Ten On-page SEO Techniques for 2016 for Assured First Page Rank

Jul 28,2021 by Manoj Yadav

Keyword targeting is an effective on page SEO optimization technique for driving more traffic to your blog posts. Keyword targeting facilitates search engines to determine specific keywords for which your blog should be ranked for.

Important factors that drive SEO

Search engine optimization of blogs or websites is influenced by two essential techniques including On-page optimization and off-page optimization. We will be digging deeper into multiple aspects of on-page optimization and try to get acquainted with some of the most effective techniques for on-page optimization.

There are multiple facets of on-page SEO such as content quality, appropriateness of heading, and keyword usage, just to name a few. There is a stark difference between on-site SEO and on-page SEO. These should never be confused with each other.

Ranking is determined by Google by looking into a plethora of attributes of your blog post or website. In addition to use of targeted keywords, Google also attaches great significance to variety of off-page factors such as domain authority, back links, and social media votes just to name a few.

Search engine factors are rated in terms of the extent of importance attached to each one of them by Google for assigning search engine ranking positions (SERPs). The rating for each factor keeps on changing every year and according to the latest report for the most important search engine factors for the year 2016. Interestingly, these search metrics keep on changing in terms of their relevance for search engine ranking.

Relevance of on-page SEO

According to the recent list of important factors for on-page SEO techniques are relevance of keywords, internal links, keywords in body and so forth. Inclusion of rich content such as adding videos can also remarkably boost rankings on Google.

In addition to some of the tricks of on-page optimization for improved ranking, you are advised to incorporate some of the not so technical tips as discussed below

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You need to focus on enhancing visitor’s experience while he or she has landed on your page. If your visitors find the blog post interesting enough, then they are most likely to dwell longer. This will also prevent them from hitting the back button as soon as landing on the page which is not a good sign for improved ranking.

In order to impart attractiveness to your blog, you should include befit oriented subheadings in your content. Longer content certainly improves dwelling time of visitors if the overall content is able to sustain users’ interest. Bucket brigade can be a great resource for keeping your readers glued to content.

Techniques for on-page optimization for superior ranking

  1. Incorporate key words in blog post title- Among all on page SEO factors, title of your blog post plays vital role in determining how well you blog post performs on the search engine platform. Make sure that your title does not exceed the limit of 65 characters including the spaces. Inclusion of targeted keywords in title is a trusted and time tested strategy that guarantees ‘well begun is half done’.  It should be noted that there is no sense in repeating the same key phrase or keyword.
  2. Intuitive permalink structure- Your blog post’s URL is also search engine optimized by making use of targeted keywords in the very beginning of the URL. It would be better if you resist temptation of including brackets, symbols, commas, and other special characters in the URL of your blog post. Similarly, the URL should have nice permalinks. Your permalink should not include random strings and if you need to make use of two strings, then these need to be separated with a dash.
  3. Proper use of heading tags- It is a common practice and the correct one too, to use h1 tag for title and that should be used only once or every blog post. This should not be repeated anywhere else throughout the blog post. Highlighting the sub-headings or any valid points can be done by using h2, h3, or h4 tags. Repetition of these tags is looked upon as a negative SEO practice.
  4. Suggested key-word density- Always maintain keyword density not less than 1.5 per cent and use the main keyword once in the title, once in the first paragraph, once in the last paragraph and elsewhere in the body.
  5. Meta-tags and descriptions- For every blog post of yours, you should include perfectly relevant meta-tags and, meta-descriptions that ought to contain keywords. The prescribed character limit of 160 should not be exceeded while creating meta-tags. Since these will be appearing as search results, you should make these crisp and informative. Ideally meta-descriptions should offer a brief summary of your blog post. User friendly meta-tags as well as meta-descriptions go a long way to improve ‘Click through Rate’ (CTR) in leading search engines.
  6. Better SEO with image optimization- With recent advances in image search functionalities of major search engines, you need to focus on this important aspect of on page SEO. It would be great idea to make sure that title of image consists of the keyword to ensure better results for image search. Needless to add, images will impart a compelling look to your articles. Larger images can impact loading speeds and should be avoided. Page loading speed as an important Google ranking factor should not be overlooked.
  7. Standardize word count of your posts- It has been observed that blog posts with less number of keywords do not perform well for higher page ranking. Therefore, your blog posts should not be less than 700 words. It is preferable to post longer and well researched articles that are able to target domain specific and competitive key words. There is no ideal word count limitation for blog posts. It is better to have longer articles that are rich in content and presented with a crisp and compelling tone. The article you are reading now is well above 1000 words.
  8. Linking out to your posts– It is recommended to add links that take readers to other relevant blog posts posted by you to generate additional traffic to your blog posts. Avoid focusing on two identical blog posts with help of a single keyword ad this may perplex the search engine. Ensure richness of anchor text in terms of keywords for enhanced search results of your blog posts.
  9. Links to external websites- You can enhance user experience by adding external links to your post that support your viewpoints. Needless to mention, select only trustworthy sites to maintain credibility of your blog post. A no-follow tag can also help prevent passing SERPs and page ranks to suspicious neighbors.
  10. Compelling content- There is no doubt about the fact that content will always continue to rank high in terms of Google SEO factors. However one must make sure quality of the content and make it as engaging as possible. Compelling content is sure to make your readers dwell longer on your page. An average type of content can have a negative effect due to higher bounce rates leading to suppression of page ranks.
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We sincerely hope that these vital parameters of on page rankings will help you achieve desired results. It should be remembered that Google keeps on altering the algorithms several times to make it perplexing for SEO experts and all concerned individuals to chalk out a well defined SEO strategy. On our part we can at least make sure that we are following most of the important on-page as well as off-page SEO factors safely and effectively.

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