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Everything You Should Know About Navigating Cloud Server Attacks

Did you know that in March 2022, the Lapsus$ hacking group stole 37GB of data from Microsoft’s Azure DevOps server? This data breach also exposed the source code of multiple projects. It’s not the first incident of an attack on cloud servers. In the past few years, numerous companies have become targets of attackers; in the future, we may see a rise in the number. To protect against these vulnerabilities, companies must adopt strategies to secure their cheap cloud servers assets. 

Cloud Server Attacks: Types

An attack on cheap cloud hosting in India may be executed in multiple ways. However, the aim of each invasion is the same: to exploit the vulnerabilities in the storage, access, and management of cloud-based data. Consequently, it can result in data loss, financial harm, and damage to an organization’s reputation. Before delving into the strategies to safeguard cloud servers against these attacks, let’s first understand their types. 

  1. DoS Attacks 

Denial-of-Service (DoS) renders a computer or network resource inaccessible to its intended users. It floods cheap cloud servers with excessive traffic, overwhelming the system and rendering it incapable of processing legitimate requests. Its consequences are severe, leading to disruptions in critical services, financial losses, and harm to an organization’s reputation.

  1. Compromising User Account 

The compromise of a user account usually occurs when an attacker accesses the account by manipulating the owner. They execute the same either by deceiving the user into disclosing their login credentials or exploiting a system or application vulnerability used by the user.

  1. User Account Hijack 

During user account hijacks, attackers gain unauthorized access or control of cheap cloud hosting in India. For instance, attackers may employ password-cracking methods to gain entry to a cloud account. They then use the associated resources for personal gain or to steal and manipulate the data stored in the cloud. 

  1. Cookie Poisoning

Cookies retain information about a user’s preferences and browsing history. It is commonly used to personalize the user experience or monitor their activity. In SaaS and various cloud applications, cookies frequently hold credential data. It makes them susceptible to manipulation by attackers seeking unauthorized access to these applications. 

Cookie poisoning involves the unauthorized modification or introduction of malicious content into a cookie. 

  1. Cloud Cryptomining 

 During a cloud cryptomining, attackers employ stolen or compromised credentials to gain unauthorized access to cheap cloud servers resources, such as virtual machines or containers. Their objective is to exploit these resources for cryptomining purposes. Additionally, they may resort to malware or other unauthorized methods to access cloud resources.

  1. Cloud Malware Injection Attacks

In cloud malware injection attacks, malevolent software, such as viruses or ransomware, is introduced into cloud computing resources or infrastructure. It enables the attacker to compromise the targeted resources. Thus potentially leading to the theft or destruction of data or the unauthorized utilization of the resources for their own objectives.

  1. Insider Threats

In a cheap cloud server environment, insider threats involve individuals within an organization engaging in unauthorized access or misuse of resources. Additionally, there is the possibility of accidental exposure of assets to risks through their actions. Detecting and preventing insider threats can pose significant challenges because the individuals involved often have legitimate access to cloud assets. 

  1. Side-Channel Attacks

In cloud hosting in India, attackers can execute side-channel attacks by deploying a malicious virtual machine on a legitimate physical host used by the cloud customer. It provides attacker access to confidential information on the targeted machine. It can extract sensitive data, such as passwords or encryption keys, and can potentially disrupt a system’s operation or manipulate its behavior.

  1. Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration occurs when cloud computing resources and infrastructure are not adequately configured to safeguard against cyber threats. It may involve:

  • Neglecting to establish appropriate access controls.
  • Inadequately configuring and securing systems and applications.
  • Overlooking regular updates and patches for systems and applications.
  1. Insecure APIs

APIs lacking robust security measures may harbor vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to infiltrate systems or access data. These vulnerabilities encompass inadequately documented shadow APIs and API parameters susceptible to injection attacks.

Cloud Server Attacks: Preventive Measures 

Cloud server attacks

Now that we have a clear understanding of cheap cloud servers attacks let’s look at the best practices that can help to prevent and mitigate the same:

  1. Data Encryption 

Securing data through encryption is crucial in cheap cloud hosting in India. Encryption transforms data into an unreadable format unless the appropriate decryption key is employed. Thus, even if an unauthorized party gains access to the data, they cannot decipher or comprehend it. It safeguards sensitive and confidential information against unauthorized access. 

Encryption is applied at various stages:

  •  At-rest encryption

It encrypts data stored on a hard drive or within a cloud storage service. The purpose is to shield data during inactivity, preventing unauthorized parties from reading or accessing it.

  • In-transit encryption

It pertains to encrypting data during transmission across networks, such as when it is sent to or received from a cheap cloud server provider. It safeguards data while in transit, preventing interception and unauthorized reading.

  • In-use encryption

It involves encrypting data during usage or processing. Homomorphic encryption is a technique that enables processing data in its encrypted form. Through this method, computations are performed on the ciphertext, ensuring continual protection of the data.

  1. Enforcing Secure API Access

Ensuring that your clients are exclusively connected with cloud applications through secure APIs is important for several reasons:

  • Security

APIs are the primary entry point for clients to interact with cloud applications and data. Securing them against cheap cloud servers attacks is critical to thwart unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources.

  • Authentication and Authorization

Secure APIs can implement diverse mechanisms like token-based authentication, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access controls. These measures ensure that only authorized clients possess the privilege to access the cloud application and its 

associated resources.

  • Data Validation

Using secure APIs empowers organizations to validate the data received from clients before processing it. This validation process ensures the data adheres to the correct format and lacks malicious payloads.

  1. Managing Access to Cloud Services

Controlling access to cheap cloud hosting in India is crucial for minimizing the potential risk of cyber attacks. Organizations can enhance their security by limiting the number of individuals accessing resources and data. 

Several instances illustrate how access restrictions can effectively prevent cloud-based attacks:

  • Limiting access to cloud storage resources is a preventive measure against unauthorized individuals attempting to access and extract sensitive data.
  • Restricting access to applications hosted in the cloud is a prudent step to stop unauthorized individuals from initiating DoS attacks. Thus safeguarding these applications from becoming unavailable to legitimate users.
  • Controlling access to cheap cloud hosting in India helps prevent unauthorized users from compromising virtual machines. Thereby averting potential data breaches.
  • Regulating access to cloud services is vital in preventing privileged insiders from abusing their access privileges. Thereby minimizing the risk of data theft or damage.
  1. Utilize CSPM tool

A cloud security posture management (CSPM) solution is a valuable tool for organizations to oversee and safeguard their cheap cloud servers. It plays a crucial role in defending against cloud-based threats through the following mechanisms:

  • Asset Management

The CSPM solution facilitates identifying and cataloging an organization’s cloud assets, encompassing systems, applications, stored data, and user groups with cloud access. This comprehensive view aids in enhancing understanding of the cheap cloud servers environment. Moreover, it helps pinpoint potential vulnerabilities susceptible to exploitation by malicious entities.

  • Compliance Oversight

A CSPM solution enables organizations to identify and address any compliance-related issues. This proactive approach helps mitigate non-compliance risks, safeguarding the organization from potential vulnerabilities.

  • Threat Detection

Through continuous monitoring of cloud assets for unusual activities or potential vulnerabilities, the CSPM plays a vital role in early threat identification. This timely detection empowers organizations to take prompt corrective actions. Thus mitigating threats before they escalate and cause harm.

Leveraging a CSPM tool is imperative for organizations seeking to enhance the security of their cheap cloud hosting in India. It effectively manages assets, ensures compliance, and proactively detects and addresses potential threats.

Wrapping Up

Cloud sever attacks

As we navigate this digital transformation era, where the reliance on cloud computing is paramount, cheap cloud servers attack preventive measures have become necessities. They form the cornerstone of a resilient defense strategy, helping organizations withstand the evolving threat landscape.

In light of these challenges,go4hosting stands ready to assist you in fortifying your cloud security posture. Safeguard your cloud infrastructure, protect your data, and ensure business continuity with our tailored offerings.

Virtual Private Server vs. Remote Desktop Protocol-Comprehensive Analysis

Remote Desktop Protocol and Virtual Private Server are terms commonly used in the server industry. Although there is a connection between them, it’s essential not to conflate them. Read on for a comprehensive analysis of RDP and VPS hosting in India. Whether you’re seeking to understand the technical nuances or deciding which option aligns better with your specific needs, our comprehensive examination will guide you through the key aspects of these remote technologies. 

Understanding Virtual Private Server, it’s Working

A virtual Private Server (VPS) constitutes a virtualized server that resides on a physical server. It is specifically allocated to individual users or organizations. It furnishes an exclusive allocation of resources, encompassing CPU, RAM, and storage, within a broader server infrastructure.

Within the VPS hosting in India, a physical server undergoes division into multiple virtualized compartments through the utilization of hypervisor technology. Each compartment, referred to as a virtual machine, functions autonomously, providing a secluded environment for the respective user. Users are endowed with root access to their virtual machine. Thus enjoying control over the operating system, software installations, and configurations.

What is Remote Desktop Protocol, and How Does it Work?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) stands out as a communication protocol developed by Microsoft. It allows users to establish a connection with a distant desktop or server through a network link. Thus, it grants complete access to desktop interfaces and applications as though they were physically present at the machine’s location. 

RDP operates by transmitting graphical data from the remote server to the user’s device. It captures visual elements, audio components, and input signals from the connected device. Thereby facilitating a bidirectional exchange of this information between the local and remote machines. This seamless flow ensures a user experience characterized by minimal lag or delay. The foundational architecture of RDP adheres to the client-server model. Here, the server hosts the required resources, while the client device accesses and engages with them.

Virtual Private Server vs. Remote Desktop Protocol: How Do They Differ?

Virtual Private Server vs. Remote Desktop Protocol

Let’s understand the technical aspects that distinguish RDP and VPS hosting in India.

  1. Fundamental Distinction

The primary variation between virtualization and remote access resides in the core principles of these technologies. VPS hosting in India is founded on the concept of server virtualization. It is a process that entails dividing a singular physical server into multiple independent virtual servers. Each virtual server operates autonomously with its dedicated operating system (OS) and resources. Thus offering enhanced flexibility and scalability. 

Conversely, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) enables users to establish connections and govern a distant computer running on a Windows-based system via a graphical interface. 

  1. Compatibility with Systems

When it comes to system compatibility, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is explicitly tailored for Windows-based systems, covering both the client and server aspects. Despite this, there have been efforts to create clients for alternative platforms like macOS and Linux. It’s important to note, however, that accessing RDP’s complete feature set may be limited to connections with Windows-based servers.

VPS hosting in India offers support for a diverse range of platforms and operating system choices. It can accommodate your request on Windows, Linux, or any other OS.

  1. Functionality

The fundamental role of a Virtual Private Server lies in furnishing a dedicated hosting environment for websites, applications, and databases. Users conventionally oversee the VPS hosting in India via a control panel like cPanel or Plesk, with complete root access to the operating system and all installed software. 

RDP serves as a means for users to connect to another computer remotely. Thus bestowing full command over its desktop environment, files, and applications. Although it can be utilized for accessing and overseeing a VPS hosting in India, it is not the primary purpose of this protocol.

  1. Security 

Security is a critical element in the realm of both VPS and RDP; however, they implement distinct security measures. VPS hosting in India commonly integrates protective features to ensure the security of data and applications. It includes Secure Shell (SSH) access, SSL certificates, and firewalls. 

RDP, functioning as a remote access protocol, prioritizes encryption and secure authentication. It employs Microsoft’s exclusive encryption, Network Level Authentication (NLA), to safeguard the transmission of data between the client and server.

  1. Performance

A VPS hosting in India derives its advantages from dedicated resources. It includes RAM, CPU, and storage. This setup ensures consistent performance, minimizing the influence of other virtual servers sharing the same physical machine. On the other hand, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) performance is significantly reliant on the hardware specifications and available resources of the remote system. Nevertheless, given its focus on remote access, RDP incorporates features such as resource sharing, dynamic bandwidth allocation, and graphics optimization to deliver a seamless user experience.

  1. Network Requirements

While both Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) share the commonality of facilitating remote access and communication, their respective network prerequisites exhibit notable distinctions. In VPS hosting in India, communication predominantly transpires through HTTP/HTTPS protocols strategically tailored for the efficient delivery of web content. Consequently, it mandates substantial bandwidth allocation to ensure the seamless operation and swift loading of web pages.

Conversely, RDP prioritizes furnishing an uninterrupted remote desktop experience and places a significant reliance on minimal latency. A high-speed connection characterized by low latency emerges as imperative in the context of RDP, ensuring a lag-free and highly responsive user interaction during remote desktop operations.

FeatureVirtual Private Server (VPS)Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
DefinitionA virtualized server hosted on a physical server. It provides dedicated resources and operates within an isolated environment.A protocol that allows a user to connect to and control a remote computer over a network.
FunctionalityProvides a complete virtualized server environment. Thus allowing users to install and run applications, host websites, and more.Enables remote access and control of a computer’s desktop interface and applications.
IsolationOffers a high degree of isolation. Each VPS operates independently with its own resources and operating system.Provides access to the desktop environment of a remote machine but doesn’t isolate processes or applications as thoroughly as a VPS.
Resource AllocationDedicated resources (CPU, RAM, storage) are assigned to each VPS. Thus ensuring consistent performance even if other VPS on the same physical server are busy.Depends on the resources of the host machine. Performance can be affected by other users accessing the same machine through RDP.
CustomizationUsers have more control over the server environment. It offers the ability to install custom software, configure server settings, and manage security.Limited customization as RDP primarily focuses on providing remote access to an existing desktop environment.
Use CasesIdeal for hosting websites, applications, databases, and other server-based tasks that require dedicated resources and isolation.It is mainly used for remote administration, support, or accessing a computer from a different location.
ManagementRequires more technical expertise for server management, software updates, and security configurations.Easier management for end-users, primarily focusing on remote desktop access without the need for server-level configurations.
CostGenerally more expensive as users pay for dedicated resources and server capabilities.Often more cost-effective for individual users, as it doesn’t involve the same level of resource dedication as a full VPS.
ScalabilityEasily scalable by upgrading resources to meet growing demands.Limited scalability as it depends on the resources of the host machine and may not be as flexible as a VPS.

The Verdict

Remote desktop protocol vs. Virtual private server

Determining the superior option between VPS hosting in India and the RDP account hinges entirely on your specific requirements. Opting for a VPS is advisable if your objective is to host websites or gain full command over the server. Conversely, selecting an RDP Account is more fitting if you seek a shared server featuring robust configurations without administrator privileges.

RDP facilitates remote display and input functionalities via network connections for Windows-based applications on a server. In contrast, VPS hosting in India represents a virtual machine designed for hosting data, with the advantage of running its own operating system. Thus allowing you to opt for either a Windows or Linux VPS server.


  • Can I use RDP as a VPS server?

RDP and VPS are distinct concepts. The former is a protocol for remote access to Windows-based applications. In contrast, a VPS hosting in India is a virtual machine used for hosting data, providing its own operating system (OS) such as Windows or Linux. While you can access a VPS using RDP, they serve different purposes, and RDP alone cannot function as a VPS server.

  • Is RDP only for Windows?

While RDP is commonly associated with Windows systems, it is not exclusive to this OS. Third-party RDP clients are available for other operating systems like macOS and Linux. Thus allowing users to connect to Windows-based servers or computers using RDP functionality.

Optimizing Your Cloud Migration- Best Practices for Seamless Transition

 According to Gartner, by 2025, 80% of enterprises will have shut down their traditional data centers. This statistic emphasizes the monumental shift towards cloud dominance. But, in this age of transformation, how can organizations ensure a seamless transition to the cloud? What practices pave the way for optimal cloud migration, preventing pitfalls and ensuring efficiency? 

Delving into the intricacies of this digital evolution, we unravel the blueprint for successful cloud migration. Read on to learn how to harness the power of cloud migration effectively. It will help you align your organization for a future where agility and innovation reign supreme.

Evaluate and Establish Priorities

Assessing and prioritizing applications and servers for cloud migration entails comprehensively examining the existing IT infrastructure, applications, and workloads. The goal is to determine their suitability for migration and understand the potential benefits that may arise from transitioning them to the cloud.

Commence by conducting a comprehensive assessment that considers business objectives, technical prerequisites, and compliance with regulations. This assessment serves to pinpoint critical workloads and dependencies that necessitate migration.

After completing the assessment, prioritize the migration of workloads based on strategic significance, complexity, and potential advantages. Key considerations include factors like cost savings, scalability, and enhanced performance. Initiating the migration process with less critical functions is advisable to minimize business disruption. This approach also allows for refining the migration process before addressing more essential workloads.

Develop a roadmap that clearly outlines the migration sequence of workloads, considering interdependencies and potential risks. Initiating the process with less critical workloads gives the organization valuable insights and experience. This phased approach facilitates the smoother migration of more mission-critical functions in subsequent phases and allows for continuous optimization based on lessons learned.

Various tools and methods can assist organizations in the assessment and prioritization phase. Cloud migration assessment tools, cloud readiness frameworks, and engagement with cloud service providers or consultants offer valuable insights and expertise to inform decision-making.

Integrating a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) proves instrumental in inventory and dependency mapping, impact analysis, and risk management. Organizations can effectively plan, execute, and manage ongoing cloud migration processes by comprehensively understanding their IT assets, applications, dependencies, and associated risks.

Establish Dependency Mapping

The dependency mapping process is integral to cloud migration’s assessment and prioritization stages. It revolves around recognizing and comprehending the interconnections within the IT infrastructure. This mapping holds immense importance, as overlooking an application’s dependencies during migration can result in disruptions, performance issues, or even failures within the cloud environment.

During dependency mapping for cloud migration, organizations delve into understanding the relationships and dependencies existing among applications, servers, and other IT resources. This information is the foundation for constructing move groups—logical clusters of applications sharing dependencies or demonstrating strong interdependencies.

These move groups play a pivotal role in shaping the migration strategy. They assist in determining the sequence in which applications or components should be migrated to the cloud. Furthermore, move groups serve as a risk mitigation strategy, optimizing resource allocation and facilitating testing and validation activities. By identifying dependencies and interdependencies, organizations can navigate the migration process with a strategic approach, ensuring a smoother transition to the cloud environment.

Making the Right Cloud Provider Choice

The decision of which cloud provider to entrust with your migration is pivotal, wielding a profound impact on the success of your venture. It requires a thorough evaluation of various providers, taking into account crucial factors like scalability, security, cost, and the unique demands of your organization. Key considerations include:

  1. Scalability

Verify that the chosen cloud provider aligns with your organization’s current and future scalability requirements, ensuring a seamless path for growth.

  1. Security

Scrutinize the provider’s security protocols, certifications, and compliance standards to guarantee the safety and integrity of your valuable data.

  1. Cost

Thoroughly compare pricing structures, storage expenses, and data transfer fees. It will help you identify the most cost-effective solution aligned to your organization’s requirements.

  1. Service Offerings

Assess the cloud provider’s services and tools, encompassing aspects such as database management, analytics, or machine learning capabilities tailored to your specific requirements.

Once the selection process concludes, establish a collaborative partnership with the chosen cloud provider. Close coordination with their team is paramount throughout the migration process, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to the selected cloud environment.

Development of the Migration Plan

Draft a comprehensive migration plan, considering the following factors:

1. Cloud Strategy

Establish the preferred cloud architecture by aligning it with the IT strategy and embracing a cloud-first approach. Select appropriate cloud service providers and deployment models (public, private, or hybrid) according to the organization’s specific needs.

2. Process

Formulate a well-defined plan outlining the sequential steps involved in the migration process. It should cover pre-migration preparation, execution phases, and post-migration validation to ensure a systematic transition.

3. Timelines

Set realistic timelines for each migration stage, factoring in variables like application complexity, data volume, and dependencies. Clearly outline milestones and establish achievable deadlines to facilitate effective coordination and minimize disruptions to operations.

4. Resource Requirements

Identify the essential resources required for the migration, including personnel, infrastructure, tools, and budgetary considerations. Allocate resources judiciously to guarantee a seamless and successful migration process.

5. Risk Mitigation Strategies

Proactively anticipate and address potential risks and challenges during the migration process. Develop robust strategies for risk mitigation, incorporating thorough testing, contingency plans, and efficient communication channels to enhance overall project resilience.

Wrapping Up

As organizations venture into this digital transformation, the smooth transition to the cloud is a convenience and a vital strategic necessity. The foundational steps of evaluating and prioritizing workloads and thorough dependency mapping pave the way for a well-organized and risk-mitigated migration process. Additionally, the meticulous selection of a cloud provider becomes crucial for a prosperous foray into cloud computing.
Today, leveraging the capabilities of cloud migration transcends being a mere technological advancement. It has become an essential driver for future growth and competitiveness. To position your organization at the forefront of this transformative journey, our seasoned team is poised to support you in crafting and executing a customized migration plan. Reach out to go4hosting today to unlock the full potential of cloud technology and guide your organization toward a future marked by unparalleled agility and innovation.

Maximizing Profits with VPS Hosting in Forex Trading

Did you know forex trading has increased 300% in the last 15 years? This market has rapidly emerged as one of the most economically rewarding industries worldwide. With the ongoing shift towards a decentralized future, international businesses are increasingly grasping the opportunities the Forex market offers. However, in the context of the increasing popularity of forex trading, an important question arises: How can traders maintain the security and reliability of their transactions?

It is where the significance of cheap virtual private server (VPS) hosting becomes evident. For traders and traders who actively participate in the foreign exchange market, VPS can make all the difference between making a profit or a loss.

Forex Trading Impacted by Latency

Before discussing how cheap VPS hosting benefits Forex trading, we must first understand the need for the same. To grasp its significance, let’s dissect the process that unfolds when you (or your Forex robot) initiate a trade. Initially, your trading platform dispatches the order to one of its affiliated brokers. Subsequently, the broker relays it to the market, where it joins a queue until execution.

This intricate process involves a multitude of data transactions, and delays can occur at various junctures. Forex stands as the world’s largest market, operating ceaselessly, five days a week, within an incredibly dynamic environment. Given its rapid fluctuations, any delays in the execution process might compel you to acquire currency at an unintended price. Consequently, impacting your profits.

The delay is termed latency, and the disparity between the currency price at order placement and order execution is denoted as slippage.

As a trader, your objective is to minimize both latency and slippage. A commendable starting point in this pursuit is utilizing cheap VPS hosting. 

Why VPS Hosting Works For Forex Trading? 

With Forex VPS operating independently of the trader’s computer, a dedicated server ensures a more reliable trading environment. When employing an EA like MT4 on a personal or office PC, the risk of disruptions such as power outages, internet connectivity issues, or hardware malfunctions is ever-present. Cheap VPS hosting mitigates these concerns by running all operations remotely, detached from unforeseeable problems.

The operational flow involves three key components: the trader or broker’s PC, the VPS, and the MT4 server. EAs, installed on the VPS, autonomously transmit orders to the MT4 server, allowing traders to execute trades from anywhere. Geographical constraints dissolve, allowing trading activities from a business trip or family vacation, requiring only a network connection and access to your cheap VPS hosting.

Security is a paramount consideration for most traders, influencing their investment decisions. VPS hosting secure data transmission in the cloud and provides additional layers of security, including antivirus software, safeguarding the trader’s system.

Arguably, the most significant advantage lies in the realm of reliability. The continual operation of cheap VPS hosting ensures automation that keeps your online presence intact, persisting even if you experience offline periods. In the event of a power outage, automated systems persist on the Forex VPS, eliminating the dependency on your ability to reconnect online.

Benefits of Utilizing VPS in Forex Trading

Traders don’t opt for cheap VPS hosting on a whim; the advantages are compelling. Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are an optimal platform for hosting Forex trading applications, robots, and Expert Advisors (EAs). Let’s delve into the various benefits a VPS can offer in greater detail.

  1. Lower Latency and Slippage

Cheap VPS hosting can significantly reduce latency and mitigate losses caused by slippage. Housed in a cutting-edge data center with a high-speed internet connection and built-in redundancy, the hardware powering your virtual server ensures swift delivery of your orders to the broker. Thus minimizing delays.

  1. Non-stop Trading

Continuous trading is very important because the forex market operates 24 hours a day, five days a week. A VPS operates around the clock, managed by a team of administrators committed to minimizing downtime. It ensures your Forex robot can execute profitable trades at any time.

  1. No Downtime and Connectivity Issues

Data centers boast rapid internet connections and employ enterprise-grade components for servers and networks. The result is high-quality, reliable hardware maintained to the highest standards by experienced system administrators. The likelihood of connectivity and hardware issues is minimal, and should they arise, prompt resolution is guaranteed.

  1. Constant Access to Your Trades

While automated trading applications run on cheap VPS hosting rather than your local device, you retain 24/7 remote access to your server. It means you can monitor your Forex robots and adjust your trading strategy anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

Wrapping Up

As we recognize the compelling benefits of cheap VPS hosting, it becomes clear that its adoption is not merely an option but a necessity for those seeking sustained success in Forex trading. To embark on this journey of enhanced trading efficiency, consider the strategic integration of VPS hosting into your trading arsenal.

Explore the advantages of VPS hosting with go4hosting. Our tailored solutions ensure seamless, secure, and uninterrupted trading. Optimize your trading strategy and stay ahead with our team in the dynamic world of Forex. 


  • Do you need cheap VPS hosting for forex trading?

Utilizing a VPS hosting for forex trading is beneficial. It offers lower latency, ensures non-stop trading, minimizes downtime, and offers constant remote access to trades. Thus optimizing the overall efficiency and reliability of your forex trading activities.

  • How many users can a VPS handle?

The capacity of a Virtual Private Server (VPS) depends on its specifications. These include CPU, RAM, and storage. Generally, the plans specify the maximum number of users they can efficiently handle. Depending on the resources allocated, it can range from a few dozen to several hundred users. 

  • Is VPS hosting safe for Forex Trading?

Traders and merchants widely use VPs hosting to enhance the security and safety of their forex trading activities. It provides a safe and reliable environment for hosting business applications, robotics, and expert advisors (EAs). It reduces the risk of outages due to power failures, internet connection problems, or hardware faults. Additionally, VPS systems often come with robust security measures. It includes but is not limited to data encryption and antivirus software, ensuring the safety of sensitive trading information. 

Secure Your Cloud Server With Zero Trust Policy

Today, where cloud servers in India have become the backbone of modern businesses, security is paramount. As we navigate this dynamic terrain, a question looms large: How can we fortify our cloud servers against an evolving array of cyber threats? The answer lies in a revolutionary approach – the Zero Trust Policy.

According to Gartner’s report, by 2026, approximately 10% of large enterprises are anticipated to implement a well-developed and quantifiable Zero-Trust program. This statistic makes us rethink our approach to cloud server protection.

What is Zero-Trust Security?

The traditional approach to cybersecurity involved designating certain zones as secure, operating under the assumption that threats originate exclusively from outside the network’s perimeter. This flawed perspective, however, became evident as evolving cyber threats exposed the risks associated with placing trust solely in location-based connections.

The Zero Trust security model revolutionizes this conventional concept by advocating for the assumption that threats could exist on any channel. According to this framework, the key to maintaining security lies in the continuous verification of all elements. By adopting this approach, organizations introduce additional obstacles for hackers attempting to breach protected company data.

Key components of the Zero Trust model in cloud hosting in India include:

1. Continuous identity verification

2. Device compliance enforcement

3. Network segmentation

4. Application-access based control

5. Least privileged access for users

Implementing these requirements not only aligns the organization with the principles of the Zero Trust model but also establishes a robust defense against potential security breaches.

Why Zero-Trust Security in Cloud Server is Gaining Popularity? 

Zero Trust in Cloud

As reported by IDG, over 73% of companies currently deploy applications or infrastructure in cloud hosting in India. These cloud environments, managed by cloud service providers and SaaS vendors, exist independently of an organization’s network, leading to a departure from conventional network control measures.

Consequently, many companies face challenges such as:

Applications and data are dispersed across various locations.

Limited visibility into user access and device usage due to assets residing on third-party infrastructure.

Uncertainty surrounds the utilization and sharing practices of data.

To tackle these issues, organizations employ diverse access technologies based on asset location, resulting in a fragmented security architecture. Cloud servers in India diverge fundamentally from traditional networks, undergoing constant evolution. It necessitates that a company’s security strategy be both all-encompassing and flexible. This unified security architecture should offer the following: 

1. Secure user access to applications and data across public cloud, SaaS applications, and private cloud/data centers.

2. Controls and limits access to assets while defining usage parameters.

3. Regularly inspects traffic and enforces ongoing security policies.

The Zero Trust fulfills the requirements mentioned above in a cloud server in India. 

Steps for Implementing Zero Trust in the Cloud

Embarking on the journey of implementing Zero Trust for cloud security requires careful planning and strategic steps. Each Zero Trust security implementation is unique, reflecting specific company goals and addressing distinct challenges. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process effectively:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into implementation, clarify the objectives of adopting Zero Trust. Establish specific company goals that Zero Trust will help address. This clarity ensures that the desired outcomes and their value align with your organization’s unique requirements.

Step 2: Catalog Your IT Assets

Create a comprehensive catalog of all your company’s IT assets. It includes identifying sensitive data storage, third-party applications in use, various assets, and critical services. Understanding the scope of your company’s IT landscape is essential for devising an effective protection plan.

Step 3: Map Out the Infrastructure

Connect the dots by mapping out the interactions among different IT components. Analyze how sensitive data is collected and transmitted to reveal insights into your business operations. This process helps identify critical areas that require heightened attention and security measures.

Step 4: Develop a Template for Cloud Orchestration

Create a framework detailing how your existing infrastructure can be orchestrated through cloud hosting in India. Establish clear boundaries between teams, users, and their applications. Ensure there are no overlaps that could compromise data security. This template serves as a guide for maintaining a secure and well-organized cloud environment.

Step 5: User Access Management Plan

Formulate a user access management plan that clearly outlines permissions for specific content. Implement the principle of least privilege access, allowing users access only to materials necessary for their work functions. This approach enhances control over data flow and strengthens security when accessing the cloud servers in India.

Step 6: Continuous Maintenance and Monitoring

Regularly inspect your setup for misconfigurations and inefficiencies. Incorporate ongoing maintenance and monitoring as integral components of your implementation plan. Active monitoring not only identifies potential issues but also expands the protection surface, serving as an additional security countermeasure.

Wrapping Up

cloud server

The journey toward securing cloud servers in India has reached a crucial juncture, and the Zero Trust Policy emerges as the beacon guiding us through the evolving landscape of cyber threats. It reshapes our approach by instilling a foundational belief—trust nothing, verify everything.

A unified security architecture, as advocated by Zero Trust, becomes imperative. It provides a secure way for users to access resources, manages the accessibility of assets, and ensures continuous enforcement of security policies. It spans across public cloud, SaaS applications, and private cloud/data centers.

Take the first step toward a more resilient and secure digital future with go4hosting. For comprehensive security solutions aligned with the principles of Zero Trust, reach out to our team today! 


  • How does Zero Trust work in the cloud?

Zero Trust in the cloud operates on the foundational principle of “never trust, always verify.” Unlike traditional security models that assume trust within certain network perimeters, Zero Trust challenges this notion by requiring continuous verification of all entities trying to access resources. In cloud hosting in India, this translates to rigorous identity verification, device compliance checks, network segmentation, application-based access controls, and enforcing the principle of least privilege. By adopting Zero Trust, organizations enhance their security posture, mitigating the risks associated with dispersed data, diverse access points, and the dynamic nature of cloud environments.

  • What is the zero trust limit?

The term “zero trust limit” refers to the foundational concept of Zero Trust security. It operates on the premise that trust cannot be automatically granted to any entity, whether within or outside the network. Within a zero-trust model, trust is never presumed, and verification is mandatory for every user, device, and application seeking access to resources. This approach emphasizes continuous verification and strict access controls, minimizing the potential attack surface and enhancing overall security in dynamic digital environments.

  • Is Zero Trust in the cloud easy to implement?

Implementing Zero Trust in the cloud servers in India can vary in complexity depending on the organization’s existing infrastructure and processes. While the concept may seem straightforward, the actual implementation involves strategic planning, a thorough understanding of IT assets, and a commitment to continuous monitoring. It’s crucial to define clear objectives, catalog IT assets, and create a template for orchestration. While it may pose challenges, the enhanced security and adaptability provided by Zero Trust make it a valuable investment in the long run.

4 Strategies for Mastering Cloud Cost Optimization in 2024

Growing data processing, storage, and computation demands have led businesses to invest in cloud infrastructure. However, this shift presents a dual challenge. While the flexibility and scalability of the cloud offer significant advantages, they also introduce unpredictability and management complexities in cloud costs. This challenge becomes particularly pronounced for businesses with variable workloads. In addition to substantial expenses like payroll and office leases, businesses native to cheap cloud servers are witnessing an upward expenditure trajectory.

As per Flexera’s report, the average company wastes about 35% of its cloud computing budget. These stats highlight the need for advanced strategies that empower organizations to harness the full potential of cheap cloud hosting in India while keeping costs in check.

Gain insight Through your Cloud Expenditure Bill 

Do you often skim through your cloud bills, focusing solely on the overall cost? It’s time to stop this practice. Understanding your cloud bill and overarching pricing structure is pivotal for the cost optimization of cheap cloud servers. It can help you identify high-cost areas and generate savings.

Here are key aspects of your cloud bill to comprehend:

  • Compute costs: These charges correspond to the processing power utilized, varying based on the types and sizes of virtual machines. Pricing considerations include regional disparities, reserved versus on-demand instances, and the utilization of spot instances.
  • Managed services costs: Charges are incurred based on usage or per-hour rates if your operations involve managed services, such as managed databases.
  • Storage costs: Charges for storing data in the cheap cloud servers are influenced by storage types (e.g., object, block), redundancy options, and data retrieval and transfer fees.
  • Bandwidth costs: These charges pertain to data movement within and outside your cheap cloud hosting in India, commonly known as “egress costs.” Intra-region and inter-region data transfers and data exchanges between your cloud and the internet contribute to these costs, which can fluctuate significantly for bandwidth-intensive businesses.
  • Support costs: Depending on your cloud provider and chosen plan, separate charges may apply for support levels.
  • Discounts and savings: Any participation in upfront payments, reserved instances, committed use contracts, or other discount programs will be reflected, reducing the overall bill amount.

Detect Mismanaged Resources

Mismanaged resources refer to the underutilized or unassociated resources that incur costs. Every system is susceptible to resources that are not actively used, such as detached storage volumes, inactive load balancers, and unused instances. However, it’s common to overlook deactivating these resources during periods of inactivity. Even after terminating a temporary server, it’s possible to neglect the removal of its associated storage. It not only leads to resource wastage but also results in unnecessary expenses.

  • Establish a regular monitoring system to oversee resource utilization. Utilize cheap cloud servers monitoring tools equipped with alert notifications to monitor essential metrics such as CPU usage, disk usage, disk I/O, bandwidth, and memory usage. Resources displaying consistently low usage or remaining idle should be considered for downsizing or removal.
  • Identify dormant cloud resources by monitoring instances that exhibit minimal or no activity over an extended period. For example, a dormant database may lack significant read or write operations for several months, making it a suitable candidate for deletion.
  • Conduct a thorough evaluation and take appropriate action after identifying underutilized resources. Assess their future necessity, and if they are not essential for upcoming projects and do not impact current operations, consider removing or downsizing them.
  • Initiate a thorough examination of your Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) invoices to streamline cloud expenditures. If you identify charges for resources that were previously acquired but are now obsolete, it’s imperative to eliminate such idle and unassociated resources to reduce operational costs.
  • For developers, maintaining sandbox environments is crucial to ensuring the cleanup or shutdown of instances that are no longer needed.

Optimize Your Computing Services

Optimizing your computing services involves aligning your resources with your needs and eliminating unnecessary expenses from over-provisioned capacity. This process includes downsizing resources that exceed requirements and expanding those approaching full capacity.

Follow these actionable tips to optimize your cheap cloud hosting in India:

  • Understand your workloads: Conduct a thorough assessment of your workloads, considering performance requirements and usage patterns. This knowledge will provide the necessary foundation for efficiently optimizing your computational resources.
  •  Test different configurations: Experiment with various instance sizes and types to identify the most suitable match for each workload. This proactive approach ensures the discovery of optimal configurations, preventing unnecessary expenses.
  • Utilize heatmaps: Visualize your company’s computing demand over time through heatmaps. By monitoring and identifying patterns in the heatmap, you can pinpoint cost centers and adjust your resources accordingly.
  • Implement load balancing: Distribute workloads evenly across resources using load balancing techniques. It prevents overuse and underuse of resources, promotes efficient utilization, and prevents unnecessary costs from unused capacity.
  • Continuously review and adjust: Optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly review your resources and adjust their sizing in response to workload changes. This continuous effort can lead to significant long-term cost savings.

Implement Autoscaling 

Autoscaling is another smart strategy for cheap cloud servers’s cost optimization. The capability to scale resources as needed is a key benefit for companies adopting a cloud-centric approach. Nevertheless, manual management of scalability poses challenges, potentially leading to issues like over-provisioning and increased expenses. To address these concerns, autoscaling emerges as a viable solution, promising cost reduction and improved resource efficiency.

Autoscaling dynamically adjusts computing resources in response to actual usage patterns, proving especially beneficial for unpredictable and mission-critical workloads. Instead of keeping resources inactive when usage is low or grappling with capacity limitations during peak periods, autoscaling guarantees that resources are optimally utilized at all times.

A valuable tool for implementing autoscaling is Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system renowned for its capacity to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications. Kubernetes offers various options to facilitate efficient autoscaling:

  • Cluster Autoscaler (CA)
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).

Wrapping Up

Cloud hosting

As businesses strive to harness the full potential of cheap cloud hosting in India, a comprehensive approach to cost optimization becomes indispensable.  Embarking on this path entails grasping, vigilantly observing, and flexibly adjusting to the ever-changing demands of your cloud environment. Looking forward, the significance of these approaches will only grow, influencing how businesses utilize the potential of cloud technology to foster innovation and propel their growth.

Are you seeking expert guidance in navigating the complex, cheap cloud server landscape? Get in touch with our experts today for tailored solutions and support.

NVMe Hosting- Why Should You Switch to NVMe Hosting in 2024?

With NVMe becoming more commonplace in data centers and home offices, many are wondering if it’s worth switching to NVMe webhosting now. And if you’re also wondering why you should upgrade to NVMe webhosting, then this post is for you. 

So, let’s take a look at what makes NVMe Cloud Hosting different from others. Here we go…

What is NVMe Hosting?

Non-volatile memory express or NVMe refers to hosting services that use NVMe storage. It is a protocol for new solid-state drives (SSD) to provide maximum performance and response time. Unlike volatile memory (RAM and cache memory), NVMe Cloud Hosting keeps data even if the power is lost. It is thus one of the safest solutions.

It is the latest storage device technology that increases website and blog speed. Storage devices have evolved dramatically. 

SSDs are in most devices that use SATA connectors from outdated hard drives. NVMe uses PCIe to give a high-speed performance. In contrast to SCSI-based SSDs that can select only one block, NVMe can choose 64000 blocks. This is why NVMe SSDs outperform SATA or SAS SSDs. 

Calling NVMe the next generation storage won’t be an exaggeration. This latest SSD technology can enhance productivity. NVMe-based SSDs give greater performance over traditional storage devices through PCIe and can process several commands at a time. NVMe SSDs use PCIe for better speed and bandwidth. It is a great storage device for massive amounts of data. 

All in all, NVMe Webhosting is better, faster, and more stable than shared hosting. 

Who is the right candidate for NVMe Cloud Hosting?

Anyone who wishes his site to run perfectly is the right candidate for NVMe Cloud hosting. Whether you are a business blogger, a web designer, an online retailer NVMe is the hosting for you. Undoubtedly, speed matters, and your customers will come back to you only when your website performs better, loads faster, and is visually appealing. 

Moreover, a storage device featuring NVMe technology is ideal for firms that deal with artificial intelligence (AI). The amount of data centers required by AI-based technologies is enormous, and only NVMe can meet the demand for such enterprises. 

Whether you believe it or not, the site’s performance (including speed) is directly tied to the web hosting company’s storage technology. So look for a host that can provide you with a feature-rich yet cost-effective solution without compromising on performance. 

Let’s now take a look are the reasons that make NVMe SSDs stand out…

Advantages of switching to NVMe Webhosting in 2024

Technology is rapidly evolving, accelerating the shifts between popular web hosting technologies. More and more users are now switching to cheap NVMe Webhosting from shared hosting. If you wonder how it will benefit you in 2024, read ahead.

Here are the advantages of switching to NVMe SSD hosting in 2024…

1. NVMe SSDs guarantee fast speeds

First things first, speed is the most appealing feature of an NVMe Cloud hosting server. Its increased speed and overall performance make it stand out among other storage technologies. NVMe uses PCIe and avoids the CPU’s SATA interface. As a result, an NVMe-based hosting solution is much faster than a traditional one. This huge speed disparity is due to the hardware’s characteristics being utilized.

Also, NVMe drives allow higher IOPs (input/output operations) than older ATA interfaces like SATA and SAS. While NVMe devices can offer up to 64,000 IOPs, older technologies like SATA only support 32 queue entries. 

The fact that NVMe SSD-powered hosting solutions are six times faster than HDD-powered hosting solutions is no surprise. NVMe SSD hosting provides the performance of a dedicated virtual private server (VPS) without the high cost.

2. It saves a lot of energy

Another wonderful advantage of switching to NVMe hosting is less energy consumption. NVMe SSDs utilize less energy than HDDs, thereby improving the energy efficiency of SATA-based SSDs. 

The sophisticated queueing mechanism and smart task allocation allow NVMe drives to go into energy-saving standby mode and save a lot of power. As a result, NVMe SSD hosting is an excellent and cost-effective alternative for those who look for environmentally-friendly options in their day-to-day lives. 

3. It saves time and money

Although NVMe SSD hosting is slightly more expensive than regular shared hosting, it gives better performance and value for money. Having a faster loading website will help you improve your customer experience, which will enhance your ROIs in the long run. 

Most users migrate from shared hosting to VPS hosting for better speed, scalability, and security. And when their businesses snowball, they consider upgrading to a managed dedicated server, which is much more expensive. So, the easiest and most cost-effective option to improve a site’s performance is to update to NVMe hosting. 

NVMe SSDs save both time and money while also providing performance comparable to that of a VPS service.

4. It protects your site data.

NVMe SSD technology uses the same security container instructions as ACS, SAS, and ATA. It is fully compatible with industry-standard security systems. Moreover, NVMe is non-volatile, meaning it doesn’t lose data in the event of a power loss or other issues.

Unlike volatile memory, which requires constant power to keep data, NVMe is permanent and will protect your data even if the system is shut off. It is an excellent storage technology for secondary and long-term storage.

5. Excellent User Interaction

NVMe has the potential to improve the user experience greatly. The high-speed performance will undoubtedly improve the overall performance of your website, increasing the number of visitors. This, in turn, will help you have improved bottom lines.

The future of NVMe SSD Hosting

Even though NVMe SSD hosting isn’t as widespread as other types of hosting, its popularity is growing. However, the future of NVMe SSD hosting appears to be bright, as more and more businesses are shifting to flash-based storage solutions that enforce NVMe and allow for the hosting of a variety of workloads.

As individuals and businesses become more environmentally conscious, the demand for environmentally-friendly storage technology will increase. Moreover, NVMe SSD consumes less energy, which is one of the reasons it is expected to replace traditional storage options eventually.

So, if you’re looking for an innovative storage solution, cheap is the best bet. The best thing is it is upgradeable for future storage technologies so that you won’t be left behind in the future.

What is NVMe Reseller Web Hosting?

NVMe Reseller hosting is a product that perfectly fits the increasing demands of businesses in today’s time. The extensive features it offers makes it a perfect pick for your growing business. The web hosting comes backed by fast-performing servers, extensive features, 24/7 technical support, and is highly resilient to ensure you enjoy a hassle-free experience. Using NVMe reseller gives you a competitive edge and allows you to offer impeccable hosting services to your customers. 

It comes with two different control panels. The first control panel is for adding your website account and setting up the plans and features. While the other control panel lets you manage each website. It means for each account, there will be a reseller account with its private control panel. 

NVMe Reseller hosting also makes a good choice for people who wish to start their own hosting business without the hassle of investing their money in buying and selling web servers. 

Also, if you have more than one website and you wish to host it in one place, NVMe reseller hosting will do the job for you. 

PCIe NVMe Storage 

Users who were already using SSD storage must be thinking if NVMe storage is better. Well, the answer is yes. NVMe SSD offers ultra-fast performance as compared to HDD and SDD. While you need cables to connect SSD drives to the server, NVMe storage uses PCIe slots on the motherboard of the server. Since you don’t need cables in NVMe, it contributes to the faster transfer of data leading to delivering impeccable performance to users.

Wrapping it up…

So, these are the advantages that make NVMe SSD the best hosting option today. This next-generation storage technology offers excellent performance and low energy usage.

If you’re planning to switch, NVMe SSD is the best choice. And can help you switch seamlessly. We at Go4hosting offer customized hosting services at the most competitive prices. So, if you’re looking for the best hosting plans, contact us. 

Our team of experts will help you choose the best hosting plan for your firm that fits your needs well!

How to Deploy a Docker Container on VPS Hosting?

In web hosting, deploying applications efficiently has become a pivotal challenge for businesses seeking optimal performance. As the digital realm expands, the demand for scalable and portable solutions has given rise to containerization technologies. Docker, a leading player in this arena, empowers developers to encapsulate applications and their dependencies into lightweight, portable containers. The containerization market on a global scale is anticipated to experience significant growth in the upcoming years. Thus highlighting the growing acceptance of containerized solutions across various industries.

How do you leverage the capabilities of Docker containers, especially in the context of Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting in India? Keep reading to discover the solution.

What is Docker and How Does it Work?

Docker is a containerization platform, transforming application development, shipping, and deployment. It empowers developers to package an application and its dependencies into a compact, easily transportable container. These containers are isolated environments that guarantee consistent performance across different computing environments.

Docker employs a client-server architecture where the client communicates with the Docker daemon. The daemon, in turn, manages container creation, running, and other essential tasks. Containers share the host OS kernel but run in isolated user spaces, ensuring efficient resource utilization and rapid deployment.

The power of Docker is evident in its capability to package applications with their dependencies, facilitating seamless transfer across diverse systems. It eradicates the longstanding “it works on my machine” issue and simplifies the development-to-deployment process. Docker transforms applications into portable, scalable, and easily maintainable entities. Thus, it marks a significant advancement in the efficiency of software development and deployment practices.

What Are the System Requirements for Installing Docker?

Docker functions seamlessly with Windows, diverse Linux distributions, and macOS. Given the unique environments of these platforms, each has its own system requirements before being deployed in VPS hosting in India. Here’s a breakdown for each OS


Before you deploy Docker on VPS hosting in India on Windows system, ensure

  • A 64-bit CPU with Second Level Address Translation
  • 4GB of RAM
  • Hardware virtualization enabled in the BIOS settings
  • For Docker with Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2), Windows 10 64-bit Home, Pro, Enterprise, or Education (version 1903 or higher) is required, with the WSL 2 feature enabled and the Linux kernel update package installed.
  • For those using Hyper-V’s backend and Windows containers, Windows 10 64-bit Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 17134 or higher) with Hyper-V and Containers feature enabled is necessary.


Before you deploy Docker on VPS hosting in India on Linux system, ensure

  • Docker seamlessly supports diverse CPU architectures on Linux, guaranteeing compatibility with well-known distributions like CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Raspbian, and Ubuntu. 
  • To achieve peak performance, Linux users are recommended to have a minimum of 2GB of RAM, with a requirement of at least 512MB.
  • The system mandates a kernel version of 3.10 or newer. 
  • Storage space and CPU power requirements are influenced by factors like the number of containers and the characteristics of stored applications.


Before you deploy Docker on VPS hosting in India on Linux system, ensure

  • For Mac computers equipped with an Intel chip, ensure macOS version 10.14 or newer is installed, with a minimum of 4GB RAM. 
  • Avoid compatibility issues by not having VirtualBox versions older than 4.3.30 installed. 
  • For Mac machines with Apple CPUs, make sure Rosetta 2 is installed.

How to install Docker in VPS?

Steps to Deploy Docker on VPS Hosting

Setting up Docker on your VPS hosting in India is easy. Follow these straightforward steps:

Step-1: Access VPS

Access your VPS hosting in India using admin privileges. If you’re logged in as the primary administrator, you can omit the “sudo” prefix in the following commands.

Step 2:Update System

Next, make sure your system is up-to-date by running the command: sudo yum update -y

Step 3: Configure Docker

As Docker isn’t part of the standard software repository, you’ll have to configure it yourself. Begin by installing the yum-utils package: sudo yum install yum-utils -y

Step 4: Add Docker Repository

Then, add the Docker repository:

sudo yum-config-manager –add-repo

Step 5:Install Docker and Containered

Now that the repository is set up, let’s proceed to install Docker and Containerd.

sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Step 6: Activate Docker

Activate Docker on your VPS:

sudo systemctl start docker

Step 7: Test

To ensure everything is running smoothly, run a quick test:

sudo docker run hello-world

That’s it! Your VPS is now equipped with a fully operational Docker setup, allowing you to effortlessly deploy and oversee containers.

Wrapping Up

The power of Docker on your VPS

Mastering the deployment of Docker containers on VPS hosting in India opens the door to efficient application development and deployment. As businesses strive for optimal performance in the ever-expanding digital landscape, containerization technologies like Docker prove instrumental.The detailed instructions presented here make installing Docker on a VPS straightforward. By adhering to these steps, users can effortlessly establish Docker, ensuring their VPS is ready to deploy and manage containers seamlessly. It enhances the efficiency of the development process and contributes to a more streamlined and scalable hosting environment. Embracing Docker on VPS is a strategic move toward achieving optimal performance and adaptability in the dynamic landscape of web hosting.


  • Should I install Docker on VPS?

Yes, installing Docker on a VPS hosting in India  is recommended for efficient application development and deployment. Docker allows you to encapsulate applications and their dependencies into portable containers, streamlining the deployment process and ensuring consistent performance across diverse environments. It’s a valuable tool for achieving scalability, portability, and ease of maintenance in a VPS hosting environment.

  • Is Docker necessary for deployment?

No, Docker is not strictly necessary for deployment, but it offers significant advantages. Docker simplifies deployment by encapsulating applications and their dependencies into portable containers. It ensures consistency across different environments and streamlines the deployment-to-production workflow. While alternative deployment methods exist, Docker’s containerization technology enhances efficiency, scalability, and ease of maintenance in application deployment.

  • Can we run the container without installing Docker?

Certainly, running containers requires the installation of Docker as it serves as a containerization platform. Docker is essential for providing the necessary tools and runtime environment to create, deploy, and manage containers on a system.

How Serverless Cloud Computing is Propelling Data Centers’ Growth?

“Is traditional data center infrastructure equipped for the demands of tomorrow?” This question echoes through the corridors of technological evolution, urging us to reevaluate conventional approaches. With the advent of Serverless cloud computing in data center, the answer becomes a resounding affirmation of change. 

Serverless cloud computing emerges as a transformative force shaping the landscape of data centers. Did you know that according to Research Nester, the global serverless architecture market is anticipated to be over USD 193.42 billion by the end of 2035? This data underlines the bright future of serverless computing.  Let’s embark on a journey through the corridors of serverless architecture, deciphering its significance in overcoming the limitations that have long hindered data center evolution.

A Quick Overview of Serverless Cloud Computing

Before we walk through how serverless cloud computing propels the growth of the data center, let’s first have a quick understanding of this concept. 

Serverless cloud computing is a model that enables developers to focus solely on writing code without the burden of managing servers. Within this architecture, the cloud provider dynamically oversees resource allocation, seamlessly adjusting to the application’s requirements by automatically scaling up or down. It marks a significant departure from traditional Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) models, where developers manually supervise server provisioning, maintenance, and scaling.

As we investigate the complexities of serverless cloud computing, let us focus on the compelling benefits this approach notably provides.

  1. Cost Efficiency

The cost-efficient nature of the pay-as-you-go model lies in eliminating the requirement for pre-allocated resources. Organizations exclusively incur charges for the actual computing power consumed during function execution. It presents an appealing choice for developers who prioritize cost-effectiveness.

  1. Scalability

Serverless architectures provide automatic scaling, ensuring applications can handle varying workloads seamlessly. This dynamic scalability is particularly beneficial for applications with unpredictable usage patterns.

  1. Focus on Innovation

By abstracting server management, serverless computing allows developers to concentrate on writing code and innovating rather than dealing with infrastructure concerns. It accelerates the development lifecycle.

 Challenges Faced by Traditional Data Centers

Today, traditional data centers find themselves at a crossroads. Once the stalwarts of information management, these centers face a myriad of challenges in adapting to the rapidly changing technological landscape. 

  1. Inflexibility in Scaling

Traditional data centers often grapple with the challenge of scaling. The process of accommodating growing workloads or downsizing in response to reduced demand can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This lack of agility hampers the ability to respond promptly to fluctuating business needs.

  1. High Capital Expenditure

Building and maintaining traditional data centers entail significant capital expenditure. The need for physical infrastructure, including servers, networking equipment, and cooling systems, demands substantial upfront investments. This financial burden can hinder organizations, particularly smaller enterprises, from quickly adapting to evolving technological requirements.

  1. Resource Underutilization

Traditional data centers often suffer from resource underutilization, as they are designed to handle peak workloads. During periods of lower demand, a substantial portion of computing power remains idle. Thus leading to inefficient use of resources and increased operational costs.

  1. Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact

The energy demands of traditional data centers are substantial, contributing to a significant environmental footprint. Cooling systems, in particular, consume vast amounts of energy to maintain optimal operating temperatures. As sustainability becomes a global imperative, the environmental impact of these centers poses a considerable challenge.

  1. Complexity in Management

Managing traditional data centers involves complex tasks, from provisioning and maintenance to addressing security concerns. This complexity requires specialized skills and increases the likelihood of human errors. As a result, it potentially compromises the overall efficiency and reliability of the infrastructure.

  1. Security Vulnerabilities

Traditional data centers face inherent security vulnerabilities, from physical breaches to cyber threats. The centralized nature of these centers makes them susceptible to targeted attacks, necessitating robust security measures that can be challenging to implement and maintain effectively.

How Serverless Computing Addresses Data Center Challenges? 

Data center Challenges

The intersection of serverless computing and data centers has become a focal point in addressing persistent challenges. As organizations navigate the complexities of modern computing, understanding how serverless computing directly tackles data center challenges is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive digital arena.

  1. Resource Optimization

Traditional data centers often grapple with resource allocation, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational costs. Serverless cloud computing in data centers introduces a paradigm shift by abstracting infrastructure management. It allows for precise resource allocation based on actual usage. This precision ensures that computing resources are allocated dynamically, optimizing performance and minimizing waste.

  1. Scalability on Demand

One of the key challenges in traditional data centers is scalability. Predicting future workloads can be challenging, leading to underutilization or overprovisioning resources. Serverless computing resolves this by offering automatic scalability based on demand. Whether there’s a sudden spike in traffic or a lull, serverless architecture ensures that resources are scaled precisely. It eliminates manual intervention and provides a cost-effective solution.

  1. Cost-Efficiency

Cost management is a perennial concern for data centers, with fixed infrastructure costs often straining budgets. Serverless computing introduces a pay-as-you-go model, where organizations only pay for the computing resources consumed. This cost-efficient approach aligns with budgetary constraints and incentivizes optimizing code for efficiency. Thus ultimately driving down operational expenses.

  1. Fault Tolerance and Reliability

Downtime poses a significant challenge for data centers, impacting business continuity. Serverless architectures, distributed across multiple serverless functions, enhance fault tolerance. If one function fails, others can seamlessly take over, ensuring continuous operations. This distributed approach significantly reduces the risk of system failures, providing enhanced reliability compared to traditional monolithic architectures.

  1. Streamlined Deployment: From Code to Execution

Deploying applications in traditional data centers can be complex, often involving intricate configuration and coordination. Serverless computing simplifies deployment, allowing developers to upload their code, and the platform takes care of the rest. This streamlined deployment process saves time and minimizes the potential for human error. Thus it contributes to a more reliable and efficient operational environment.

  1. Auto-Scaling with Zero Effort

Serverless computing introduces auto-scaling capabilities, ensuring that applications can handle varying workloads effortlessly. Whether it’s a sudden surge in user activity or a period of low demand, serverless platforms automatically scale resources up or down, guaranteeing optimal performance without the need for manual intervention. This dynamic adaptability is a significant asset in overcoming the rigidity of traditional data center architectures.

Wrapping Up

Data Centers

As we wrap up this exploration, it becomes clear that serverless cloud computing transcends mere technological progress. It signifies a paradigm shift in our approach to conceptualizing, overseeing, and expanding digital infrastructure. Within data centers, serverless cloud computing paves the way for a resilient, agile, and innovation-centric digital future. The journey persists, and with serverless cloud computing leading the way, the potential for advancements remains limitless.


Does serverless computing use servers?

Yes, despite the name, serverless computing does use servers. However, the key distinction lies in the abstraction of server management tasks. It allows developers to focus solely on code without the burden of manual server provisioning or maintenance. The cloud provider dynamically handles server allocation, automatically scaling based on application needs in a serverless architecture.

Why is serverless computing so popular?

Serverless computing’s popularity stems from its streamlined approach, allowing developers to focus solely on code without managing servers. The pay-as-you-go pricing model enhances cost efficiency while automatic scaling meets varying workloads seamlessly. Thus making it an attractive and efficient solution for modern application development. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and scalability contribute to its widespread adoption in the tech landscape.

Is serverless the next big thing?

Absolutely! Serverless computing stands on the verge of transforming the technology and data center arena, providing unmatched efficiency and scalability. With its event-driven model and pay-as-you-go pricing, it emerges as a pivotal advancement for developers and businesses, solidifying its position as the forthcoming revolution in cloud computing.

Linux Dedicated Server Hosting-Get Started for Peak Efficiency!

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where businesses strive to outshine competitors and secure a prominent online presence, the choice of hosting solutions plays a pivotal role in determining success. Linux dedicated servers emerge as a standout option for companies aiming for optimal efficiency, unmatched control, and stellar performance. Did you know that statistics show a remarkable surge in businesses leveraging Linux dedicated servers? 

Studies indicate a substantial increase of over 30% in businesses adopting dedicated hosting due to its robust capabilities. If you’re seeking a powerful online foothold, a Cheap Linux Dedicated Server is the bedrock for achieving that goal. Join us on an insightful journey through the Linux dedicated server hosting realm. 

Discover how this solution isn’t merely an option but a catalyst that can propel your business to extraordinary heights. Let’s delve into the facts, figures, and undeniable benefits that position Linux dedicated servers as the ultimate choice for taking your business operations to the next level.

Optimizing Business Performance: Advantages of Linux Dedicated Server

Advantage of Linux dedicated server

1. Unmatched Performance

A Linux dedicated server ensures outstanding performance owing to its exclusive resource allocation. Unlike shared hosting, where resources are distributed among multiple users, dedicated servers provide resources dedicated solely to your website or application. This allocation enables seamless handling of high traffic volumes without compromising speed or performance. Moreover, dedicated servers eliminate the risk of slowdowns caused by other users’ activities, ensuring consistently fast loading times and responsive user experiences.

2. Enhanced Security Measures

In the digital world, security is still essential, and Linux dedicated servers are excellent at offering robust security features. Multiple security layers, such as solid firewalls, intrusion detection systems, frequent security updates, and customizable security configurations, are used to fortify these servers. Proactive security measures and routine updates significantly decrease the risk of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the flexibility to tailor security settings to particular business requirements adds an extra degree of security, protecting sensitive information and vital apps from dangers.

3. Complete Control and Flexibility

With full root access, users have unparalleled control over their server environment. This level of control allows businesses to customize server configurations, install preferred applications, and adjust settings based on specific requirements. The flexibility to modify software, allocate resources, and optimize server performance according to the business’s unique needs is a significant advantage of Linux dedicated servers. This control enables fine-tuning of the server environment, maximizing efficiency and performance.

4. Reliability and Uptime Assurance

Linux dedicated servers are known for their high uptime guarantees, ensuring that websites and applications remain accessible to users around the clock. This reliability is crucial for businesses dependent on continuous online presence to serve customers. Dedicated servers foster trust among users, enhance user experience, and improve customer satisfaction by minimizing downtime and ensuring maximum uptime. The reliability of a dedicated server is a cornerstone for businesses striving to maintain a consistently available online presence.

Key Note: Several factors need consideration when selecting a Linux dedicated server hosting provider. Choosing a provider that offers reliable infrastructure, 24/7 technical support, scalable solutions, and robust security measures is essential.

go4hosting – Your Partner for Superior Linux Dedicated Server Hosting

At go4hosting, we deeply comprehend the critical role that a robust hosting environment plays in fostering the growth and success of businesses in today’s competitive landscape. We take pride in offering tailored solutions that meet the dynamic needs of diverse businesses. Our Cheap Linux Dedicated Server solutions are meticulously crafted to deliver an unparalleled hosting experience, prioritizing exceptional performance, unwavering reliability, and stringent security measures.

With a keen understanding of the intricate requirements of businesses across various industries, we have engineered our Cheap Linux Dedicated Server solutions to be versatile and adaptable. Our hosting solutions are made to scale with you, whether you are a well-established business or a rapidly growing startup. They will meet your present demands and enable future expansion.

Moreover, we prioritize the security of your digital assets. Our Cheap Linux Dedicated Servers come fortified with robust security features, including regular updates, firewalls, and customizable security configurations. We understand the gravity of cyber threats in today’s digital landscape, and our proactive approach to security minimizes risks, safeguarding your data and applications against potential vulnerabilities.

At go4hosting, we understand that companies need a dependable partner who is committed to their success in addition to a hosting service. Our committed group of professionals is available to help and support you whenever you need it. Whether it’s resolving technical issues, offering guidance on optimization, or addressing concerns promptly, our support team ensures a seamless hosting experience.

Why Choose go4hosting for Linux Dedicated Server Hosting?

Linux Dedicated Server

1. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure

At go4hosting, our infrastructure forms the bedrock of our hosting services. Our state-of-the-art data centers are furnished with the newest technology. The goal of these data center’s construction was to ensure the best possible server uptime & dependability. 

Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures that your dedicated server operates seamlessly, delivering high-speed connectivity, minimal latency, and maximum uptime. Our infrastructure investments underscore our dedication to providing a hosting environment that fosters exceptional user experiences and supports your business’s digital growth.

2. 24/7 Technical Support

Our 24-hour technical support is one example of our commitment to client satisfaction. Our seasoned professionals at go4hosting are available to help you day or night. Whether you encounter technical challenges, require guidance on server optimization, or seek advice on deploying new functionalities, our support team is just a call or message away. 

Our comprehensive technical support ensures that your servers operate seamlessly without any interruptions, allowing you to focus on your core business activities while we handle the technical aspects.

3. Customizable Solutions

Recognizing that each business has unique hosting requirements, we offer customizable Linux dedicated server hosting plans. These plans are meticulously tailored to meet your specific business needs and preferences. As your business evolves and grows, our flexible solutions empower you to scale resources seamlessly. 

Whether it’s expanding server capacity, enhancing security measures, or incorporating additional features, our customizable plans offer the agility and adaptability needed to accommodate your evolving business demands. We ensure that your hosting solution aligns perfectly with your business objectives, providing the necessary scalability without compromising performance.

4. Stringent Security Measures

Security remains a paramount concern in today’s digital landscape. At go4hosting, we prioritize the protection of your sensitive data and applications. Robust security measures, such as strong firewalls, frequent security updates, intrusion detection systems, and adaptable security configurations.

By implementing these preventative security measures, you can protect your digital assets from potential threats. Also, maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your data. 

Bottom Line 

Cheap Linux Dedicated Server hosting is a game-changer for businesses seeking unparalleled performance, security, and control over their hosting environment. Choosing the right hosting provider like go4hosting can make a substantial difference in ensuring your business’s seamless and efficient online presence.

Partner with go4hosting today for top-notch Linux dedicated server hosting solutions that guarantee peak efficiency and optimal performance for your business needs.

Invest in go4hosting’s Linux Dedicated Server Hosting and take your business to new heights of success! Remember, your hosting choice plays a pivotal role in determining your online success. Choose wisely and experience the power of dedicated hosting with go4hosting!

3 Reasons You Should Engage in a Cloud Server

Ever wondered how businesses scale, innovate, and operate with unparalleled efficiency in the digital age? The answer lies in the cloud – a dynamic realm reshaping the landscape of technology. According to Gartner analysis, over 85% of organizations are projected to adopt a cloud-first approach by 2025. The full execution of their digital strategies is anticipated to rely significantly on the integration of cloud-native architectures and technologies. The introduction of cloud servers in India has become a pivotal force in revolutionizing how we store, process, and manage information. Let’s explore the factors driving this significant shift.

  1. Cost Efficiency 

The adoption of cloud servers in India has emerged as a transformative force, particularly in terms of cost efficiency. Let’s explore the nuanced elements of cost savings: 

Pay-as-you-go Model

The revolutionary pay-as-you-go model stands as a foundational element in achieving cost efficiency within the cloud environment. Unlike traditional infrastructure, where businesses invest heavily in fixed resources, cloud servers allow organizations to pay only for the computing they consume. This flexible approach ensures that expenses align directly with usage. It enables businesses to adjust their scale as needed. The pay-as-you-go model empowers companies to fine-tune their budget. As a result, businesses can channel resources where they are essential and steer clear of unnecessary financial commitments.

Reduction of Capital Expenditure

Cloud computing radically alters the traditional capital-intensive approach to IT infrastructure. By shifting from a model that requires substantial upfront investments in hardware and software to a pay-as-you-go structure, businesses experience a significant reduction in capital expenditure. This newfound financial agility allows organizations to allocate resources more strategically. Thus fostering innovation and responsiveness to market dynamics. The reduction of capital expenditure is not just a financial boon but a strategic maneuver enabling companies to navigate a dynamic business environment with heightened flexibility.

Elimination of Maintenance Costs

An often underestimated benefit of cloud servers in India is the eradication of maintenance expenses linked to conventional on-premises solutions. Cloud service providers shoulder the responsibility of managing and updating the infrastructure. Thus relieving businesses of the burden of routine maintenance tasks. It not only streamlines operations but also ensures that businesses are always equipped with the latest technologies and security measures without incurring additional costs. The elimination of maintenance costs allows organizations to focus on their core competencies while relying on the expertise of cloud providers to manage the underlying infrastructure seamlessly.

  1. Innovation and Upgrades

Staying ahead in today’s business world requires not only adaptation but also a proactive embrace of the latest technologies. Cloud servers in India offer a gateway to continuous innovation, providing businesses with unparalleled access to cutting-edge advancements. 

Access to Latest Technologies

Embracing cloud servers opens the doors to a vast technological landscape. Businesses have the opportunity to utilize cutting-edge tools and services through cloud servers, which might pose financial and operational challenges if deployed independently. The cloud acts as a facilitator, allowing access to technologies such as AI, machine learning, and IoT integrations. It enables organizations of all sizes to capitalize on the newest technological advances. This accessibility ensures that organizations can align their operations with industry trends. Thus driving innovation and enhancing their overall technological prowess.

Automatic Updates and Maintenance

One of the inherent advantages of cloud servers in India lies in their ability to streamline operations through automatic updates and maintenance. Traditional server infrastructures often entail a manual and time-consuming process for implementing updates, exposing businesses to vulnerabilities during lag times. Cloud servers, on the other hand, automate this crucial aspect. Providers seamlessly integrate patches, security updates, and feature enhancements without disrupting ongoing operations. It not only ensures that the business operates on the latest software versions but also fortifies the system against potential security threats. Thus offering a hassle-free and secure computing environment.

Staying Competitive in the Market

In the dynamic Indian business, where competition is fierce, staying competitive requires more than just a robust product or service. It demands agility, adaptability, and a technological edge. Cloud servers in India provide the foundation for businesses to meet these demands. By facilitating the swift adoption of new technologies and ensuring that operations run on the latest software iterations, businesses can position themselves as innovators in their respective domains. Staying ahead of the technological curve not only attracts customers but also enhances credibility and market standing. In a market where customer expectations and industry benchmarks are in constant flux, the ability to evolve quickly becomes a strategic advantage.

  1. Streamlined Management

In a dynamic cloud environment, one of the pivotal advantages that businesses can harness through cloud servers in India is streamlined management. This facet not only simplifies the technical intricacies but also enhances overall operational efficiency. Thus making it a strategic choice for businesses aiming for agility and productivity.

User-Friendly Interfaces

Cloud servers in India bring forth a new era of user-centricity with interfaces designed for intuitive navigation. User-friendly dashboards and control panels empower even non-technical users to manage and monitor their resources seamlessly. This accessibility ensures that businesses can efficiently oversee their operations, from resource allocation to monitoring performance metrics. Thus fostering a more inclusive and collaborative approach to system management.

Simplified Server Management Tools

Gone are the days of intricate server management tasks. Cloud servers in India introduce simplified tools that enable swift and efficient control over server configurations. Whether it’s adjusting computing resources or managing storage allocations, these tools streamline complex processes into user-friendly actions. The result is a reduction in the learning curve. Thus allowing businesses to optimize their infrastructure without the need for extensive technical expertise.

Enhancing Overall Operational Efficiency

At the heart of streamlined management is the overarching goal of enhancing operational efficiency. Cloud servers in India enable businesses to focus on their core activities by minimizing the time and effort spent on intricate server management tasks. With simplified tools and interfaces, operational processes become more agile and responsive. Thus leading to quicker decision-making and improved overall efficiency. This efficiency ripple effect positively impacts various aspects of business operations, from resource utilization to customer service delivery.

Wrapping Up

 Cloud servers in India unveil a tapestry of benefits reshaping how businesses operate and innovate in the digital landscape. From cost efficiency, where the pay-as-you-go model reshapes financial strategies, to innovation facilitation through access to cutting-edge technologies and streamlined management enhancing overall operational efficiency, the reasons to engage in cloud servers are compelling. It is a strategic imperative for businesses aiming not just for survival but for sustained growth and competitiveness in the dynamic Indian market. Cloud servers position themselves as catalysts for innovation, enablers of financial flexibility, and architects of streamlined operations.

Transform your operations, enhance efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve with go4hosting’s cutting-edge cloud solutions. Embrace the future of business – embrace cloud servers in India. 


Can you run a server on the cloud?

Absolutely, you can run a server on the cloud. Cloud computing provides a flexible and scalable environment for hosting servers. It allows businesses to efficiently manage resources, enhance performance, and ensure seamless accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection. Embracing cloud servers offers a dynamic solution for diverse computing needs.

How do you maintain a cloud server in India?

Maintaining a cloud server in India involves regular monitoring of performance metrics, applying software updates, and ensuring robust security measures. Additionally, optimizing resource utilization and conducting periodic backups contribute to the seamless upkeep of a cloud server. Regularly reviewing and adjusting configurations based on evolving business needs is essential for sustained efficiency.

How long do cloud servers last?

The lifespan of cloud servers varies, but they typically last around 3 to 5 years. However, this duration is influenced by factors such as technology advancements, maintenance, and the specific requirements of the hosting provider. Regular upgrades and monitoring contribute to extending the effective lifespan of cloud servers.

Top Practices for Ensuring Security & Integrity of Your VPS Hosting in 2024

In today’s digital landscape, security isn’t a choice; it’s an absolute necessity. The world’s growing interconnectedness has elevated the importance of safeguarding our online domains to unprecedented levels. According to recent research by Gartner, expenditures on information security and risk management products and services are anticipated to surge by 11.3%, projected to exceed $188.3 billion in 2023. This statistical insight underscores the immense scale of the security challenges that confront us.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting stands as a trusted choice by companies and individuals in protecting all aspects of their digital presence. It offers exceptional versatility and control. However, with great power comes great responsibility. An insufficiently protected VPS is akin to a potential threat, waiting to disrupt your reputation, financial stability, and the trust of your customers. Fortunately, reinforcing the security of your VPS hosting doesn’t require complex theoretical physics; instead, it demands vigilance, heightened awareness, and the application of established security protocols. 

Read on to discover simple, actionable, and indispensable strategies to secure your VPS hosting in India. 

Maintain Consistent System Updates and Patch Management

To enhance security of your VPS hosting it is essential to keep the software on the VPS server up to date.

Hackers persistently search for vulnerabilities in target VPS servers to gain unauthorized access. Software developers frequently issue patches that address these vulnerabilities, bolstering VPS hosting security.

While some administrators opt for manual software updates on their VPS hosting in India, employing automated patch management solutions is a more effective approach. These solutions monitor available patches and apply them under the administrators’ authorization.

Disabling Root Login

Within a Linux VPS hosting, the root user holds the highest level of privileges. Thus enabling them to make modifications to any aspect of the server. Malicious actors may target this user in their efforts to gain full access to the server.

To enhance root access security and shield your server from potential brute-force attacks, it is advisable to deactivate the root account. However, we recommend creating an alternative username with the necessary privileges for executing root-level commands, particularly for server configuration purposes.

Follow these steps to disable root login:

  1. Open your Terminal and log in to your SSH account.
  2. To open and make changes to the configuration file, run the following command using either the nano or vi text editor.

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  1. Locate the following parameter and change it to ‘no’ in order to deactivate root login:


  1. Save the changes and restart the SSH service by executing the following commands based on your Linux distribution:
  • For Debian and Ubuntu:

service ssh restart

  • For CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL):

systemctl restart sshd.service

Monitoring Your Server Logs

projected surge

Server logs serve as a comprehensive record of all activities taking place on your server. Consistently monitoring these logs enables you to identify any irregular patterns or potential security breaches. Detecting these issues early can make the critical difference between preventing a hacking attempt and managing a more serious and disruptive security crisis.

To draw a parallel, consider the scenario of a shop owner who notices a shoplifter visiting multiple times. By closely examining the individual’s behavior, the shop owner can identify patterns and potentially prevent further theft. In much the same way, vigilant log analysis reveals repeated unauthorized access attempts, allowing you to take prompt action to safeguard your server’s security.

Delete Unnecessary Modules and Packages

The 2017 Equifax breach had severe consequences, impacting 143 million individuals. This breach was attributed to an unpatched vulnerability in the Apache Struts web application software, a module that proves unnecessary for many organizations. Are you wondering what these stats imply? 

Each pre-installed software package or module carries the potential to introduce vulnerabilities, and not all of them serve a vital purpose in your specific operations. By removing these unused or outdated packages, you effectively decrease the multitude of potential entry points for security threats, thereby enhancing your overall system security.

Transition to SSH Keys

If you’re still relying on a traditional password for accessing your SSH account, you might be making yourself susceptible to potential sniffing attacks. To bolster your VPS hosting in India security, it’s advisable to switch to SSH keys for authentication.

SSH keys serve as cryptographic credentials to secure your SSH connection on a VPS hosting. Computers generate these keys and can be as extensive as 4096 bits. Thus rendering them significantly more complex and resistant to decryption when compared to a conventional root password.

SSH keys consist of two vital elements: 

  • Public key, which is housed on the server,
  • Private key, securely stored on the user’s device. 

During a login attempt, the server initiates the process by generating a random string and encrypting it through the utilization of the public key. Decryption is only feasible using the corresponding private key.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to generating an SSH key on a Linux server:

  1. Launch the Terminal application and log in to your SSH.
  2. To create both public and private keys, execute the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

  1. When prompted, press Enter to accept the default key file location (typically ‘/root/.ssh/id_rsa’).
  2. You’ll be asked to provide a passphrase, which adds an extra layer of security. If you choose not to set a passphrase, simply press Enter twice.

Your private and public keys are now successfully generated and saved.

Here’s a detailed walkthrough for generating an SSH key on a Windows VPS server:

  1. Access your Windows VPS server and launch the command prompt.
  2. Type the command “ssh-keygen” and press Enter to begin the key generation process.
  3. Follow the prompts to specify the file location and choose a passphrase for added security.
  4. Once the key is generated, locate the SSH key files in the designated directory on your VPS server.
  5. You can then utilize these keys for secure authentication and data encryption during remote access and file transfers.

Educate and Train Users

Providing user education is crucial for maintaining a secure VPS hosting in India. All users must undergo training on best security practices, with a strong emphasis on following security protocols and being vigilant against potential threats, such as phishing and social engineering attacks.

  1. Conduct regular security awareness training sessions to keep users informed about the latest threats and recommended practices.
  2. Implement phishing simulation exercises to instruct individuals in recognizing and reporting suspicious emails effectively.

Wrapping Up

With the ever-present cybersecurity challenges, investing in robust security measures is the need of the hour. Your VPS’s integrity and the trust of your customers are non-negotiable assets. Future-proof your VPS hosting security, and you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the changing tides of the digital world.

For comprehensive VPS hosting solutions and expert guidance on securing your digital assets, explore go4hosting’s portfolio of services and fortify your online presence today.


  • How is VPS more secure?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) offers enhanced security compared to traditional shared hosting because it provides isolated environments for individual users. Each VPS operates independently, ensuring that the actions or security vulnerabilities of one user do not impact others. It provides enhanced control over security settings, including firewall configurations, system updates, and the installation of custom security software.

  • How can I improve my VPS hosting security?

You can improve your VPS hosting security by regularly updating software and patches, turning off unnecessary services, implementing strong passwords, using SSH keys for authentication, and monitoring server logs for suspicious activities.

  • Is a VPS more secure than a VPN?

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) and a VPN (Virtual Private Network) serve distinct purposes, each offering unique security features:

VPS: A VPS functions as a virtual server, prioritizing security through server isolation, dedicated resources, and customizable server configurations. It is tailored for hosting websites and applications, making it highly secure for this specific use.

VPN: A VPN is a service that encrypts your internet connection, channelling it through remote servers to enhance online privacy and security. Its primary role is to safeguard data during online communication and is not intended for hosting websites or applications.

A VPS is the preferred choice for securing web applications, while a VPN is engineered to protect internet connections and data privacy. The decision between them hinges on your precise requirements.

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