What is Linux Server?
Linux server is a fully open-source Linux Operating System (OS). It comes packed with the ability to handle intense business requirements and the operational load of organizations of all sizes. It is widely being considered by many reputed organizations due to its extensive features, which help Linux servers outdo window servers.
Moreover, it is a lot cheaper option for operating servers since no graphical user interface is required. The Linux command prompt allows users to execute all commands on the server. This helps optimize the performance of the system. These servers are also very light to run on cloud servers as well as physical servers.
Some of the benefits of Linux are as follows:
- It offers stability. Linux systems do not require regular reboots to maintain efficiency levels. If correctly configured, Linux systems can generally function until their hardware fails or their system is shut down.
- Linux server is highly efficient. Linux is a stable operating system that delivers high performance on networks and servers. It is capable of handling huge volumes of users and parallel connections.
- You get the optimum security level with a Linux server. Linux provides top-notch security through its efficient firewalls and versatile permission systems that keep viruses and unwanted access to a minimum.
- The networking features are exceptional, and several apps can be customized in addition to their safety.
- Since it is open-source, its source code is easily accessible by users and can be customized according to their needs.
- You get impeccable technical support: There is a thriving community of developers, consulting companies, and commercial distributors who use Linux. It is among the best technical support available.
- It is ideal for multitasking. The Linux operating system supports multitasking, which allows you to run multiple programs at the same time.
- There is no downtime. Almost all Linux-based systems are updated without taking the system offline, and most restarts are only necessary to correct errors or complete updates. This virtually eliminates any downtime.
- It comes with freely-distributed source code: Linux source code has been reviewed by a large number of developers, who are still reviewing it. As a result, the efficiency of the code is constantly improving. These advantages include increased performance, the reduction of bugs, and enhanced security.