Vital Attributes of Web Host to Look for Before Purchasing a Web Hosting Plan

Jul 26,2021 by Manoj Yadav

One must try to get as much information as possible from a web hosting provider before finalizing the hosting deal. In order to get precise information, it is essential for you to know what factors are required to be checked before embarking on such as quest. 

Vital attributes of web hosting company

Age of a hosting company  It is important to choose serious players from the domain of web hosting services. The older lot is more likely to be reliable because there are many web hosts that begin with grand plans only to pull the shutters down within a matter of months. 

You should avoid very new entrants in the hosting business because it will be difficult to sustain los of website data and business reputation if the host decides to call it a day. Hosting companies who have proven their worth for at least a decade are the right companies to look for. 

Know the host’s infrastructure  Web hosting is one of the easiest businesses to launch by becoming a reseller webhost. Anyone can aspire to become a webhost by joining hands with hosting resellers such as ResellerClub. All you need is a brand name and logo to start your hosting company. You can take help from online logo creator tool to easily design your logo.

Why should one get associated with a reseller host if there is a better option of buying hosting plan directly from the hosting company itself? The main hosting company can always provide a greater performance, uptime guarantee and technical support to you than its reseller. 

You need to be extremely careful while selecting a webhost because availability of your online business is entirely dependent on the quality and reputation of your host. One needs to find a host that owns and operates data centers at strategic locations that match your country specific traffic. In addition to overall reputation of the host you should also understand the quality of support system developed by the host. 

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Financial backing of the host

It is essential to undertake a thorough background check of host by knowing how well the hosting company is funded. You can definitely conclude about the company’s ability to survive by understanding the financial background of the host. 

Verify the technologies and hosting plans

Since frequent switching of webhost can be a technically daunting process, it is preferable to find a host that is reliable and is backed by state of the art hosting platform. The host should provide WordPress optimized servers to operate WordPress platforms. Similarly, if your propose to use Magento or Drupal to power your site, then you need to look for a host that has earned reputation of running Drupal or Magento powered websites. 

You need to be aware of dirt cheap hosting companies because these hosts offer attractive prices as introductory offers only to hook the clients. Once the clients are ready for upgrading plans or features of hosting then these hosts jack up their prices and recover their profits.  

Points to remember before finalizing a host

You need to purchase a hosting plan from a web hosting company which has been in the business for a longer period of time and has robust plans for the future with a sound financial background. The technology used by hosting provider needs to be compatible with your website’s platform. 

It is extremely important to check the host’s ability of providing highly responsive and dependable technical support. Location of the host’s data centers should be in line with your targeted traffic. Last but not the least there has to be a trustworthy organization that is already using services of the host. 

Tips for new hosting companies

The purpose of this article is nit to malign all new hosting companies, but to impress upon promoters and owners of these companies that they should plan to build robust brands by offering high performance servers and round the clock technical support to their clients. The article attempts to put forth the sentiments of users to make new hosting companies understand the market demand and act accordingly. 

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Things to be implemented by new hosting companies

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your servers are optimized for specific segments including WordPress, Magento and Drupal among others. You need to chalk out a long term business perspective and publicize your company via major media channels to for the purpose of brand building and creation of trust quotient. 

It would be great to highlight names of your reputed clients, right on the homepage of your site. This can be combined with customer reviews and testimonials for a robust trust factor. Introduce a blog to highlight technology, culture and objectives of company for further reinforcement of the trust factor. 

Funding plays a vital role in establishment of any organization. Try to engage support of venture capitalists or a company to improve your financial outlook. You must be able to provide support of a great technical team and a viable business plan to convince your financers. In case you have already arranged for funding, then the same needs to be highlighted on your home page itself.

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