Dedicated Servers & VPS protection for 2021- 5 tips for 5X protection

Jul 21,2021 by Manoj Yadav

Improve the security of the Dedicated servers and Virtual Private Hostings extra spendings.

VPS or a dedicated server for commercial businesses offer great choices in terms of privacy, processing power, core performance, network, and hardware security. That’s the reason why big publications like Statista predict a steep rise in the global market for the coming decade.

Still, there are ways SMEs can enhance the security and overall functionality of servers by following simple tips and ditch hacking attempts that are growing in intensity as well as frequency. Before spending money on premium security services for protecting VPS servers or dedicated servers, these simple and practical tips can enhance the security quotient.

In this article, we will share some of those time-tested tips followed by professionals throughout the industry. If you are new to the world of Dedicated Servers and the benefits they offer to businesses of all sizes, this write-up will help you build a better understanding. Let us jump right in!

Top tips for better Dedicated Server Hosting and the VPS protection

Create Complex Passwords

Many people follow a simplistic approach while allocating their log-in credentials. However, this can severely compromise the security of a server network. Easy passwords can be guessed instantly by hackers who are already a step ahead due to the advanced security penetration techniques. 

It pays well to set an alphanumeric password and change it frequently. The complex password can even be designed to include letters in upper and lower cases. Do not forget to store the password in a secured place or easy retrieval in case you forget the password of your VPS or dedicated server.

Use a Secured Internet Service Provider

VPS protection

Commercial servers should never be connected to unprotected environments of public cafes or other places that offer free access to Wi-Fi-enabled internet facilities. Generating a static IP through a reliable service provider and using it to block access points is a good practice in addition to an updated firewall configuration. 

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Enhancing security via automated malware and virus scans is also a good option. Moreover, you need to regularly monitor your server notifications and warnings. Failure to do so can be disastrous. A weekly error log-test must be scheduled to maintain the sound performance of the servers at all times.

Access Protection-Eliminate Password Use

One of the most popular ways among hackers to breach servers is through the use of guessing passwords and usernames and using high-tech tools to decode them, known as Automated Brute Force Attacks.  

Prevention of automated brute force attacks can be achieved simply by changing the SSH listening port from the default SSH Port 22 to a different port. This will help you prevent attackers from trying to compromise server security. 

The next step is to make sure that you have generated an SSH key and allow users to access the server by configuring it. This method reduces the probability of the server being hacked for gaining unauthorized entry by the use of a password. Protection from brute force attacks can also be enabled by protecting vital points of server access. 

An alternative method of defending against such attempts to log in to your VPS or dedicated server is by establishing a robust system for monitoring frequent and unsuccessful login attempts. This is because modern hackers have the means to leverage sophisticated computing systems designed to generate quick and multiple login attempts by guessing passwords. The monitoring system can simply block the IP address used by hackers to force entry into the system. Reputed hosting service providers empower VPS and dedicated servers by including chalk for assured security against brute force attacks. 

Security through SSL and TLS

Server administration should only be implemented by user interfaces that are secured by using Transport Level Security or TLS. This protocol is ideal for protecting communications between computers and servers through enhanced privacy. Any bit of data that is being exchanged between a VPS and a dedicated server hosting undergoes encryption. This simple protocol is extensively used for preventing hackers from accessing your server by stealing login information. 

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It is essential to adopt a dedicated SSL because even a self-signed SSL may not prove to be the most ideal way to secure your server. The dedicated SSL needs to be installed through WHM or SSH root.

Updating the Software

Software updates are one of the simplest and obvious ways to strengthen the security of servers. Performing routine updates is a mandatory exercise to keep your server in the nest pink of its health.

Obsolete software applications serve as gateways to hackers who can easily break into your servers listening by exploring software entry points. Never make the mistake of declining an update because it can prove to be costly in the longer run


Dedicated servers are the way of the future and businesses around the world know this. With the unprecedented benefits it has offered, cyber security is a concern you should be prepared for. However, in addition to dedicated server security protocols, these few tips for VPS protection services will help you in the long run.

If you want to know more about Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, VPS, and an array of cutting-edge technology that you can leverage to boost your business, get in touch with Go4Hosting. Happy Technology!

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