What is Cloud Disaster Recovery?

Due to the increasing use of internet and online work, it has become extremely important for the companies to have backup of the machines. The Cloud disaster Recovery is a perfect solution to this problem, this service enables the recovery and backup of the remote machines that are based on the cloud platform. This is basically an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solution. It backs up the designated system data on any offsite cloud server and maintains security. It provides different updated Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) in case there is system restore.

The Cloud Disaster Recovery is also known as cloud DRP or DR. It is advance platform for backup and recovery. It offers services similar like the company maintained off-premises or on-premises disaster recovery plan (DRP) facility, but this is more economical and saves money. The user of this platform can make the payments on the monthly basis. The amount is paid only for the client software licenses and the storage.

The Cloud Disaster Recovery is effective, efficient and gives provider-managed platform. A cloud DRP vendor provides its users storage space and a continuous update designated systems with the client software that is installed on each and every system. It is user friendly and gives them the facility to edit, add, storage capacity and delete systems. This all can be done without having any supported infrastructure or back-end support.

A Cloud DR also has provisions for the recovery and backup of even of the critical server machines. Machines that host applications like SQL, Oracle, MS-SQL etc are also supported by the Cloud DR. it also gives the users to scale up the complete cloud DRP solution from few-to-many. The Cloud DR is therefore revolutionary and provides complete safety to the data and machines.

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