What is XAAS?

XaaS expandable to Anything as a service or Everything as a service is a comprehensive term to describe what the cloud computing technology has been offering and what more it will offer in the future for the coming generations. XaaS offers both hardware and software components individually or as an integrated package over the internet. Every service that is offered over the cloud has an acronym that ends with aaS in the end. The first letter is the key that describes what that particular services is about like SaaS (software), DRaaS (disaster recovery, IaaS (infrastructure) and more. Similarly, X is accepted as a norm of infinity meaning there is no limit which again implies that the services offered by the cloud providers has no boundaries and include anything and everything that can be offered.

XaaS is a term used to describe an integrated service. The offerings from SaaS, IaaS, PaaS providers are all offered as one package. One example of XaaS is the desktop as a Service (DaaS) where the IaaS providers offer Virtual desktop infrastructure, SaaS provider offers office Suites like Microsoft Office 365 and security patches and other maintenance provisions.

XaaS offers multiple benefits to the consumers. Firstly, it makes it possible for the businesses to cut down their expenses. The users subscribe to the services they want by paying on a monthly basis. Secondly, it has saved the consumers from the need of buying licensed products and installing them on their on-site computer systems. Thirdly the users had to provide for the maintenance of the infrastructure. Another advantage is the consumers just need a powerful internet connection and can avail their required services and do not make any upfront investment in infrastructure. With XaaS all the maintenance and management of the infrastructure is done by the cloud service provider.

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