Recent Trends in Optimization of Web Content for Targeted Keywords

Jul 29,2021 by Manoj Yadav
Targeted Keywords

It is necessary to review SEO tactics from time to time because the Google algorithms are changed many times in a year. Marketers must make sure that they remain abreast of the changes and design a robust SEO strategy for their organization or clients. SEO tactics must be safe and be able to drive more traffic.

Understanding the significance of on page SEO

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the subject, we need to dig deeper in the two main aspects of optimizing a website or a blog post. It should be noted that the ongoing discussion focus on optimization of content and not the website as a whole. Hence we will be looking closer at ‘on page’ and not ‘on site’ optimization by considering factors responsible for on page optimizations such as:

  • Use of heading tags (h1,h2,h3, etc)
  • Keyword use
  • Keyword placement
  • Overall quality of content
  • Outbound and inbound links
  • Inclusion of multi-media

Optimization of your content for targeted keywords is the most time tested technique to help search engines rank your content by picking up the appropriate keyword. It must be understood that Google does consider multiple factors for ranking in addition to keywords. There are multiple on-page as well as off-page parameters to consider.  

On-page SEO- deeper insights

Relevance of on page search engine factors keep on changing every year. There is a long list of on page search engine factors and the most recent ones are as follows:

  • Keyword relevance
  • Proof terms
  • Internal links
  • Keywords in content body

These are the most important factors need to be considered for on page optimization as per the latest Google trends. Addition of rich content including video is sure to propel your SEO efforts.

The first and most significant on page SEO tactic is to use targeted phrase or keyword in the very beginning and the same should not be repeated in title tag just to earn higher ranking. The main keyword must be included in main title and also in the first paragraph of the article.

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We should also avoid longer titles that are having more than 65 characters. In order to optimize URL for targeted keywords, you need to post them in the beginning without use of special characters in URL.

Use of heading tags also plays key role in use of on page SEO tactics. H1 tag I reserved only for the title and avoid repeating H2 and H3 tags to avoid negative ranking. The ideal density of keywords and phrases should be restricted to 1.5 percent only.

Use of meta-description tags is an important aspect on page SEO tactics and your keywords should be included in these tags and meta-description section. The meta-description tags should not exceed 160 characters and should be simple and easy.

With the advent of image search friendly search engines, addition of images and videos plays a vital role in on page SEO. Using multiple images that are small in size and inclusion of targeted key word in the title of image makes great sense.

Keeping a higher word count of blogs is a prudent SEO tactic. Usually you should focus at minimum 700 words (or even more) for your blogs to make them more SEO friendly.

Internal links play a vital part in boosting your SEO efforts. Linking it to your other posts can improve total time spent by visitor on your page and will boost its SEO. It is also advisable to provide links to trusted websites to enhance credibility of your post.

Some of the latest on site and off site SEO tactics

Your site must have a mobile compatible design and a solid technical site structure with a user friendly design. Inclusion of internal links and be a good tactic along with regular feeding of informative and useful content. Sharing buttons for social media help a lot. These should be large sized or floating style buttons to attract and engage visitors.

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Offsite SEO tactics should involve building strong social bonds and leverage the social network for exploring guest post opportunities. The off-site content should include branded anchor text with proper length of text. Customer reviews on authoritative platforms such as Google Plus definitely help in boosting off-site SEO efforts. Visual content creation and dissemination should be a priority in off-site SEO.

Common non-technical factors for enhanced user experience

The overall objective of implementing some of the not-so-technical factors is to improve user experience of your content. These include some of the old-school tactics such as using bucket-brigades that are short phrases to keep the reader engaged for higher dwell time.

It should be noted that the basic objective of posting a blog or content is to make it meaningful and informative. The post should be considered as an authoritative manual for the targeted keywords. Remember, Google will rank your page higher if it is able to keep the visitor engaged. Use of sub-headings that include compelling attributes of the subject is a good idea.

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