What is a Catch-All email address?

Catch-all email addresses provide ProtonMail users with an option to receive all emails sent to their domain, even if the email has been sent to an address that was not specifically set up for the domain. ProtonMail Account holders with Visionary and Professional plans are eligible for this feature. Senders will receive a bounce-back message informing them that their address does not exist within your domain if you do not have a Catch-all address enabled on your domain.

How you can enable a Catch-all email address?

Here are some of the steps that you need to follow to enable the catch-all email address:

  1. Verify that all the steps for setting up your custom domain and addresses have been followed.
  2. To edit your domain names, go to Settings * Organization * Domains. You will be asked to provide an email address associated with your domain when you select Set catch-all under the Actions dropdown menu. 

This address will now be used to deliver all mail sent to your domain, regardless of whether it matches an address in your account.

Note: To prevent a Catch-all Inbox full of junk emails, we recommend setting up a dedicated email address within your domain for all Catch-all emails (for example, [email protected] or [email protected]).


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