How to download the backup of website

It is a disaster if you wake up one good morning only to find that your hosting service has accidently or otherwise deleted your business website. 
And it is a complete calamity if you do not have a backup. 
Your business will come to a grinding halt, just because someone committed  a stupid mistake. 
So do not delay. Preempt such a scenario now. 
Remember backups are important because: 
  •  It is not the responsibility of your hosting vendor to create backups. Some may do, but will they make available the backup files? 
  •  The original developmental files will not do. Over course of time you have made changes in the original version by including plenty of data like blogs and forums. 
  •  You need to get online soon to run your business. It is not just lost of income but SEO penalties too. 
Performing manual backups is one answer. 
It is the most basic method, though with flipsides. 
You must do it regularly, and moreover it may take a long time to do it. 
cPanel backup is a good idea. 
All you need to do is log in to the control panel, click on the “backup button” ,and select “Download full backup”
Select a directory for storing the backup, and enter your email id. 

It is a disaster if you wake up one good morning only to find that your hosting service has accidently or otherwise deleted your business website.

And it is a complete calamity if you do not have a backup.

Your business will come to a grinding halt, just because someone committed a stupid mistake.

So do not delay. Preempt such a scenario now.

Remember backups are important because:

• It is not the responsibility of your hosting vendor to create backups. Some may do, but will they make available the backup files?

• The original developmental files will not do. Over course of time you have made changes in the original version by including plenty of data like blogs and forums.

• You need to get online soon to run your business. It is not just lost of income but SEO penalties too.

Performing manual backups is one answer.

It is the most basic method, though with flipsides.

You must do it regularly, and moreover it may take a long time to do it.

cPanel backup is a good idea.

All you need to do is log in to the control panel, click on the “backup button” ,and select “Download full backup”.

Select a directory for storing the backup, and enter your email id.

You will get an email confirmation when the backup is done.

Backing up in the cloud

A cloud backup is a smart way to protect your data. There are several online backup services available. They will allow you to install software, look for storage on your PC, and encrypt them for security and send them to the cloud.

Here is a caveat:

Get to know which files the online backup services will store in the cloud, and which they will not.

Some may not backup system and program files, and some may not allow you to backup files from external drives.

Reading reviews of which are the best backup services for businesses is the best bet.

You will get an email confirmation when the backup is done. 
Backing up in the cloud
cloud backup is a smart way to protect your data. There are several online backup services available. They will allow you to install software, look for storage on your PC, and encrypt them for security and send them to the cloud. 
Here is a caveat:
Get to know which files the online backup services will store in the cloud, and which they will not. 
Some may not backup system and program files, and some may not allow you to backup files from external drives. 
Reading reviews of which are the best backup services for businesses is the best bet. 

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