What Is Shared Web Hosting?
Shared web hosting is a type of hosting where server resources are used by many websites. Many tenants are allocated their respective storage space and bandwidth from same server. This is the initial and most basic level of web hosting which is generally used by new websites which do not require much of server space or bandwidth in beginning.
This is a name-based hosting in which many host names on single IP address are served. Host names differentiate the different users on same server. Shared web hosting does not allow client control over server. The freedom is limited to gaining the cpanel access and modifying, uploading or downloading own files. The basic configuration of the server is set and, generally, this is not changed. The server provider is responsible for regularly updating the software, applications, operating system, security systems and also provide technical support to clients.
This is the most economical form of web hosting. It suits the pockets of most website owners. This is ideally suited for new websites which just want to have a web presence and would be attracting only a few visitors. However, if the bandwidth consumption increases beyond a particular threshold, it begins to overdraw on servers resources, more than the one earmarked for a client, the account will temporarily be suspended. For this reason, it is better to keep a watch on the usage of bandwidth, assess the reasons for its high consumption and if it is about to cross the maximum limit, it is better to seek upgrade of hosting. It shall be mentioned that the suspended account can be restored for a couple of times during which the higher level server must be taken.
Shared hosting serves the needs of many website owners well. For very economical price, they can have an identity on the World Wide Web.