How to Manage Your Website Using Control Panel

Jul 26,2021 by Manoj Yadav

Businesses that sign up for shared hosting plans usually get the Control cPanel for managing their sites. The strange this is that even though many companies use this control panel, they do not fully know its features. The truth is that the cPanel allows you to manage multiple things like domains, email accounts, databases, and files, all through a single interface. Below are six useful tips which you may use to manage your website better with the cPanel. These are beneficial for both newcomers and the experienced users. Some of these features are not features per se; rather they are apps which may be offered by some hosts but not by others.

  • Autoinstallers:

These, as their very name suggests, offer a fast and hassle-free way to install platforms. These platforms like Joomla and WordPress, forum platforms, Drupal, scripts and frameworks, and content management systems etc are necessary when you are building a new website. The benefit of using this app is that the installations can be made with a single click in most cases. You do not have to perform any of these tasks manually and you can save a lot of time.

  • SSL Certificates:

This is also another useful app which you can get when you buy a cPanel package from some web hosting providers. This lets you install the SSL certificate like the Lets Encrypt app. Some hosts will offer the SSL certificate free of cost through their cPanel. When you are able to secure your website with HTTPS you can ensure that your visitors will understand how important security is for you. The browser displays a green lock icon which suggests that the website is secure. Google ranking criteria are making it imperative for most sites to become HTTPS.

  • Custom Error Pages:

You will often come across what is called a stock 404 error; this usually happens when a visitor tries to go to a page which does not exist. You can create custom error page through the cPanel when you do not have the expertise to do it otherwise. This ability to customize the site error pages ensures that when viewers come to that page, they can be given some relevant information instead.

  • Error Logs:
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When you have shared hosting plans, web server logs become hard to access. But you can get the Apache error logs from the cPanel directly, which is a big advantage. So, you can find out the problems that exist with a broken site. If you are only the admin and not the developer of the site, you can pass on important data to the developers.

  • Backups:

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of using the cPanel for administering your website better is the backups feature. You can make backups of data from the cPanel itself. All data can be backed up in a single file; you can also choose to back up the MySQL databases, email forwarders and filters etc. These may be downloaded onto the home directory of your web server account or to remote FTP servers. In restoration, you can choose which items out of these you wish to restore and then you can follow the prompts accordingly. When you use popular CMS like the WordPress you can also benefit from their backup plugins.

  • Cron Jobs:

These two may be created from the cPanel directly; these are not known to newcomers. However, developers benefit from these especially when they are familiar with using their servers at first and are then expected to work with shared hosting services. This allows you to schedule your tasks on servers. So, you can choose the day, time and frequency for actions, like running scripts.

To conclude, it is advisable to explore the cPanel well to find out more about its useful features. Once you have bought the control panel, you should review the many apps which the host offers in your package as well as other features which are still not used and are waiting to be identified. So, both the built-in features of the cPanel and the add-on products are usually not very well marketed. Users rarely visit their control panels and miss out on many handy features which they can use for enhancing their website performance.

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