What is Hybrid Cluster?

Hybrid Web Cluster is software designed to provide commodity web hosting in a distributed and fault-tolerant manner on a cluster of either real physical servers or virtual cloud computing infrastructure server instances. It has been developed by Hybrid Logic a United Kingdom based company. This software splits each website and database into individual units of work – the load generated by each is monitored closely and the cluster automatically and transparently transfers websites and databases between cluster nodes such that no single node is ever overloaded. A single website can go from having no load at all to requiring its own dedicated web and database servers within seconds. Only one server is ever live for a particular website or database at any one time, enabling existing applications to run un-modified just as they would on commodity shared web hosting.

The primary features of this software are

 – Allows standard LAMP stack web applications

 –  Works on real hardware and virtualized cloud computing infrastructure

 – Possesses a configurable level of replication redundancy

 –  Enables instant and automatic scalability

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