What is Back Up to the Cloud?
Backup to the cloud is a procedure of backing up a company’s data using the cloud computing technologies. The cloud resources are put into use to create, manage and store backup data and other related services. Backing up on the cloud means using of the online technologies to save and store data rather than apply the traditional forms of storing important files on the local storage technologies and in-house computers.
Backup to the cloud is also referred as online backup. It is a process of backing up of data and storing it a remote location away from the business premises at a third party cloud service provider. The vendor charges the users a fee for the bandwidth consumed, storage space and in some cases on the number of users. Availing the cloud data backup option is an easy to use process without increasing the workload on IT team in an organization.
Backup to the cloud can be scheduled as per the user’s convenience and the volume of data. It can be provisioned and implemented daily or weekly or fortnightly based on the client requirements. The online data backup systems have a software application that offers automated services. The software collects the data, encrypts it and sends it to the remote servers ensuring the highest form of safety without the risk of data being tampered or intercepted. Data is duplicated and this reduces consumption of bandwidth and storage costs. It offers easy and fast recovery solutions.
Backup to the cloud subscriptions typically are based on monthly or yearly basis and is now widely being implemented by individuals and small businesses. There is a small upfront investment and then low payment plans with no requirement of investing on any additional hardware. It also reduces the load and space usage on the in-house computers.