10 Ways to Keep Your VPS Server Host Completely Secured

Feb 17,2021 by Nishant Nath

Posted by Swapnil Shukla

Apart from being an excellent platform for web hosting, cheap VPS server hosting has other additional capabilities and proficiencies about which most of them are unaware. Most of the users of VPS hosting are usually owners of big and medium based e-commerce websites or hosting websites of their own. The application of VPS hosting goes up to where your imagination ends.

But every application of VPS hosting needs to be secured from any kind of external threat. A ready to use VPS server is not the ultimate goal, it should also be relatively secured. The security of your VPS host relies a lot on the way you have set it up. There are very simple things that when kept in mind will help your VPS host to be less prone to getting attacked. Here are some of the simple hacks applied during setting up-

– Always access your VPS server host with the help of SSH or Secure Shell access. 

– Always keep on updating your VPS host.

– Try to keep on making new users so that you can keep on modifying your server to get all the privileges. 

– Try to enable public-key authentication 

– Do not start to go further with the application without setting up a firewall

Those were some basic security checks during the setup of your VPS host. But more security steps can be adopted to secure your VPS host even more. Let’s go through these steps one by one-

1) Always keep the security updating mode automatic

This is one of the most helpful and proven security steps to keep your VPS server dually secured. We understand that you have timing constraints and that might not allow you to keep on updating the OS.

The process of rebooting is a time taking process and thus is a concern for many of the VPS host server owners. As you might be aware of the importance of updating and rebooting a VPS host. If a VPS server has not been updated or rebooted for a long time, then there is a hundred times more possibility of it getting hacked. This is because a system running on an older version is more vulnerable and can be easily exploited.

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It does not take much of an effort to manage patching timings. One just needs to plan a little before and maintain the timings when your Windows need maintenance. All of this when controlled and maintained through an automatic updating system reduces the downtime.

2) Don’t allow logging in with the root user-

When someone logs in with the root user details then he or she gets more power to make changes to the server’s specifications. But these privileges bring in many responsibilities along with the powers. Now if a person not with the same level of authority will log in with the root user details then they might have negative intentions. Hence, it becomes very important to disable the login with the root user feature. It is one of the greatest security measures and will keep your VPS host secured from unnecessary hacking instances due to irresponsible login. 

3) Keep the admin account most secured-

 An administrator account should be named in a way that cannot be easily guessed. Like keeping the username of the admin account as “Administrator” can be so easily guessed and invites a hundred times more attacks on your VPS server host. Always try to choose the toughest name for the admin account username. 

But not only the username, but the password should also be chosen very carefully. Use the perfect blend of a mixed case, numbers, special characters, foreign words, etc. to keep the password highly strong. A strong password keeps your VPS server safe from brute-force attacks. 

4) Keep the latest version of the software- 

When you work with the old version of any software then the chances of attack increase exceptionally. This brings the need to keep the software updated and try to work on its latest version only. For this, you can keep the process to the automatic stage. A CMS helps you in keeping track of the latest software and its updates. You will then feel no need to keep track of yourself. 

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5) Control the VPS server logs –

Keeping track of the operations of the VPS server is of no harm. It is highly suggested to keep track of all the ongoing server logs. When you keep track of the server logs then you are pre-informed about some upcoming issues and can be prepared to handle them much before they happen.

Once you will start tracking the server logs, you will get to know more about resource usage, traffic density, user interactions, technical errors, etc. This will bring you more close to your business and helps you in analyzing issues with a broader perspective. 

6) Set up your own firewall-

Although the Linux-based operating system has a world-class pre-installed firewall, still it’s safer to set up your own firewall. A firewall helps in managing the database in a better way and makes integration of control panels easier.

A firewall configuration provides solid security for your VPS and enhances your skills at managing firewall settings simultaneously. It can be easily added to the main firewall and then tracks your website, database, etc.

7) Keeping a backup is a must-

A VPS hosting provider will keep a backup for all your server belongings still keeping a backup would be best for other security purposes. Now there are hosting packages that provide online as well as offsite backups just like Go4hosting cheap VPS server hosting package.

8) Use SFTP to transfer files-

Using the FTP protocol for transferring files online sounds easy but is not very secured. SFTP way of sending files from servers to any online platform. Configuring the FTP protocol is very easy but is not the preferred protocol for transferring files online.

9) SSL certificates –

SSL certificates will help you in getting such notifications as shown above…

SSL certificate is the best way to maintain a relationship of trust between the server and the client. It does not interfere with your privacy and keeps your data safe. It also keeps your login details safe and your files less prone to be corrupted while any kind of transfer.

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10) Maintain a User Account Policy-

Setting up a user account policy manual helps your VPS server in many ways. This becomes more important when your website is a type where there is frequent multiple user access. The policies can be such as you can restrict empty passwords, keeping a lockout policy, disallow reversible encryption, session timeout due to inactivity. 

Such steps will help you in maintaining your VPS host optimally. Don’t just settle with the default settings, keep on trying new things to make your VPS host more secured. 

Managing your own VPS host will provide more satisfaction and in-depth knowledge. So try to implement the above-mentioned security steps and let us know that what changes were felt.

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