What is Magnolia?

Magnolia is a digital business platform based on the Content repository API for Java and is a cross platform content management system(CMS) at its basic principal. It offers an easy to use interface, several rich apps giving the end users an amazing experience. Magnolia CMS was first released in 2003 and now is in its version 5.4. The web CMS was founded by Pascal Mangold and Boris Kraft at Basel in Switzerland.

The Magnolia Web CMS is an ideal tool for the mobile technology and allows the web master publish content from any of their devices. It automatically syncs and optimizes the website for all devices like desktop, tablets, smartphones, laptops etc. It allows easy creation of personalized landing pages, visitor groups and has features to collect visitor’s information.

Magnolia has a modular architecture and allows easy content management with the WYSIWYG editor. It offers the digital asset management system(DAM) that allows easy access to media files like images, videos, Flash files. The DAM app allows the users to customize, edit, move and manage the files in any form they want.

Magnolia CMS is used mainly in the media, government and financial departments and suits businesses that are technically skilled in Java. There is a Magnolia conference held each year for the developers and users.

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