Key Initiatives to Improve Sales of a Hosting Service Company

Feb 17,2021 by Nishant Nath

Posted by Priyanka Singh

Promoting sales of a web hosting company is a specialized task and needs deep understanding of the hosting business and knowledge about how to engage influencers. Since web hosting is a highly individual niche, one cannot simply execute routine marketing tactics that would drive hordes of customers to your business.

Improve Sales of a Hosting Service Company

Demerits of traditional marketing

Since small web hosting companies have to gain a foothold in hosting industry, which is dominated by branded giants one needs to design smart and affordable ways to compete with them.  Large and established web hosting organizations can afford to use all types of online marketing programs including PPC, affiliate marketing, blogs and article submission, to multiply their sales.

On the other hand, new hosting providers struggle to find new customers by adopting age-old methods of cold calling or outbound marketing due to limitations of budget or sheer ignorance about adopting right approach to increase sales. It is obvious that the success rates with such obsolete methods are too low and there is always a fear of earning a reputation as a spammer due to email marketing campaigns. Needless to mention, such cheap tactics including cold calling or outbound marketing hardly yield any results and the hosting company is forced into extinction.

In order to design an effective marketing strategy to boost sales of a hosting service company, we need to adopt a step by step approach. The important steps have been discussed in detail in following article.

Analyze existing methods of marketing

Whether you are a new or small hosting company, there has to some kind of marketing initiatives undertaken by the management. These may include affiliate marketing, email marketing, or cold calling campaigns. It is observed that some hosting providers call customers of other companies with the aim of converting the clients. The percentage of success by using these methods cannot be more than 5 percent. This is an abysmally low success rate considering the amount of efforts and expenses involved in such low yielding campaigns.

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Understanding current and future budgetary allocation

If you are able to thoroughly understand current as well as future budget plans, then it will help chalk out different marketing plans. It is a common mistake on part of hosting companies not to invest in marketing activities and procuring new equipment. This leaves them with meager funds for conducting any marketing campaigns. This is a usual phenomenon with colocation hosting companies since they spend almost all funds in acquiring colocation hosting plans and are not able to plan any campaigns for growing their hosting business.

With growing competition and varying requirements of customers, one must invest prudently in execution of smart marketing campaigns such as Search Engine Optimization.

Know the secret behind your competitors’ success

There is a common tendency to benchmark outstanding technical capabilities of giant web hosting organizations. The small web hosting companies often fail to understand the reason behind success of these web hosting giants. If you conduct in depth study of these organizations, then you will be able to know significance of social media and online marketing.

Simple techniques for adding customers

Exploit power of affiliates-

 This is one area that needs to be focused by small hosting companies. Affiliate marketing programs are implemented regularly by successful web hosting companies.  It is observed that most of the big hosting organizations are offering handsome incentives to their affiliates to reap harvest of more customers.

Influencing the influencers- 

Hosting industry is governed by influencers such as affiliates since many individuals and even some corporate organizations are implementing affiliate programs. Bloggers are also considered to be highly influential individuals that can drive sales of a hosting company. However they are extremely selective when it comes to accepting offers and promote only high quality hosting brands. The large hosting companies engage them by making good offers by providing ranges of hosting services such as cloud hosting, dedicated hosting and VPS hosting. Bloggers are careful about their own image and hence choose the brands with caution.

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It is important to impress authoritative bloggers with quality of hosting. This can be achieved by offering them higher commissions and opportunity to test the features of hosting for as long as they wish. Once you are successful in gaining trust and confidence of influential bloggers, it would be easy to establish your hosting service through their blogs.

Significance of reviews and other strategies

One should never underestimate power of review sites as these continue to be important for impressing users who are looking for quality hosting. The process involves identification of top review sites and offering them substantial deals. You should also allow them test your servers and ask them to post reviews.

There are few more strategies to adopt in order to drive sales of a hosting business. These include retargeting the visitors who have abruptly left your site without spending sufficient time. These customers can be offered discounts while they are visiting other sites with assistance of Google ad partnership.

You should not expect instant results because marketing strategies may need a longer period to bear fruits. It is important that one continues to identify mistakes and lacunas and keep on correcting till the time the strategy starts working.

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