Ten Extraordinary CMS options to Build Blogs with cPanel Tools

Feb 17,2021 by Nishant Nath

Posted by Priyanka Singh

Although WordPress is the most sought after Content Management Application for creating blogs, it is certainly not the only one. Popularity of WordPress can be attributed to its customizability since it can suit a plethora of websites. There is an amazingly large number of software options for creating a blog. If you are using a cPanel web hosting plan, than you can leverage your Softaculous application to access a wide assortment of CMS applications for creating blog.

CMS options to Build Blogs with cPanel Tools


This is a highly sought after option to WordPress not only for creating blogs but it also facilitates creating a number of advanced websites. You can use b2evoltion to build photo galleries, online manuals, and forums just to name a few. There is a plethora of benefits of b2evolution including less dependence on  third party plugins, ease of managing multiple blogs, integrated management of email campaigns, and built-in analytics among others.


Dotclear is an open source application for web publishing with a special focus on an intuitive method to create blogs. It was originally published by Olivier Meunier in 2003. Dotclear offers seamless support for PostgreSQL, SQLite databases, and MySQL. It is worth noting that the pages created by using Dotclear are optimized naturally for leading search engines in addition to the application’s high performance in spite of having large volumes of data. Dotclear facilitates efficient publishing of content irrespective of your technical expertise. It offers versatile functionality of running multiple sites with a single install. Dotclear’s modular design enables you to extend its functionalities.


This publishing platform has an intuitive user interface with a distinct appearance. Ghost facilitates a preview pane that will offer a precise view of your post as it is being created by you. Ghost is not everybody’s cup of tea since the markup language used by it for styling of posts instead of WYSIWYG editor. Ghost is an exclusive blogging platform for writers and bloggers. It is also reckoned as a fully devoted blogging platform by offering simple tools that reduce disruption for an enhanced writing experience. Ghost Blogging platform offers the latest features including search engine optimization as well as social media integration. Ghost a responsive and flexible platform with JavaScript as its foundation.  

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If you are looking for a multi-blogging as well as multi-user blogging environment, then LifeType is an amazing option. It has the distinction of being the pioneering mobile ready platform in its category. LifeType offers smooth integration publishing and accessing content on hand held computing devices such as mobiles or tablets.


Nibbleblog is a powerful blogging software solution that is user friendly with a clean interface. It helps you instantly publish your blog without getting involved in intricate procedures and excessive features that can prove to be more of an obstacle than being helpful. You can easily manage categories, posts, and pages.  The Google Analytics plugin can be accessed to extend its functionality of providing useful stats for getting insights into traffic sources, audiences, and lot more.


PivotX facilitates creation of simple blogs as well as complex and feature rich websites. It is reckoned for a wide spectrum of features including anti-spam protection, ease of editing, and availability of extensions and themes, just to name a few. PivitX enables you to operate multiple blogs with help of a single install. It also allows you the choice of a flat file database or MySQL.


Pixie is open source Content Management System that helps you instantly create websites. Pixie CMS focuses on keeping the application simple, easy, and robust. Pixie is also ideal for beginners with no proficiency of coding. It incorporates the latest web standards to make your website search engine friendly while enhancing accessibility to visitors. Pixie can cater to websites from all categories. You can specify the type of website you are going to create during the installation process itself. Pixie aims to enable an enhanced browsing for visitors and a user friendly admin area for owners or operators of websites.


Serendipity is a php powered Content Management System with MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL as database backend. It is extremely simple and can be used by bloggers without significant experience. It is also sought after by serious bloggers for its clean PHP code, security, flexibility, and fascinating performance. Serendipity offers excellent extensibility and stability. Serendipity attempts to offer an easy way for bloggers to maintain a blog as well as an extendable framework to empower professional applications.

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You can create a wide spectrum of websites ranging from personal blogs to corporate sites by using Textpattern. It is designed for web designers and web developers who are interested in controlling all aspects of XHTML and CSS. It enables creating blogs with attributes of password protection in addition to adjustable time or date stamps.


Although, it is included at the bottom of the list due to alphabetical order, WordPress is the undisputed king of CMS hosting applications that is powering over 20 percent of all globally available websites.

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