Email Marketing – Delivers Results

Jul 28,2021 by Manoj Yadav

Savvy marketers know best. For promotional, they still use email as the direct way to reach audiences.

Here are a few good reasons why they do so.

  • Via emails you can connect to prospects no matter what device they are using.
  • People make use of their email addresses to create accounts on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
  • People store email addresses for years.

But somewhere along the line something went a bit awry. People were flooded with emails, more than they can handle.

Was it spam filters? Perhaps, yes. People started assuming email marketing as spam, with the result unsubscribe rates spiked up.

Fewer people than before were opening emails. But there is a reason to this.

Advertisers have several approaches for user tracking.

Typically advertisers use browser data to pull-in visitor information. The problem with cookie data, however is it is not reliable.

We all know cookies can be cleared. The other issue is cookies may not be tracking correctly.

Luckily emails do not have all such drawbacks. This is because people use various devices to browse the internet, including desktops, laptops, phones and tablets.

As one marketer rightly pointed out, “Email is one such platform that consolidates all of people’s browsing experiences via websites, social media and mobile devices”.

Before we go ahead on this topic of email marketing, let us try to have a look at different stages of a conversion funnel.

1. Recognizing

  • Consumers discover your brand for the first time

2. Deliberation

  • Consumers realize they have an interest in your product/service.
  • They return to your website for more information.
  • Prospects try to get in touch with your company rep.
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3. Consolidation

  • Prospects display more interest in your brand by frequently visiting your website and interacting with marketing material like newsletters and emails.

4. Conversion & retention

Website visitors buy your product. They come back to make a purchase again.

Email is not dead, and it will never be. Rather it is alive and kicking.

Are you aware that nearly two-thirds of all consumers over the age of 15 purchased a product because of email?

If this does not convince you yet, ask any successful retailer. He or she can provide you with figures as to how many visitors they have received through email marketing.

Keep in mind that email is now more powerful than ever before.

Even with a plethora of digital technologies to choose from, marketers still rely on email server hosting for driving revenue for their business.

Among the various digital marketing tactics such as blogs, social media, SEO, paid search, mobile/SMS, ecommerce and email, the last mentioned wins head on.

Now that you are convinced that email delivers, here are a few tips on how to make them effective.

Get your emails opened

  • This is not as straightforward as just mailing your ads to your list of contacts.
  • To get your mails opened you must make it as interesting as possible. Instead of the company name, use your name instead as the address. This makes the mail personal.
  • Keep in mind that people like to interact with a real person on a one-to-one basis.

Write an enthralling headline

  • The subject line must shout a promise that the contents will help solve your target audience’s problem.
  • Use power words to grab attention. 

Arouse their curiosity

  • If the subject line captivates they will not resist opening your mail.

The content

  • The opening line of the letter must address each reader by his/her first name.
  • Keep the body short by avoiding unnecessary information. Your objective must be to get readers’ attention and develop rapport.
  • Create an intimate feel by asking questions.
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The closing

  • The ending arguably is the most vital part of an email.
  • It is here that the reader will decide whether or not to respond to your email.
  • Include a well-thought out CTA (call to action).Your goal must be to get prompt action.
  • One compelling way is by creating urgency. For example, a retailer can say, “Hurry, the offer expires in a week”, or “Only a few items left”.

Marketing is all about using different engagement channels. The conversion channel demands it.

It takes only a few moments for a prospect to buy a merchandise or sign up for a service. But the roadmap to reach that point far more intricate.

Prospective consumers spend a lot of time on your website, reading blogs, reviewing products, using free trial before finally buying.

The decision making process may take days and even months. It can extend over different marketing mediums.

Keep in mind that customers are never ready to buy the first time. That is why you must stop on advertising and focus on engagement.

Each and every stage of an email campaign must be focused to a specific stage of the conversion funnel. It cannot be one-solution-fits –all strategy.

To summarize, email is the vital element that binds disparate marketing channels together. Businesses must never ignore it. 

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