7 revolutionary tech innovations that shook the earth

What comes to your mind when someone says “technology”?

Smartphone? Computers? Or, maybe the internet? 

Is that all?

We all know, it is not.

How privileged we are to be born in this era. And the pace with which technology is evolving, the forthcoming generation will be more fortunate than us.

Today, we take a look at 7 breakthrough inventions we have compiled for you. So, every year since the last decade, we have picked what we assume were the 7 most revolutionary innovations.

Take a look.

We will work our way from the 7th to the 1st; the 1st on our list will blow your mind in every sense. Though, not literally.

# 7. Remote controls

You heard it right.

Remote controls are one technological bestowal that you take for granted. Imagine getting up in a cold winter night to switch off your television. Remote controls deserve more credits than it is given. 

These controllers owe their being to Nikola Tesla, a name few are unaware of. The first remote, developed in 1950 by Zenith Radio Corporation, was called “Lazy Bones”.

However, unintendedly, remotes have only made us into sloths. But, that could not stop it from securing a spot in our list.

# 6. Servers

Need to buy your loved one a present for tomorrow’s party?

Did you check for flowers online?

Websites ease things up. Save a minute to say thanks to devices that power websites – Servers. The data that you last downloaded came from a database that was stored in one of the servers at some corner of the world. 

Mass production has made cheap servers a reality. When it comes to websites, USA hosts more servers than any other country in the world.

Without these servers, the concept of webpages would have remained a concept.

# 5. Smart city

Many smart city concepts have run into unavoidable delays. The ones that were implemented narrowed down their affordability to the wealthier class in particular. The ambitious goal of a smart city is to simplify the life of its citizens.

With the trends that is prevalent in technology these day, we might not be very far away from cities that will deploy robots, sensors, and unmanned vehicles to work on things that require human interference at present.

# 4. Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Ever wondered how the widget on your home screen forecasts weather so precisely? No?

Then maybe, how google comes up with just the right search suggestion way before you complete typing your query? 

Artificial Intelligence is the concept central to both the examples above. But these are still the most elemental applications of AI.

Internet of Things – that will run on Artificial Intelligence Systems will unlock another world of possibilities altogether. With IoT, daily chores like electricity recharge, booking an appointment with your dentist, etc. shall no longer trouble you.

We now make our way to the top three that we believe are the most revolutionary ideas/concepts/inventions that technology has ever bestowed upon us.

# 3. GPS – Global Positioning System

How often these days do you see lost bike riders or car drivers asking you which exit to take on the highway?

Not very often.

We all know which tool the riders have their hands on — a GPS.

Know how Domino’s is able to deliver pizza to the correct person? With a Global Positioning System.

GPS has made complex and clustered marine traffic more comprehensive and less dangerous.

Before GPS, seafarers moved close to the shores and relied on constellations, sun, and even the diin which birds flew. 

How easy and reliable was reading directions from a bird’s flight can be made out from the fact that a popular seafarer reached Caribbean (West Indies), and died believing that he discovered India.

Thanks to the GPS, sailors that now leave for the U.S., do reach U.S. and not North Korea.

There was nothing stopping GPS from making it to # 3 on our list.

# 2. 3D Printing

It all started with woodblock printing in China that dates back to 220 A.D. 

Later, printing press came into existence, deploying cast- alphabet matrix and screw-type mechanism that intermingled to become our first moving mechanism printing. The need to compact our printing paved the way for typewriters, which, with hammerhead beat alphabets out from the ink strip.

Sooner or later inkjet printers set the trends for a while, accompanied by, now famous, LaserJet printing.

But our engineers were not satisfied with what our printers could do. After all, we were still bound to two-dimensional printing. The need for a printer that could print in 3- dimensions became inevitable.

And that was how our number 2 on the list was born. 

A 3-D printer adds material layer by layer. It is, in many ways, similar to 2- dimensional printing except for the fact that several two- dimensional prints are stacked one over the other to give us the required structure that spans in all three axes.

Printing metals and other tough materials is an unbelievably slow process, and at times produce results that do not resemble prototype. So, 3-d printers have been confined to printing with plastic-like materials only. Until now.

Metal printing is becoming the tell-tale among industries. If widely adopted, we can revamp the way we mass-produce components. With this technology, we can produce lighter, stronger, and complex shapes that cannot be manufactured by machining.

We have seen how the more complex inventions celebrated higher spots on our list. The # 1 on our list shall be no less than a marvel, an epitome of revolution and a real breakthrough in technology.

Let’s see if you can guess it correctly.

# 1. Transistors

Wait. What?

Transistor was a clear choice, ever since we started framing our list.

Relook and tell which one among the above six doesn’t use transistors as its component. 


Do you now think that our other inventions would have made it to our list without transistors? 

The smartphone that you are reading this on; the laptop that contains your work-files; your heart rate monitor; all contain transistors. In fact, the aircraft that landed you to your home-town also uses transistors in its control panel.

All logic gates- AND, NOT, OR, are based on transistors. Humans work on decimal codes – meaning 10 – i.e. we recognize numbers from 0 to 9.

Computers work on binary logic – 0 & 1- and understand no other language.

Where does this idea of using binary (or 2) digit codes for computing come? 

Say, a computer system operates at a voltage range of 0-10V, any intermediate voltage would have been a tedious task for the system to measure. So, we taught our systems to recognize only the high (in this case 10 V or near) and low (in this case 0 V or near) voltages and assigned them 1 & 0 binary codes respectively.

A transistor is able to transmit full to no voltage and is thus the medium for transmitting and processing binary codes. It revolutionized electronics and made way for smaller and cheaper calculators, computers, and radios. The first working transistor was developed by American physicists – Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley – in the year 1947.

Transistors were – and are – truly a marvel that technology bows down to. 

If you were given a choice to replace any invention mentioned in our list, which one would it be? Also, how would you rearrange our roster and where does it stand in comparison to what you expected?

Let us know your thoughts on transistors and how do you believe they have moved our tech-boggy.

We provide quality hosting service at competitive prices, and our customer-support is unmatched. We are into this business for quite some time now and know our trade inside-out. Try go4hosting’s free VM hosting and decide for yourself.

Demystifying Cloud Misconceptions to Justify Relevance of Dedicated Solutions

In a technology driven universe of IT, we tend to underestimate some of the valuable solutions that may continue to be highly beneficial in spite of being conventional. Due to hullabaloo of cloud discussions coupled with cloud’s marketing hype, the advantages of dedicated server hosting for an enterprise IT infrastructure are being sidelined.

Myths about dedicated and cloud computing

There are few misconceptions surrounding use of different cloud offerings as well as dedicated hosting solutions. It would be better to clear such misconception for gaining better clarity in a cloudy environment.

Private cloud offers the topmost security

There is a general feeling that private cloud is the most secured place for handling mission critical data. In fact one can achieve required level of security in a dedicated server hosting itself. In fact, one can design the most relevant security solution for any given infrastructure. It is found that a dedicated solution has greater capability of offering wider options and more robust control for meeting compliance and security objectives.

Dedicated server hosting is full of complexities

On the contrary, dedicated solutions can mitigate complexities in several use cases. It enables users to implement changes in configurations as well as customization by supporting a single tenant application which is not possible in a shared environment. There is better control as well flexibility in dedicated hosting ecosystem than cloud computing with greater flexibility to achieve compliance, security, and performance for meeting requirements of specific applications.

There are multiple layers of complexities in cloud infrastructure. For example, you cannot expect to get your IP addresses automatically associated with cloud instances as you start and stop these periodically. IP address needs to be re-associated every time the cloud instance is started. If your requirement is only to have a simple hosting solution, then a single dedicated server is totally justified. You need to ask yourself if there is no need to implement a complex infrastructure, the why one should adopt it.

Cloud offers better performance

The fact is, one can achieve superior performance with dedicated solution if there is a comparison of performance level achieved for every dollar spent. It has been observed that cloud solution cannot overtake a properly configured dedicated server in terms of performance.

Since underlying networks and storage resources continue to be shared among large base of users in cloud computing, there is a high degree of unpredictability in terms of disk I/O. There is a possibility of your performance getting slowed down, if another account sends huge volumes of requests to storage arrays. In addition to this, there are chances of bottlenecks since the upstream network is being shared as well.

It is observed that cloud providers cannot support faster storage even though they would be in a position to offer larger storage. Most of the performance related issues in cloud VPS are fund to be associated with disk I/O. Scaling disk I/O is not achievable. The more reliable alternative would be to use a dedicated server with RAID 10 to achieve greater disk I/O than most of the complex and costlier cloud solutions.  
Cloud has inherent redundancy

This is yet another misconception about cloud computing. One must appreciate that a compute node in cloud offering is as reliable as any physical server. It is just like a server sans storage. If anything happens to the compute node in cloud then users are most likely to lose their workloads. This scenario closely resembles failure of power, RAM, or CPU in a physical server environment.

The process of achieving redundancy in cloud is highly complex and may be a overkill for simple workloads since it needs to integrate multiple cloud instances. Hence a dedicated solution is much more redundant than a simple cloud offering.

Cloud solutions are more affordable

This is far from truth, especially for small firms such as a small web marketing firm that offers hosting of customer sites. The common requirements are a control panel such as cPanel or Plesk for hosting and CMS applications. Even after adding some technical applications to ensure reliability of performance, a dedicated solution would be more cost effective than a cloud offering. In one of the comparisons between cost of dedicated server plan and cloud plan it is found that the cloud costs twice compared with dedicated.

Cloud offers ease of migration

Getting locked-in into a cloud vendor’s platform is in fact, the most serious issue with cloud environment. Cloud migration can not only be expensive but also painful. This especially true if cloud user starts integrating complex features offered by a particular vendor. Getting locked in solutions can prove to be hazardous if the services, prices, or support level is changed by the vendor. This underlines need to assess options for migration before embracing cloud adoption.

In conclusion

Every small business that does not need complex operations of hosting must evaluate the option of dedicated hosting instead of getting lured by marketing talk of aggressive cloud vendors. A properly configured and managed dedicated server is a highly reliable and secure option that delivers far greater performance at much lower costs than cloud offerings.

Dedicated server- Leveraging enterprise grade technology

As the IT world burgeons with latest technology to scale up application workload requirements, organizations need a smart investment and an inclined approach towards imperative architecture.

To power up mission-critical business applications, relying just on the economical options is not the right metric. You need a built in layer of separation and security, seamless access and high performing environment, and for these you need to choose a dedicated server hosting environment.   

When deciding on the hosting model to choose, you need to figure out your organizational needs based on the following parameters-

  1. Do you need to optimize your application performance?
  2. Do you need load balancing and high availability?
  3. Do you require unique storage?
  4. Do you require advanced monitoring?

All the above listed paradigms are well-recognized with their myriad attributes of availing a dedicated server. By customizing your hardware (RAM, RAID, storage capacity and bandwidth), you can strike a balance between sheer hardware performance, load balancing, distinguished application management and advanced server monitoring and maintenance.   

Demystifying the dedicated server

A dedicated server armed with a pool of compute resources, fed by power and connected to the internet, is a system that hosts your website and there you can exploit your own purposes. The processing power, the hard drive space, RAM and operating systems are all yours, and you can manage these resources at your own end. It allows more bandwidth, so you can handle the website visitor’s traffic that counts in thousands or even in millions, impeccably.

A dedicated server is a kind of physical server that can be allotted to a single user and they have complete root access to customize the applications as per their organizational demands.  Here are some characteristics that you can get in dedicated server.    

Enhanced reliability- To ensure the best level of uptime, it is the distinguished choice, because you will get the maximum un-fractional bandwidth. In addition, your web application will get the access to the resources it requires on the spot. Not everyone is a technophile and for that reason they can choose the managed dedicated server in which web host will take care about the server uptime issues and other technical concerns.

Improved security for online activity- As compared to other type of hosting environment, a dedicated is the most compelling choice as all the resources on the allotted server belongs to you only. This feature makes it more secure and reliable. When combined with concurrent updates and security patches, it adds a strong layer of protection for your online files- including apps and websites.   

Complete control with root access- One of the biggest advantages of relying on dedicated hosting is that it offers greater control over the hosting. However, when the server is solely used by your website, you will be granted much greater access over your server. This supports businesses much more flexibility.  

To sum up the points, every business needs a dedicated hosting platform to solely mange the rapidly scaling application requirements.

Dedicated Server Hosting: Some Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Seek

Cloud hosting is very much in vogue these days with small and medium sized companies as well as corporate giants warming up to it. And why not! Hosting all your valuable data on the cloud takes your worries away! Besides, you do not need a dedicated team of network specialists with hefty pay packages and a large pricey office space for stacking your gigantic servers! It does save you loads of precious money!

However, making this transition to host all your data on the cloud may not be an easy one. You will need to bring about changes in your organization for making this transition smooth. Besides, the choice of the right cloud hosting solution has to be made. You will need to decide whether you should prefer dedicated server hosting, shared hosting solutions or a virtual private server for hosting all your data.

Understanding the Different Types

The cheapest solution of course is shared server hosting where several users share server space. In virtual private servers, the data is stored in individually assigned private virtual servers. This guarantees more protection, freedom and flexibility. However, if you are seeking completely customized solutions for your company, dedicated server hosting must be your pick. All said and done, a private and dedicated server for your company will not come for cheap.

Making that kind of investment will require some elaborate planning and allocation. But before you can actually plan to spend that much on a private server, there are some questions you need to ask yourself. Basically, a need assessment exercise becomes important when you consider putting in a sizeable amount of money for a cloud hosting solution.

Questions to Ask

Before you can go for a dedicated server hosting solution ask yourself:

  • Is VPS Seeming Inadequate?—It might well be that you already have your data hosted on VPS and you are not finding the experience good. Your requirements could be overshooting the kind of storage infrastructure provided to you. If that is the case, looking for dedicated server space seems justifiable.
  • Is your company on the cusp of phenomenal growth?—Well, if it is, you will certainly need to opt for a private server for keeping up with the requirements. Besides, a dedicated server solution is best known for its scalability. So, you can always bank on it for catering to its growing demands.
  • Do you deal with sensitive data?—If the nature of your business is such that you need to deal with sensitive data all the time, its best to protect it as well as you can. A dedicated server hosting solution will ensure that no one else has any access to your server space and there would be no risk of accidental pilferage. This will put all your worries to rest.

Make sure you evaluate your hosting solution provider however, before sourcing a dedicated server hosting solution. Always make sure you have complete customer and service support for seamless execution. Also look for reputation and customer feedback.

Dedicated Server Hosting: Ace of Web Hosting Industry

Whether you are a startup or a growing business, craving to get unprecedented ROI is a natural phenomenon that turns up in every entrepreneur’s mind. Existence of multitude web hosting platforms has provided an opportunity to the businesses of all silhouettes to reap the benefits by getting enrolled with some kind of hosting environment. The most fundamental web hosting platform is shared hosting, the next is VPS hosting and the boss of all is “dedicated server hosting”, which is considered as a captive solution for the companies anticipating for surpassing performance, proverbially secured, and tempting network connectivity for their core-critical business applications.

By bonding up with Dedicated Server Hosting platform, one gets the following benefits, which is barely offered by the two above voiced hosting platforms.

Dedicated Resources: One who owns dedicated server hosting services is avowed with all the rights of managing and maintaining the server, in addition to nadir interference of other hosted clients. The server is managed by the client’s IT experts and the service provider is responsible for providing physical and e-security, including dedicated CPU, bandwidth, dedicated IP’s, and other imperative components, paramount for business continuity.

Flexible Moves: Dedicated resources allocated to furnish only single client or organization needs accord with them to categorize the assigned bandwidth, CPU and storage as per their process functionality. The client is allowed to run the desired operating system, to name a few, such as Linux and Windows depending on their convenience, software applications, custom tools, extra security layers, and so on. You can manage your web traffic more efficiently and swiftly.

Seamless Connectivity: Getting enrolled with dedicated server web hosting offers higher connectivity options for process functionality. The service provider powers your server and provides service level agreement on network availability for websites hosted on a dedicated server. This narrates the importance of a performing third-party dedicated server hosting provider.

Enhanced Reliability: As annotated, dedicated servers are exceptionally directed to accomplish the goals and objectives of a single client, it intuitively enhances the reliability factor as no one else has the permission to play at your dedicated playground, thus no interference, and no bad guys work will affect your business operations.

Extra Security: Unlike cloud hosting or VPS hosting, the dedicated server hosting service provider will comprehensively possess an eagle-eye approach to protect both your servers and data residing in it from vulnerabilities, such as spyware, Trojan, viruses, data loss, data breach, and asset theft scenarios. A secured data center service provider is the one that is integrated with high security modules.

Top 10 dedicated server hosting providers:

1) Go4hosting.com – Get dedicated server hosting at affordable prices.

2) Go4hosting.in

3) Cloudoye

4) Computehost

5) Dialwebhosting

6) Milesweb

7) Hostgator

8) Hostinger

9) Digitalocean

10) Godaddy

At the end, would like to assert that if you are envisaging for a successful business and you have budget for dedicated servers, then no other options available in the web hosting industry such as windows cloud hosting or Linux cloud hosting can leverage your business as dedicated server hosting itself.

6 Applications of Virtual Machines you Need to Know About

Virtualization (or the use of virtual machines) is an extremely useful capability for IT programmers. A virtual machine is an application that allows you to run several operating systems on a physical machine within a secure environment. A virtual machine operates in an environment sandboxed from the rest of the system and allows developers to work on new operating systems, testing new software, clone a system and even read malware-infected files.

Here are some applications of a virtual machine you need to be aware of:

1) Try new Operating Systems

Virtualization offers a convenient means to test new operating systems. Let us assume you work on Windows, but want to get a hands-on experience of any other operating system, say Linux. Here you have several options, including going for a dual boot setup. The easiest way, however, will be to opt for virtualization.

With free VM hosting, you can set up a free virtual machine on your system and then install Linux on this virtual machine. Once done with the installation, you can run Linux in a separate window on your physical system.

Virtualization is, in fact, the safest way of testing a new operating system as the free virtual machine remains sandboxed from the host OS. So, even if something goes wrong with the guest OS, you can recreate the virtual machine on a free cloud server and reinstall the OS.

2) Test Suspicious files for Malware

Virtualization creates a sandboxed environment that allows you to execute complex tasks effortlessly. An appropriate application of this property would be to use free virtual machines for testing suspicious files for malware.

You can also execute the malware on purpose just to see how they function. One should, however, exercise caution while dealing with new malware as it may be able to detect your virtualized environment and try to break out into the host OS.

3) Test Applications on Multiple Platforms

Testing applications on multiple platforms is one of the most practical applications of a free virtual machine. Let’s say you need to test a gaming application you have created for mobile devices. With free VM cloud hosting, you can deploy a free virtual machine and test everything right on your computer system by emulating virtual versions of mobile devices.

4) Run Old Software

As a virtual machine helps you run an OS within the OS on the physical system, you can run applications that are compatible only with older versions of an OS. For instance, if you are working with old MS Word documents compatible with Windows XP, you can set up a free VM with VirtualBox or Hyper-V and install Windows XP on this machine. You can now view the Word documents using the guest OS (Windows XP).

5) Clone a System

In virtualization, the entire contents of a virtual machine are stored on a single file. It is, therefore, easy to transfer the file to another computer that uses the same virtualization software and load it without issues.

For instance, the virtual machines on VirtualBox are stored as VDI files. You can easily copy the VDI file and transfer it to another computer running VirtualBox. This can be done even if the host OS on the two systems are different. Virtualization, thus, allows you to create a clone of your system that you can carry around anywhere.

6) Create System-Level Snapshots

One of the key benefits of using a free virtual machine is that it allows you to create backup snapshots that can be restored instantaneously.

Let’s say you have developed a new application and are not sure if it would work as intended. All you need to do is to create a snapshot of the application with a free VM. Even if the software does not work as planned, you can revert to the snapshot and work as if nothing happened. Plus, these backups are stored as single files, so you can move them to another location if required.

The Bottom Line

The concept of virtual machines has evolved over the last decade. Virtualization has allowed IT professionals to overcome infrastructure issues prevalent in the IT industry and optimize their day-to-day operations.

Cheap Windows Dedicated Server Hosting – Operating a Super Heavy Business Platform

Dedicated servers are great for the absolute growth of any business which employs this kind of server. Enterprises choosing a dedicated server have full management control over the server and may select completely compatible elements like hardware and software system that they desire. Over the decades, several suppliers have begun providing dedicated server hosting services like dedicated server hosting and UNIX system server hosting. There are several advantages of utilizing Windows dedicated server.

The foremost advantage is its widespread adoption. There exist several internet-based businesses which require Windows-based dedicated server hosting. Windows internet applications and connected operating systems have become pretty much cost-efficient and in addition to this, are modified frequently with upgrade options. These internet applications and various scripts along with software are still high-priced in comparison to the Linux-based internet applications and operating systems, but the Windows running applications have additional and, some may say, advanced options. Therefore, the customers of such applications and various software can invariably choose Windows dedicated server hosting.

Aside from such companies, there are many internet developers who are basically utilizing the ASP.NET interface and therefore the .NET application platform to design their software. These applications require cheap Windows dedicated server hosting to be cost-effective. Such applications are also used as a way to form large-scale internet applications quickly. Windows dedicated server hosting offers the required platforms including brand new technical developments in various processors, alternatives for hardware, and some internet applications, particularly Windows-based, that are ideally matched to execute code for those large-scale internet applications productively.

The significant databases utilized by the Windows based applications are Microsoft Access and the Microsoft SQL Server management system. As these are truly vital to the business, they need professional database administration capabilities for issue-specific management along with maintenance.

A well-equipped process of Windows Dedicated server hosting (such as from Go4hosting) will include a fully safe atmosphere utilizing select firewalls and various specifications applied to mission-critical software. As such Windows-based internet applications and software are perpetually modified to keep up with the latest technology, service and hosting providers should be ready to give domain experience in such areas to the clients.

Plesk dedicated server hosting service providers like Go4hosting are ready to handle all the high level necessities of Windows-based applications, starting from modified processors, greater RAM, non-stop associativity, additional applications’ security, and full management to execute these applications from Tier 3 Data Center to gain the provisions of the best infrastructure, industrial cooling along with redundant power systems, world class data transmission facilities, and high level capabilities in control as well as unmatched technical support.

Windows Dedicated Servers: Management and Organization with Control Panel

The potency and remarkable quality of Windows dedicated servers has made them a very useful service for web site and business owners. One important aspect of this attractive service is the feature to handle and set up the server in a simplified way. With the control panel, customers will be ready to manage and measure their web site performance to systematically fulfill their expectations.

Customers will discover it is quite easy to understand, however, complete guidance to the panel which Windows dedicated servers utilize is also always available, together with Go4hosting belief that customers will benefit from this remarkable and proficient tool.

How Can Windows Dedicated Server Hosting Profit Web Sites And Businesses?

The employment of an effective control panel along with the Windows dedicated server can do wonders for potency and value for fulfillment of end users’ expectations. Whether or not customers are technical experts or a technophobic business owner, ‘Plesk’ is one of the best productive tools to assist them in maintaining a safe and high-performing web site.

Apart from being quality driven, proficient, and utilized by innumerable individuals, ‘Plesk’ offers web site owners with an easy tool to take care of and protect a server at their end. This is particularly useful for businesses and non-technical people (like bloggers) who utilize their web site as a prime source of financial gain, and for whom problems like response time latency and bad web site performance have a highly negative influence on their capability to earn.

The five prime advantages of utilizing Go4hosting Windows dedicated server hosting are:

  •  Access to Tier 3 Data Center
  •  Comparatively lower fees and exchange savings
  •  Providing complete server control
  • Cost-effective, masterful resource usage
  • Quality oriented dedicated hosting support

There are 2 major varieties of Windows dedicated server hosting on the front of the market: Windows dedicated server and UNIX system dedicated server. Based on the ease of server control and business needs, customers may select any of the operating system for hosting. The pivotal advantages of utilizing dedicated server being run with Windows OS are:

  • Customers will expeditiously execute and access code or their respective applications designed on ASP.net programming interface
  • Customers will access the various Windows Media Services along with Microsoft’s tried and tested platforms
  • Various Microsoft Sharepoint applications as well as Windows Resource Manager
  • Furthermore, Windows dedicated server hosting facilitates business oweners in maintaining traffic load efficiently

See the vast difference Go4hosting Windows dedicated server hosting makes to your company’s status by getting in touch any time!

Carving out an Important Niche for Dedicated Servers in Cloud World

Dedicated hosting has been ruling the world of web hosting and its supremacy seems to have been challenged with recent advances in cloud computing. Organizational IT infrastructure is slowly shifting its reliance on dedicated hosting to cloud based solutions.

Relevance of dedicated server with advent of cloud computing

Is cloud computing pushing dedicated hosting to oblivion? One wonders whether days of dedicated servers are numbered with so much noise created by cloud computing. In fact, dedicated servers will always be sought after for some the unique benefits over cloud computing. 

Dedicated server hosting are capable of offering more alternatives for ensuring better security and compliance in comparison to cloud solutions. It is recommended that users should properly analyze their hosting priorities to think of a right solution that precisely matches their requirements. 

If you are more concerned about security of a particular web application, then a dedicated solution not only offers greater security and compliance but can also boost performance of the application. This is because users of dedicated servers are in better control of the environment and can customize the server configurations more efficiently than any other type of hosting.

Cost of hosting is most commonly discussed issue and it is argued that a dedicated solution is often costlier than cloud based solution. This argument is an exaggeration of facts. If you are making optimum use of resources available with dedicated hosting to cater to predictable workloads and using burstable cloud instances only during traffic spikes, then a dedicated solution can be the most cost effective alternative. 

It is true that a dedicated server requires expert knowledge for its operation and overall management. However, if you are associated with a knowledgeable host then you need not worry about this aspect. Most of the aspects of operation and maintenance of dedicated hosting are looked after by managed dedicated service providers who are reputed and established hosts.

Hybrid solutions to leverage capabilities of dedicated servers

It is possible to exploit dedicated servers in terms of their customizability and power by combing their resources with cloud computing in a hybrid environment. Such an arrangement offers wide spectrum of benefits. These advantages essentially combine attributes of dedicated servers including security and customizability with flexibility scalability and cost effectiveness of cloud computing.

The new agile and hybrid solution is essentially designed to redirect traffic automatically to cloud and application servers to minimize load on dedicated servers for their enhanced performance. 

By integrating dedicated server hosting and cloud hosting one can achieve desired objective of enhancing website availability without consuming vital resources of dedicated server. One can effectively manage traffic surge by directing traffic to relevant applications and networking pools. 

Availability of packet filters ensure that particular user’s dedicated server is accessed only the cloud environment that belongs to the user. This ensures seamless protection of customer’s dedicated environment. It is also interesting to note that the inter connectivity between a dedicated server and its relative cloud instances always remain within the data center that is supporting user’s IT infrastructure.
Advantages of new hybrid arrangement

New hybrid solution provides ease of mixing and matching cloud as well as dedicated hosting environments. Users are able to enjoy greater flexibility and higher productivity at much lesser costs. 

Customers can selectively move different workloads at different occasions without having to upload a single and massive workload to cloud. This is especially useful in modern development environment where many applications are being developed for physical servers.

Hybrid environments that combine dedicated servers and cloud capabilities also enable moving of different categories of data to specific locations for better resource utilization. An online store is able to move web traffic to cloud while reserving more secure dedicated server space for business critical data such as payment processing or credit card data.  

Cloud hosting offers pay-as-you-go feature of payment that can reduce hosting expenditure considerably. In addition to cost of operation, organizations are also able to reduce their dependence on administration of physical infrastructure. Since the traffic exchange between dedicated servers and cloud instances is being managed automatically, you need not engage costly manpower to oversee the operations.
Cloud adoption gains ground

The trend of cloud adoption is slowly but surely gaining ground. Most of the organizations are not ready to adopt cloud computing on a large scale. Such hybrid models of cloud and dedicated hosting provide an ideal alternative to such enterprises. 

These organizations can enhance their ability to adopt cloud instances without moving vita and sensitive data away from the security of dedicated server environment. Enterprises can select specific workloads that can be moved to cloud for reducing burden on their servers and also to ensure that their operations continue to run without any interruptions even during traffic spikes. 

Scalability in response to demand is one of the most attractive features of cloud platforms. Companies can proactively respond to sudden bursts of demands by rapidly scaling up to meet enhanced requirements of customers or applications. This capability can further enhance performance of dedicated server hosting that is also known for being flexible in terms of resource scaling.

The dedicated server and cloud hosting hybrid model is an attractive proposition because it optimizes available resources to build an agile and scalable solution. The new solution is basically aimed at providing a robust bridge between the most sought after conventional solution of dedicated hosting and high end capabilities of cloud computing. 

Can Dedicated Servers Thrive In A World That’s Increasingly Accepting Cloud Infrastructure

Dedicated hosting has been at the forefront of web hosting for quite some time now. However, with the advent of cloud computing, there is a clear and unmistakable dent in its supremacy. Organizations are slowly turning to cloud based solutions for managing their data more efficiently. Dedicated server hosting is a costly option while other options that VPS and shared hosting do not provide the kind of support, extensibility and security that a growing organization needs. The cloud is fully capable of addressing all these issues.

However, dedicated hosting is not something that’s about to disappear into oblivion just because cloud computing has emerged as a viable and cost-effective option. Dedicated infrastructure is capable of providing some major benefits that cloud computing cannot offer to clients in its present form.

Businesses that understand the importance of dedicated servers but also realize the fact that cloud is the future of computing and hosting, are seeking expert opinion on how to integrate the positives of dedicated infrastructure within their cloud infrastructure. Many entrepreneurs have a few misconceptions about using dedicated server hosting infrastructure within the cloud. The most common of these are:


Security is one of the biggest concerns of any business. The general impression about cloud is that it has gaps in its security system. Most organizations prefer using private cloud options. Hosting experts are of the opinion that customers should build an infrastructure that best fits the needs of their application. The best security measures can then be built around that infrastructure. Dedicated infrastructure solutions can be used to gain control over functions and deal effectively with security and compliance necessities.

Easy To Manage:

Dedicated hosting solutions are easy to manage as it offers enhanced flexibility. The flexible features can be used to meet specific security, compliance and performance requirements. As it is simple to handle and manage, dedicated server solutions bring in an element of simplicity within your hosting system. You will have the freedom to alter configurations and customization features as the dedicated server is in a single-tenant environment. The same flexibility is not available with shared servers and to a much lesser extent in virtual private server hosting.


Dedicated infrastructure is more expensive than cloud. However, there are smart ways of making dedicated infrastructure workable for you and within your budget. All your predictable workloads can be on a dedicated server. When there is an unexpected and sudden spike, the cloud system can come into play. Many organizations use this technique to combine dedicated infrastructure and cloud computing to manage their tasks effectively and within their budget. You have the ability to fully customize an environment that your IT team does not have to set up or manage. This can result in substantial savings.

Need For Expertise:

Skeptics often question the use of dedicated infrastructure by those who are not experienced in handling complex IT systems. While it is a fact that dedicated server does require a higher level of expertise, it is not a problem at all. All you need is a team of IT experts with experience in dedicated server hosting management. They can support your endeavor by ensuring proper planning and implementation of the dedicated server infrastructure.

You can also get the support of a dedicated technical team 24/7 from your server host when you choose the right dedicated server hosting plan. Then, there are forums and support teams available to help you reduce gaps in the technical knowledge about dedicated server hosting management. You can use the information to optimize your infrastructure. It is possible to even reduce your monthly bills.

High Availability:

High availability is another major benefit is major functionality of dedicated servers. The same can be also achieved through the Cloud with the implementation of load balancer as a service. This allow dynamic deployment anywhere within the application system. Advanced cloud infrastructure allows users to drag and drop load balancing services anywhere. In dedicated servers too, issues pertaining to capacity and availability can be easily rectified without much hassle. In dedicated servers that are powered by leading edge technology, redundant load balancers and servers ensure high accessibility for websites. Even if one or more servers fail, the ones that are working scramble to fill in the gap and ensure that availability is maintained.

Elasticity and Flexibility:

Cloud environments allow application infrastructure demands to be scaled up or down as needed by your business situation. This is a welcome feature that can save businesses the hassle of having to adjust the systems continuously to match changing business demands. The same ease of use, flexibility and scalability features can be enjoyed in dedicated infrastructure too, albeit at a lower cost. Scalability is one of the main marketing points for cloud service is scalability. It is important to note that while computing resources can be scaled, your applications may not be ready to do the same limiting your options.

Buying Cheap Dedicated Hosting Plans Turn out to be a Costly Mistake

Being able to get dedicated servers for cheap rates is a temptation businesses find hard to resist. There are many ways to save resources and time, but buying cheap hosting solutions, whether it is shared hosting, VPS hosting or dedicated hosting, is certainly not one of the recommended ways. This is because what may seem very cost-effective in the beginning will soon drain your finances. Businesses need dedicated servers which are accessible at all times and which can offer them the resources they need at all times. When you settle for low-priced dedicated servers, you will end up losing precious time and money in the long run. This is because usually when servers are offered for very low rates, the quality of services is not up-to-the-mark.

When you choose dedicated server hosting, you main aim is to ensure that your website does not experience frequent downtimes. When a site has frequent downtimes, the visitors tend to leave the site and navigate elsewhere. This translates into huge losses for any business. You do not want email hosting solutions which end up delaying transfer of emails. This can turn into a lot of damage for any ongoing project. A similar situation is true of the cloud as well. When you have cloud servers, you are looking for greater reliability. So, bot the quality of the servers per se and the customer care support have to be excellent. You do not want to keep your clients waiting when something goes wrong. This is because even the slightest outage can bring about huge losses for any business. When the IT staff is not competent enough to troubleshoot your problems or appears to be indifferent, the costs of maintaining the server and getting tech support suddenly shoot up. So, what initially seemed like cost savings to you, actually makes you spend much more eventually.

So, before you sign up for dedicated hosting plans, it is very important to check for the reputation of the provider. You must review the software specifications being provided to you as well as the track record of the company. You can read through online reviews about its performance and check for customer feedbacks. Cheap computing does not imply quality computing and quality products rarely come for throwaway prices. Researching on the company reputation can help you understand whether it is wise to opt for a cheap hosting option. Even in cases of off-site servers, you have to check for the vendors’ reputation. There may be many cheap hosting options available in the market. At the same time, there are an equal number of inferior services being offered by these so-called cheap hosting providers.

The dedicated servers can be cheap because of many reasons. In many cases, providers use cheap quality hardware for the servers. Sometimes, the customer services are as good as non-existent while at other times connectivity is inadequate. When you find that the hosting options you have in front of you have a poor reputation and discouraging feedbacks, you should stay away from them. It is better to spend money to get quality hosting and superior servers. You should reassess your budgets and agree to spend more on a service that will resolve your problems faster, cater to your clients and guarantee a high degree of stability and reliability.

Dedicated servers which are low priced may actually make you spend money once you have already signed up for them. This money will be charged to clients in the form of installation fees, licensing fees, prices for extra upgrades and updates and migration fees. So, when you are buying dedicated hosting, it is very important to find out if there are any hidden charges or not. A cheap priced dedicated server hosting plan may not offer your business the scalability it requires. When you cannot avail of additional resources for further growth of your business, there is no point in spending money on buying dedicated server hosting. So, you need to evaluate your business needs first before you sign an agreement with any host that is offering you cheap dedicated servers.

At times, hosts can offer you cheap servers because they use inferior hardware quality. This means that the components can malfunction at any time whereupon you will need new hardware as replacements. So, it is necessary to check for hardware replacement guarantees before you settle for any cheap dedicated server hosting provider. When choosing dedicated server hosting plans it is also important to find out about the data centers where the servers are hosted. You should settle for a provider only if the data center migration in question is fault-resilient and has redundant power supplies, cooling systems and proper fire and smoke detection measures. The data center should not only be well-equipped to handle unexpected accidents but it should deploy effective security arrangements to prevent data breaches. So, before signing on any apparently cheap deals with any hosting provider, you need to do a proper background check. You must know what your business requirements are and what exactly the host will offer you in its package. Only then can you grow seamlessly and enjoy a rewarding and cordial relationship with your vendor.

UNIX to LINUX Migration Expected to Increase by 2017

With modernization at its heights, CIOs are doodling strategies to keep up with these transitions. If businesses do not step towards advancements, being backward will expose them to vulnerabilities, and they might be deprived of the right to stay potent in the market. Modernization deals with social changes from agricultural land to industrial ones, wherein innovative technologies play an indispensable role.

Where Mahindra and Mahindra is all set to launch its Kool Utility Vehicle (KUV) 100 cars in India, Seagate Technology plc (NASDAQ: STX) has recently launched its first 10TB enterprise capacity hard disk drive (HDD), and Uber has announced a new feature for developers called Uber Trip Experiences – seems like, every business tycoon is targeting to attract the attention of its users for better ROI and business throughput. This is what compelling CIOs to migrate from proprietary, closed architecture based on UNIX to the benchmarking open systems based upon x86 infrastructure.

Before we dig into details, let’s have a quick glance over the key factors driving quick Linux adoption:

Over the past few decades, IT organizations are continuously underpinned with financial pressures to cut down operational and capital expenses, all without sacrificing service levels. In this regard, it is measured that companies which migrated their core enterprise applications to open Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) have lowered down their total cost of ownership while gaining top of the line performance.

Reasons for Migrating to RHEL

There are a number of reasons that have fuelled up the Linux adoption rate.

  • Linux provides additional capacity to meet changing business demands
  • It helps in improvising business continuity by offering higher availability
  • It helps businesses to align with their set objectives

Some of the Facts Supporting Linux Adoption: Gartner Study

Fact: By 2017, approximately 65% of core enterprise applications running on any of proprietary variants of UNIX operating systems in the year 2012 will be migrated to Linux based architecture, making IT planning inevitable.

Analysis: It was found that there are several factors that are outpacing UNIX anchor, irrespective of the fact that UNIX holds a great position after a major modernization or consolidation project. This growth is driven by emergence of Xeon-EX (7500 series) technology defining high-performance scalability. The other reason supported for Linux spread is – high level of logical scalability offered by the Linux kernel; improvisation of hypervisors and virtualization tools; and top of the line networking and clustering across several nodes.

Recommendation: It is recommended that businesses should not sanction more than 20% of their budget to UNIX with respect to IT procurement.

Fact: Linux scalability and reliability are the two major factors that will surpass UNIX by 2017; however the deployment pattern (scale-out cluster and fabric infrastructure) will continue to remain the same in 2017.

Analysis: It is expected that advantages of RISC/Itanium will fade away owing to fastest development cycle of the x86 platforms. In addition, enterprises like Red Hat, SUSE, and Oracle have shown how Linux is at par with UNIX in terms of features and functionalities. There is no denying the fact that RISC/Unix cannot be completely overshadowed, and it will be one of the prevalent technologies for other approaching years, however the presence of these technologies can be only witnessed in conventional data center setups. The new hyper-scale data centers Migration that are built, or are, currently, in the mid of the construction process will encompass high-tech, inexpensive and low-energy consuming blades.

Recommendation: Businesses looking forward for better returns should try to focus more on hard partitioning, high-end VM Hosting deployment and containers on Linux x86 environments. This approach will significantly help organizations to meet HA high-level database management systems and application consolidation, from 2015-2017.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Modernizing data center infrastructure is on the top priority list of CIOs initiatives. In line with this, moving UNIX based systems to Linux is a bountiful bet owing to its cost advantage which allows businesses to leverage private and public cloud deployments. The decision to utilize RHEL for critical business applications is not only strategic but also a financial decision. It is found that businesses that opted for this environment have gained maximum management benefits and business agility. On top of it, world will witness a great Linux adoption with the increase in the number of ERPs and DBMS users opting to switch from UNIX to Linux platform.

Looking forward to migrate your complex UNIX architecture to Linux environment? If yes, connect to our Linux support specialists right away at 1-800-212-2022.

Virtual Machines: Everything you need to Know

The concept of a virtual machine was introduced in the 1960s when IBM created the first time-sharing operating system CP-40. Since then, virtual machines have undergone tremendous improvement and burgeoned in both popularity and usage. If you still have no idea what virtual machines are, this guide will help you through.

What is a Virtual Machine?

A virtual machine, abbreviated as VM, is the virtual representation of a physical computer. It is a virtualized environment that behaves like a separate computer with virtual hardware devices. It runs as a process in a window on your operating system. A virtual machine is called the guest whereas the physical machine on which it runs is called the host.

It is possible to create multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine by means of virtualization. These virtual machines, however, cannot interact directly with a physical computer.

A VM relies on specialized software, known as a hypervisor, for its operations, bridging the gap between the virtual entity and the physical hardware. The hypervisor serves multiple purposes, ensuring isolation between virtual machines and efficiently distributing computing resources (CPU, RAM, and storage) to each instance, thus demonstrating the practicalities of virtual machine use.

The hypervisor allows the physical computer to separate its operating system and applications from its hardware, which can then divide itself into many independent virtual machines. These hypervisors can be of two types: Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 Hypervisor: Also called as a bare-metal hypervisor, this type of hypervisor runs directly on the hardware of the host computer. Here, there is no operating system or any other software layer between the hypervisor and the host hardware. So, in this case, we have:

A Physical Machine

Hypervisor installed on the Hardware

Guest Virtual Machines

These types of hypervisors are fundamental OS platforms for running VMs. Therefore, the physical machine hosting the hypervisor is solely dedicated to virtualization. To enable activities like instance creation or migration, these hypervisors rely on a separate software product—a management console. This console allows you to connect to the hypervisor and efficiently oversee your virtual environments, optimizing their virtual machine use.

Type 2 Hypervisor: Also called as hosted hypervisors, these run on the operating systems of the host computer. They are hosted on the guest OS and run as another software layer to enable virtualization. So, in this case, we have:

A Physical Machine

OS Installed on the Server Hardware

Hypervisor installed on the OS

Guest Virtual Machines

Type 2 hypervisors are typically used where there are a small number of servers. They do not need a separate management console to create and manage virtual machine instances. These operations can be done on the server that hosts the hypervisor. The hypervisor behaves as an application running on the host system.

How can I set up a Virtual Machine?

Now that you know what a virtual machine is, let us see how you can set it up. The very first thing you need to do is to install a virtual machine app. The popular virtual machine programs you can choose from include VirtualBox, VMWare and Parallels Desktop (discussed below).

Once you are done with installing the app, here are the steps you need to follow:

Open your VM app and click on the button or link to create a new VM.

This will open a wizard that will guide you through the process. Follow the instructions on it. The wizard may show default values while choosing an operating system. Make sure you change it to the values you want.

You will be prompted to create a virtual database. This option can be skipped if you already have the virtual disc of choice.

In the next step, you can create a dynamically allocated or fixed-size disk. You can choose the size of your disc. You can either go with default settings or tailor it to fulfill your requirements.

When you are done finally, click the ‘Create’ button and your virtual hard disc will be created.

You will be directed to the main app Window. If you have multiple VMs, you can choose the one you want and hit the ‘Start’ button to run your new VM.

How can I scale my virtualization set up?

The easiest way to scale up a virtualization set up is by adding additional memory. This allows you to run more VMs concurrently. When you increase the memory of your host system, you can increase the memory of each VM, leading to improved overall performance. Needless to say, the increase should be supported by the host operating system.

How can I migrate my virtual machine?

Here are the steps through which you can migrate your virtual machine:

On your virtual software, select the VM you want to migrate. Click on the ‘Migrate’ option to start the migration.

Select the destination you want to migrate to (the host computer). You will have a list of choices depending on compatibility. If you are not sure of the destination, you can select from any of these choices.

If your software has a drag-and-drop function, you can use it to move your VM folders to the destination computer.

What are the benefits of Virtual Machines over traditionally-used physical hardware?

A virtual machine offers several benefits when compared to traditional hardware:

Enhanced Resource Utilization: Since multiple VMs run on a single physical computer, you don’t need to buy new hardware each time you want to run an OS. This way, you get more RoI from each piece of hardware owned.

Scalability: You can leverage the power of cloud hosting to deploy multiple copies of the same virtual machine to manage an increase in workload.

Flexibility: VMs offer the flexibility to create new environments and handle new tasks instantly. It is much faster and easier to deploy virtual machines than to install an OS on a physical server.

Portability: You can easily migrate a VM to a physical computer of choice. This way, workloads can be allocated to servers with additional computing power. VMs can also be moved between on-premises and cloud environments; this makes them suitable for hybrid cloud hosting environments where you can move your data between a data center migration and a cloud hosting service provider.

Security: A virtual machine is far superior to OS running directly on hardware when it comes to security. VMs can be easily scanned for threats by an external program. You can create a snapshot of a VM anytime and then restore it if becomes infected with malware.

Types of Virtual machines

Virtual machines come in various types, categorized based on their functions and applications. Some common types include:

1) Full Virtualization

This type replicates the entire hardware environment, allowing multiple operating systems to run independently.

2) Para-Virtualization

Operating systems here are aware they’re virtualized, optimizing performance through direct communication with the hypervisor.

3) Hardware-assisted Virtualization

Leverages hardware extensions to improve virtualization performance and security.

4) Operating System Level Virtualization

It enables multiple isolated user-space instances on a single OS kernel.

5) Container-based Virtualization

Utilizes lightweight containers to run applications, sharing the host OS kernel for efficient resource use.

These variations cater to diverse needs, offering specific advantages and functionalities in the realm of virtualization.

What I can use Virtual machines for?

If you are wondering what a virtual machine can be used for, here are some practical applications of virtual machines.

1) Test New Operating Systems

With VMs, you can try a new operating system on your physical computer without affecting your primary OS.

So, if you are a Windows user and want to give any other OS, say Linux a try. Virtualization is the easiest way to get it done. All you need to do is to install a hypervisor and create a new virtual machine. You can then take any Linux installation and install it as a virtual machine and run Linux (guest OS) in a window within your host OS.

2) Create Software for Other Platforms

VMs can also be used for testing websites and applications across different platforms. So, if you are developing an application for both desktop and mobile platforms, you can use VMs to test both the versions on your computer. So, instead of moving the installer files to your phone and other computers, you can mimic them using virtual instances.

3) Run Incompatible Software

Now, let’s say you are using a system with Windows 10 but need a software that’s compatible with older versions of Windows or can run on a Mac system only. VMs come in handy in such scenarios as they offer a great environment for running software that’s incompatible with your current machine. Using an installer, you can install and run the software on a virtual OS.

4) Manage Potential Malware

As we have already discussed, one of the major benefits of a virtual machine is that it operates in an environment isolated from your main system. So, you can take security risks that you would otherwise avoid.

You may wish to download a software but not sure if it is coming from a legitimate source. Or, you may want to test an anti-virus program without putting your system at risk. A virtualized environment is the best way to test it.

That said, there’s always a chance that the malware you are testing can identify that it is running in a virtual environment and tries to break out. So, need to exercise caution.

5) Create Backups through Snapshots

Another great feature of virtual machines is that you can create their system-level snapshots that can be instantly restored whenever required. So, let’s say you want to install an application that’s potentially unstable. Or, you want to modify certain system configurations. In each of these cases, you are hesitant about things going wrong.

With virtual machines, it is possible to take a snapshot and create a complete copy of the VM at any point in time. So, if anything goes wrong, you can just restore the snapshot and keep working as before.

Besides, these snapshots are saved as single files that you can move and store elsewhere on your host machine. With snapshots as a backup, you can try new things on a VM first and then make changes on your main system.

6) Browse Securely

We browse through dozens of sites every single day. Some of these can be potentially dangerous. With a virtual machine, you can take a snapshot of your computer and restore it after each browsing session. This allows you to browse safely without any risk of infection. You can use a temporary virtual desktop located on your server for the same.

Which are the best virtual machine programs to choose from?

The marketplace is full of virtual machine programs that you can choose from and make the most of virtualization technology. Some of these include:


It is a free virtualization software that can be run on Windows, Linux as well as Mac. The program has over 1 lakh registered users. If you are someone new to virtual machines, VirtualBox can be a good option as it offers a large range of client and host combinations. Besides, the program does not have a paid version, so you do not have to pay and upgrade to access superior features.

VirtualBox offers features such as 3D virtualization, multi-screen resolutions as well as reliable hardware support.


VMWare comes in three different versions: VMware Workstation Pro, VMware Fusion and VMware Workstation Player.

VMware Workstation Pro is suitable for professional users who need a powerful virtual machine that can run multiple applications on guest operating systems simultaneously. VMware Fusion, on the contrary, is a simpler application designed for personal users who want to run Windows on a Mac machine. The package supports iMac display.

VMware Workstation Player comes with both free and paid versions. If you need a VM program for personal use, you can download a free version. Those who work on a home computer and want to get familiar with different operating systems or want to make their computer more secure can choose the free version. The professional version requires a license key and starts at $150.

Parallels Desktop 

Parallels Desktop is an affordable option that integrates well with Mac OS. It allows Mac users to run Windows on their Mac computers. Users can run Mac and Windows applications side by side without rebooting, launch programs directly from Mac dock and access cloud storage. It can also run other operating systems such as Chrome OS, Linux distributions and other Mac versions.

The software comes with a basic version that starts at $80. The professional version that comes at a higher price offers better integration, support and networking options. There is even a business version for enterprise-level management.

Gnome Boxes

Gnome Boxes is a virtual machine program that has been designed for Linux. It lets you customize all kinds of virtualization tools, right from setting up a specific workstation to enabling operating systems. It comes with an easy-to-use interface that allows you to see the virtualization systems you have at any point in time and how they are performing.

The program has proved beneficial for many advanced users of Linux as it helps fulfill their complex requirements. Its wide array of features including its ability to build an OS image directly from an URL and a quick setup wizard make it a highly sought-after option.

So, that’s all on the basics of a virtual machine. If you are looking for a VM hosting service, get in touch with our experts today.

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