case any hardware malfunctions, the site functioning can be disrupted. But when you choose cloud-based VPS, you can be certain that the website will continue to function optimally; the site will be available online in only a few seconds even when there is a technical failure.

In standard VPS plans, you will be entitled to only some resources and this may cause your site to face downtimes from time to time. But when you choose cloud-based VPS, it can dynamically allocate resources like power and memory for you as and when the servers need them. Moreover, cloud VPS will also allow you to set up your servers in various locations to obtain maximum site optimization.

So long as you do not tax the VPS servers yourself, you are bound to enjoy improved site performance. Switching from one VPS hosting plans to another is also hassle-free. When you choose managed VPS, you can rely completely on your vendor to manage and secure the servers for you. This gives you the time to focus on developing other important areas of your business.

When you are looking for the right kind of web hosting for your WordPress website, you should consider some important factors. For instance, it is important to evaluate your business needs to understand what kind of WordPress hosting will cater to these needs. You have to decide whether you need root access to the server to be able to tweak its settings to your advantage. You must also decide whether you wish to install custom software and scripting languages. Finally, you have to understand the level of security you want for your WordPress site.

So to sum up, when you have decided to sign up for VPS plans for your WordPress site, you will enjoy resources on your own without sharing these with your neighbors like in shared hosting. There are no chances of site disruption because of over usage of resources by some neighbors or because of malicious activities in other sites. Unlike in shared hosting where hacking attempts are quite frequent, you will not have to face such breaches in your WordPress site when you choose VPS plans.

Unlike in shared hosting for WordPress sites, you will not have to share bandwidth when you choose VPS plans. So, there are less chances of the site facing frequent downtimes. Last but not the least, you will have complete flexibility to install your own software and apps on the server, something that was not possible in shared WordPress

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