How to send an encrypted email in Outlook Web Access?

With Outlook Web App, you can encrypt your email messages. Only recipients holding the correct key can decrypt the digitally encrypted messages. Digital signatures ensure that the messages haven’t been altered.

Setting up to use S/MIME encryption

  1. First, get a certificate.

Getting a certificate from your organization’s administrator, also known as a digital ID, is the first step to using S/MIME. You may store your certificate on a smart card or as a file on your computer. Your administrator will provide instructions on how to use your certificate.

  1. Install the S/MIME control.
  2. A message that is encrypted or digitally signed and you do not have the S/MIME control installed will prompt you to install it when you open it. The message can also be encrypted by selecting more options > Message options and selecting Encrypt this message (S/MIME) if the S/MIME control does not yet exist. A S/MIME control installation will be required then.
  3. Whenever you’re asked to run or save the file, choose Run.
  4. Your choice to run the software may be prompted again. Click Run to proceed.

If you have previously imported the public keys of recipients you wish to contact into Outlook 2010 and you have successfully set up Outlook Web Access for S/MIME, you can follow these steps to send encrypted email through Outlook Web Access.

To begin your new e-mail message, click New in Outlook Web Access.

There will be an envelope icon with a certificate on the top row of icons in the new message window, and an envelope icon with a lock at the bottom. Simply click each icon.

Begin typing your recipient’s email address on the To: line. To prevent Outlook Web Access from using old address information, press the delete key on your keyboard if an auto-complete suggestion appears for the email address.

Write the rest of your email message. You will not be able to encrypt the subject line. 

Only the email body will be encrypted. Click Send when you’re finished.

If an error message appears, ensure the recipient is in your Contacts list, and that you have activated your digital certificate.

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