How can you set up your own email server?

Email is considered the best and most convenient means of marketing and communication. Ever since the advent of email, communication has become easier for all!

We all know that people using email must have their email ids and passwords to send and receive emails. Once you receive an email, it is stored on a server and then downloaded to your email client. The companies that provide you with email addresses often run these email servers, such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

However, you can even have a private email server. It gives you complete control over your emails. This is because the server is located in your home, on a computer that belongs to you.

Having your own secure email server implies that your communications are kept more private. You will solely be responsible for the content of your emails. It is one of the most secure ways of having confidential communication with your clients without worrying about cybercrime.

Your ISP and companies are unable to read your emails. Believe it or not, a third-party email provider can’t match this level of protection.

So, if you’re planning to have a private email server, this is the post for you. In this post, we shall discuss the ways you can set up your own email server.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up Your Email Server


  • A computer with an immense hard drive capacity
  • A domain name for your email server
  • Reliable and high-speed internet connection
  • Lastly, you’ll need some software: an operating system (Linux or Windows) to run the server, virus protection, a collection of programs.

Here is how to set up your own Email Server:  

You’ll need email server software to get started. There are a variety of options accessible. The vast majority of them, on the other hand, are paid.

In this tutorial, we’ll use hMailServer, an open-source and free email server.

Go to the hMailServer page, select the “Latest Version,” and download the software.

After downloading the program, all you have to do is follow these instructions:

  1. The first step is to download the file and open it.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome Screen to Setup. There you’ll see a License Agreement.
  3. Click “I accept the agreement.” You’ve to sign this license agreement. Most people just sign it without reading it; we recommend you should read the license agreement thoroughly before signing up for a service. 
  4. The following page contains the location of the hMailServer application. It’s best to place it on the C: drive directly.
  5. You’ll be directed to the components selection page, select “Full Installation” from the drop-down menu and click Next.
  6. Select the “in-built database engine” in the following window, then click Next to proceed.
  7. If you wish to create a start menu shortcut, do it now and click Next.
  8. The next screen will ask you to generate a password for your email server. Make sure to create a strong password. Once you’ve entered a strong password, click Next.
  9. As the last step, select “Install.” Allow time for the installation to be completed before moving on.
  10. Run hMailServer Administrator after installation is complete and click Finish. 

That’s all; you’re done!

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