Nigerian .NG Domain – How to Make the Right Choice?

Jul 28,2021 by Manoj Yadav

If you have a business that wants to meet the needs of people in Nigeria, you should have an. NG domain of Nigeria. It is very important to choose the right. NG domain so that it ultimately helps in search engine optimization and other internet marketing efforts. In this article, an overall guidelines will be given so that you can choose the right domain name having .NG extension. While following these guidelines you should keep in mind that these are just suggestions that can help you in reaching your goals. However, don’t consider them as rules. Remember that you have to follow these suggestions and guidelines by applying your own brain as per applicability in accordance with the practicality.


Here are some of the basic guidelines you may follow while choosing a .NG Nigerian domain name –

Tips #1 Domain Names Should Be Essentially Simple And Short

When you choose a domain name by keeping in mind the target audience in Nigeria, you must be very careful. This is because it is similar to choosing your business’s brand name. When choosing a brand name we always keep in mind that it should be simple and easy to remember. Essentially the name must be catchy. You must keep in mind that the site name must be easy to pronounce, especially over radio or phone so that the listeners or audience can understand the name clearly.

The .ng domains are not very popular until now. Though Nigeria has a huge population, the popularity of domain registration in the country is not huge. That’s why the user or business entity who is going to register the domain name will get enough option to choose the right name to best reflect the business.

That’s why always try to choose a simple English word, which best describes your business purpose. Unnecessary complications should be avoided. That’s why you should not go for compound words/adjectives. In fact, the chosen domain name must be simple enough so that your target audience can remember your business’s website name easily.

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Tips #2 If possible, Don’t use the word “Nigeria” in the Domain Name

When you go for .NG domain name for your website it means your aim is to get identified among the leading websites in Nigeria. When the extension of your website domain is either or, the search engine bots as well as users will understand that the site is meant mainly for the people of Nigeria. Whether you have a non-profit organization or a business entity in Nigeria, you can go for a .NG domain having a simple name. As.NG itself shows that it belongs to Nigeria, it is meaningless to add the word “Nigeria” in the domain name. It will only enhance the complication in the domain name. That’s why it is very important to do away with the unnecessary complications from the domain name registration. While making the choice always try to choose a short name rather than a longer one. Shorter and uncomplicated URLs are always preferred by the users as well as the leading search engines (including

Tips #3 If you are using Hyphens in between the domain names, you must avoid them completely

Just like any popular registry, .NG domain name registry allows users to use domains having hyphen in their names. However, the best practice guideline says that it is most effective to not use the hyphens in the domain name. Use of hyphens in domains complicates things. They are therefore best to be avoided completely. While choosing an .NG domain name you should keep in mind to keep it simple and easy to understand. You must also check that the domain name doesn’t contain any number. It becomes difficult to understand if there is any number in the name. Therefore, it is better to avoid numbers.

.NG Domain Name Types and Purposes

.NG domains are basically of two types – Open Ones and Closed Ones. If you have a clear idea about both of them along with sub-types, you will be able to understand them more clearly.

  • Open .NG Domains
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Most common examples of open .NG domains include .NG, .COM.NG, .ORG.NG, .NAME.NG, .MOBI.NG, AND .I.NG. Most of them all is the .NG domain. They can be used for any type of Nigerian audience and are among the more pricier ones available. .NG domains are the second most popular domains, just after the ones.

The .ORG.NG domains are meant for the non-profit organizations. .NAME.NG domains are for personal or individual purposes. These are more affordable in nature. If the websites are created targeting the mobile devices then .MOBI.NG should be the preferred ones. Another types of domain that is very popular is the I.NG, which is used not for targeting audience in Nigeria but to take advantage of the “” factor. One such example is “”.

  • Closed .NG Domains

The closed TLDs come with more weightage. They need official documentations for getting approved.Most popular closed .NG domains are .GOV.NG, .EDU.NG, .SCH.NG, .NET.NG, AND .MIL.NG.

As evident from the TLD, .GOV.NG are meant for government ministries or departments in Nigeria. Federal governmental entities along with state and local governments in Nigeria can apply for these extensions. While are meant for education (especially college and university education), the are meant for primary and secondary schools of Nigeria. The Telecommunications Service Providers in Nigeria can opt for .NET.NG domains. The Nigerian Armed Forces and services can only use the .MIL.NG domains.

While going for .ng domain name registry, you should keep certain things in mind.

  1. There shouldn’t be any curse word in the name
  2. The word chosen must not hurt the sentiments of Nigerian culture or any religion followed in the country.

If such prohibited words are there in the .ng domain then you will not be allowed to have such a domain. Therefore, keep this aspect in mind while going for such a move.

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When choosing an .NG domain name it must be kept in mind that they are brandable enough. Ultimately, it is the branding of your site that keeps your business afloat. These are the points that you should keep in mind while choosing an .NG domain name.

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